


Vocabulary Worksheet #1-6

Worksheet #1

Ruin: the remain of a building, a


Debris: the remain of anything

broken down or destroyed

Litter: objects strewn or scattered


Remind: to cause to remember, to

cause to think

Dissuade: to deter by advice or

persuasion (with object)

Hesitate: pause (without object)

Terminate: to bring to an end

Overflow: to flow or run over

Ooze: thicker; to flow, percolate or

exude slowly

Gush: to flow out or issue suddenly

Trickle: to flow or fall by drop

Rip: to cut or tear apart

Fray: to wear to loose

Crease: a ridge or groove produce

Expedition: an excursion, journey or

voyage made for made specific


Trek: to travel or migrate, especially

slowly or with difficult

Journey: long trip

Excursion: short trip

Discard: to cast aisle or dispose of,

get rid of (sb. or sth.) as not longer

useful or desirable (with object)

Abandon: cease to support or tack

after sb.

Stall: stop or cause to stop making


Pile: a heap of things laid or lying one

on top of another

Suite: a set of rooms designated for

one person or family’s use or for a

particular purpose

Cluster: a number of things of the

same kind, growing or held together

Subscribe: to give or pay in fulfillment

of such a pledge

Worksheet #2

Butler: the chief manservant of a


Housekeeper: employed to manage

a household (female)

Caretaker: employed to look after a


Undertaker: preparing dead bodies

for burial or cremation and making

arrangement for funerals

Budget: Financial

Approve: officially agree to or

accept as satisfactory

Condone: accept (behavior that is

considered morally wrong or


Object: say sth. to express one’s

disapproval with sth.

Decline: politely refuse (an invitation

or offer)

Withdraw: remove or take away sth.

from a particular place or position

Forfeit: lose or be deprived of

(property a right or privilege) as a

penalty for wrongdoing (with object)

Regulate: control (something,

especially a business activity) by

means of rules and regulations

Hack off: annoy or infuriate sb.

Chop: cut into piece

Extract: remove or take our,

especially by effort or force

Amputate: cut off (a limb) by

surgical operation

Show-casing: exhibit, display

Staging: present a performance of

(a play or other show)

Hop: move by jumping on one foot

Bound: walk or run with leaping


Leap: long way

Charge: rush forward in attack

Intrude: put oneself deliberately into

a place or situation where one’s

welcome or uninvited

Interfere: intervene in a situation

without invitation or necessity

Intervene: take part in sth, such as to

prevent or alter a result or course of


Scatter-brain: tend to be

disorganized and lacking in


Braggart: boasts about their

achievement or possessions

Snob: respect for high social position

and looks down on who regard as

socially inferior

Miser: hoard wealth and spend little

money as possible

Praise: express warm approved or

admiration of

Recommend: put forward (sb. or sth.)

with approval as being suitable for a

particular purpose or role

Worksheet #3

Identified: see it first

Odour: a distinctive smell, especially

an unpleasant one

Detect: discover or identify the

presence or existence of

Blast: blow up or break apart

Demolish: pull or knock down (a


Handicap: act as an impediment to

Patron: a customer of a shop,

restaurant, etc. especially a regular


Undergo: experience or be

subjected to (sth., typically sth.

unpleasant or arduous)

Alter: change in comparatively small

but significant way (with object)

Omit: leave out or exclude (sb. or sth.)

either intentionally or forgetfully

Offensive: causing sb. to feel

resentful, upset or annoyed

Intrusive: causing disruption or

annoyance through being

unwelcome or uninvited

Instruction: tell or order sb. to do sth,

especially in a formal or official way

Prescription: an instruction written by

a medical practitioner that

authorized a patient to be issued

with a medicine or treatment

Infer: deduce or conclude sth. from

evidence and reasoning rather than

from explicit statements

Hoard: a stock or store of money or

valued objects, typically one that is

secret or carefully guarded

Assortment: a miscellaneous

collection of things or people

Worksheet #4

Witness: (noun.) a person who sees

an event, typically a crim or an

accident (verb.) see… happen

Savour: taste (good food or drink)

and enjoy it to the full

Predict: say or estimate that (a

specified thing) will happen in the


Encounter: unexpectedly be forced

with or experience (sth. hostile or


本文标签: 英语词汇拓展