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I. 听力部分(略)

II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Uh-oh, the new year's just begun and already you're finding it hard to keep those

resolutions to junk the junk food, get off the couch or kick smoking. There's a biological reason

why a lot of our bad habits are so hard to break – they get (21)_______(wire) into our brains.

"Why are bad habits stronger? You're fighting against the power of an immediate reward,"

says Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and an authority on the

brain's pleasure pathway.

"We all as creatures are hard-wired that way, to give greater value to an immediate reward as

opposed to (22)_______is delayed," Volkow says.

How this bit of happiness turns into a habit involves a pleasure-sensing chemical named

dopamine. It causes the brain (23)_______(pursue) that reward again and again strengthening the

connection each time – especially when it gets the right cue from your environment.

People tend to overestimate their ability to resist temptations around them, thus

(24)_______(destroy) attempts to shed bad habits. Even scientists who recognize it

(25)_______show weakness."I know popcorns are not healthy. But every time I go to the cinema,

I have to eat it," Volkow says. "It's fascinating."

A movement to pay people for behavior changes may exploit that connection, as some

companies offer employees outright payments or insurance rebates for adopting better habits.


(26)______ well paying for behavior plays out, researchers say there are still some steps that

may help fight your brain's hold (27)_______newly-established habits:

Repeat, repeat, repeat the new behavior – the same routine at the same time of day. You

decide to exercise. Doing it at the same time of the morning, rather than fitting it in casually,

(28)_______(make) the striatum(终脑皮层) recognize the habit, "if you don't keep doing it, you

will feel frustrated.

Exercise itself raises dopamine levels, so eventually your brain will get a feel-good hit

(29)_______ your muscles protest。

Besides, try to reward yourself with (30)______you really desire, For instance, if you

exercised all week or stick to your diet, you could try a fancy restaurant - safer perhaps than a box

of cookies because the price inhibits the quantity。

Section B

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the

box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. necessary B. infect C. extremes D. refreshed E. spells

F. impact G. accompanied H. sufficient I. shrink J. silenced K. earned

As the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat stress, longer droughts(干

旱), and more intense rainfall events linked to global warming continue to upset our daily weather,

we often forget they also ____31____ the quantity, quality, and growing locations of our food.

Many foods have already ____32_____ top spots on the world's "endangered foods" list.

Indicating their possibility to become scarce within the next 30 years.

To start with what is ____33____ in many people’s lives, we are disappointed to find that

coffee plantations in South America, Africa, Asia, and Hawaii are all being threatened by rising

air temperatures and erratic(不稳定的) rainfall patterns, which invite disease and invasive species

to _____34____ the coffee plant and ripening beans. The result? Significant cuts in coffee output.

And Coffee's culinary cousin, cacao (aka chocolate), is also suffering stress from global

warming's rising temperatures. But for chocolate, it isn't the warmer climate alone that's the

problem. Cacao trees actually prefer warmer climatesas long as that warmth is paired with high

humidity and _____35____ rain . However, the problem is that the higher temperatures projected


for the world's leading chocolate-producing countries are not expected to be ____36____ by an

increase in rainfall. Therefore as higher temperatures sap more moisture from from soil and plants,

it's unlikely that rainfall will increase enough to make upfor loss.

A notably nutritious plant, the peanut plants grow best when it gets five months of continuous

warm weather and 20 to 40 inches of rain. Anything less and plants won't survive. That isn't good

news when most climate models agree the climate of the future will be the____37____, including

droughts and heatwaves.

The world has already caught a glimpse of the peanut's future fate when last year a serious

drought across the peanut-growing Southeastern U.S. led many plants to die. According to a

financial report, the dry____38____caused peanut prices to rise by as much as 40 percent!

Finally, in the world of sea, as air temperatures rise, oceans and waterways absorb some of

the heat and undergo warming of their own. The result is the_____39_____ in fish population.

Warmer waters also encourage toxic marine bacteria, like Vibrio, to grow and cause illness in


And that satisfying "crack" you get when eating crab(蟹) be ____40____ as shellfish struggle

to build their calcium carbonate(硫酸钙) shells, a result of ocean acidification.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,

C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

"Don't get sick in July."

This is a common refrain in teaching hospitals. It's driven by the academic calendar: July is

when the new interns — fresh out of medical school — start other words, it's when

everyone is most ____41_____. The theory is that this disadvantage leads to mistakes.

So is medical experience good or bad?Well, in most cases, your doctor's experience is very

helpful, allowing her to pick up on a(n) ____42_____ symptom early in a disease process, when

machines still can’t take a hand. She can also determine the right treatment when your condition

falls outside of what is in the ____43_____, where newbies get most of their ideas. For many

medical treatments, there's a direct connection between physician experience and your treatment


In a variety of situations, though, experience can backfire, The reason is simple ____44_____.

Doctors are human too, and they ____45____ tricks to the mind — like believing that an


ineffective treatment really works. In fact, entire fields of research are devoted to understanding

why these errors of thought occur. They ____46____ from so-called cognitive prejudice that can

mislead even ____47____practitioners into making the wrong decisions.

Doctors are usually locked onto a diagnosis early and disregard new and ____48____

information. For example, a patient may be diagnosed with a quickly fatal cancer, but then ends

up trying various herbal remedies and lives for 30 more years. Instead of analyzing the ___49___

diagnosis, the patient, and maybe even the doctor, may assume that the herbal remedies cured the


Also, some experienced doctors tend to believe evidence when it supports their previous

opinionwhile subconsciously ignoring information that opposing it. Let's say your doctor is pretty

certain you have ill digestion and orders a test to ____50_____ the suspicion, which produces

negative result. But she treats you for ill digestion anyway because she was ____51____with the

prior diagnosis by experience.

In fact, there are clearly many benefits to having a highly experienced doctor, such as

technically proficiency. But there may actually be some unexpected benefits to having a less-

experienced one too. She may have a more up-to-date education, boundless energy and perhaps is

less vulnerable to biases, freed from the same ____52___ for years.

To safeguard yourself as a patient, one thing you should always do is ____53____.It may not

always be possible to determine that your doctor has met with an unconscious thinking

_____54____. But asking questions does force your doctor to think and ____55___her

decisionabout your care.

41. A. innocent B. productive C. inexperienced D. prohibited

42. A. slight B. objective C. complex D. sustainable

43. A. media B. tradition C. reality D. textbook

44. A. psychology B. education C. procedure D. priority

45. advantage of B. make sense of C. fall victim to D. play fire with

46. A. spring B. depart C. benefit D. distinguish

47. A. highly-motivated B. well-seasoned C. deeply-offended D. wide-eyed

48. A. moderate B. visible C. conflicting D. permanent

49. A. initial B. tough le D. private


50. A. evaluate B. operate C. confirm D. revise

51. A. preoccupied B. labelled C. associated D. revise

52. A. professional circle B. thinking pattern

C..academic background D. operating order

53. A. investigating B. questioning C. monitoring D. observing

54. A. obstacle B. trap C. horizon D. struggle

55. A. practice B. accommodate C. justify D. remove

Section B

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.

Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.


Last October, I was on a diving holiday in the Philippines with with seven other advanced

divers. I dived off the boat, slowly sinking to about 20m.

After nearly 45 minutes, the sound of my breathing was drowned out by a low rumble like an

engine, and I felt deep, powerful vibrations(震动), as if a big boat with a propeller was passing

overhead. The dive instructor's eyes were wide with confusion too. We both swam next to each

other, staying close to the side of the reef(礁石). The situation felt sinister.

Then we were enveloped by clouds of white sand that mushroomed up around us, Could it be

an underwater bomb? A giant turtle raced past us and into the deep; they are normally slow

movers, so this was very weird behaviour. The vibration became so intense that I could feel it in

my bones, and the sound turned into a deafening roar. Suddenly, a few meters below us, breaks

began forming and the sand was sucked down. That's when I realized it was an earthquake. The

noise was the sound of the Earth splintering open and grinding against itself.

The instructor and I held hands and looked into each other's eyes; I felt comforted by his

presence. I was numb(麻木的)for terror but clear-headed. My body went on high alert, ready to

react. But I have no power over whatever this is. The only option is to stay very still and let it do

whatever it's going to do.

It took enormous willpower to resist the urge to swim to the surface, which is not sensible as

situation on the surface at that time was ambiguous with potential threats pending. Soon we saw

other divers.


The sound and vibration lasted only two or three minutes and when they stopped I heard the

swoosh of sand falling over the seabed. We all held hands before resurfacing to avoid

decompression sickness, which can be fatal. When up,It was a huge relief to see all the divers and

we all shared incredulous looksbefore pulling out our breathing apparatus and shouting, "What

was that?"

Back on the boat, we rushed to check the news and discovered we had witnessed a huge

earthquake, measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale. It released more energy than 30 Hiroshima bombs,

though it seemed that we were not at at the epicentre(震中). I was high and felt lucky surprisingly

not because of my recent survival miracle, but to have experienced nature at its most stunning and

its most frightening.

56. How did the author realize that they met with an earthquake?

A. By feeling the violent shake under the sea.

B. By witnessing a normally-slow turtle quickly moving by.

C. By seeing the seafloor crack.

D. By checking the news and be informed of the event.

57. Why didn’t the author rise to the surface before the vibration stopped?

A. Because the instructor gestured him not to rise.

B. Because he was numb in body.

C. Because he could sense the unclear water situation.

D. Because he tried to avoid unexpected danger above.

58. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. At the beginning of the event, a big boat passed by causing big vibration.

B. All the divers used the reef as the protection against the violent vibration.

C. I felt relieved as the instructor was experience in handling situations like this.

D. Powerless to fight nature, I was tame when under the water.

59. Why did the author feel fortunate on the boat?

A. Because he was not at the epicenter of the earthquake.

B. Because he finally survived a huge earthquake.

C. Because he could witness a rare natural phenomenon.

D. Because he didn’t suffer from decompression sickness.



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Twilight Whispers

Linked for years through friendship and intermarriage, the Warren and Whyte families find

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Police detective, hearing aboutdissensionof the families, sets out to examine the mystique behind

their superficial rapport.

Katia Morell ,daughter of the Whyte’s housekeeper, is drawn back to her growing place and

is forcedto face her life-long love for Jordan Whyte. As many secrets are uncovered,especially

about Katia’s biological father, the two young people from rival families are encountering fierce

family objection in their search for happiness.

The New Colossus

Nellie Bly, blessed with courage and reportage skill, lands two front-page stories on the

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Pulitzer is so impressed that the assigns her to a murder case confusing the police-the death

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The Last Days of Night

A young lawyer named PaulCravath, takes a case that seems impossible to win. Paul’s client,

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holding the key to defeating Edison.

Bones Don’t Lie


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