




In this collection, we have compiled a series of Chinese

phrases and expressions that are commonly used in daily

conversations. Our aim is to provide accurate and concise

translations into English, allowing readers to enhance their

language skills and improve their understanding of both

cultures. Each translation has been carefully chosen to

reflect the original meaning and intention of the Chinese

phrase, while maintaining its natural flow in English.

1. "天涯海角"

English Translation: "The ends of the earth"

Explanation: This phrase describes a faraway place,

suggesting a remote or distant location. It conveys the idea

that something or someone is located at the furthest reaches

or boundaries.

Example: They traveled to the ends of the earth to find

the treasure.

2. "一帆风顺"

English Translation: "Smooth sailing"

Explanation: This expression is used to wish someone a

smooth and successful journey or endeavor. It implies that

everything will go well without any obstacles or difficulties.

Example: May your career be filled with smooth sailing

and abundant opportunities.

3. "弄巧成拙"

English Translation: "To be too smart for one's own good"

Explanation: This phrase refers to a situation where

someone's cleverness or attempt to be cunning ends up causing

more harm or problems than if they had acted


Example: By trying to cheat on the test, he ended up

getting caught and failed. Truly, he was too smart for his

own good.

4. "珠联璧合"

English Translation: "A perfect match"

Explanation: This phrase is often used to describe a

harmonious and ideal combination of two things or people,

suggesting that they complement each other perfectly.

Example: Their partnership in the business was a perfect

match, with one excelling in marketing while the other had

great finance skills.

5. "口若悬河"

English Translation: "A silver tongue"

Explanation: This expression is used to describe someone

who has excellent or persuasive speaking skills, often able

to speak fluently and convincingly.

Example: The lawyer possessed a silver tongue, winning

over the jury with his powerful arguments and eloquence.


This collection of translations aims to provide an

accurate rendering of common Chinese phrases and expressions

into English. By understanding the meaning and usage behind

these phrases, readers can improve their language skills and

cultural understanding. Whether it's describing a distant

location or wishing someone success, these translations

capture the essence of each phrase while maintaining a smooth

and natural flow in English.

本文标签: 合集互译