


初中英语 be+形容词+介词 短语总结

1. “be+形容词+for”结构

be anxious for 为……担心(担扰);渴望

We are anxious about his health. 我们都为他的身体担心。

We are really anxious for peace. 我们确实渴望和平。

be bad for 对……有害(不利);对……不适合

Reading in the dark is bad for the eyes. 在暗处阅读对眼睛有害。

Too much rain is bad for the crops. 雨量过多对庄稼不利。

This beach is good for swimming but bad for surfing. 这片海滩宜于游


be bound for 动身去;开往

The plane is bound for New York. 这架飞机是飞往纽约的。

We are bound for movies. Do you want to go with us? 我们要去看电影,


be celebrated for 以……出名(闻名)

He is celebrated for his courage. 他以勇敢闻名。

Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens. 苏州因其美丽的园林而


be concerned for 为……担心;为……着想,关怀,关心

We’re all concerned for her safety. 我们都为她的安全担忧。

She has no thought of self. (=She is always more concerned for other

people.) 她从不为自己打算。

A good employer should be concerned for the welfare of his workers. 一


be convenient for 离……不远;做……很方便;对……来说很方便

Our house is convenient for the post office. 我们家离邮局很近便。

This place is convenient for the street. 这儿乘电车很方便。

If it is convenient for you, please call at four. 如你方便的话,请在4点


be eager for 渴望得到

She is eager for a computer. 她渴望有台电脑。

The students are eager for knowledge. 这些学生求知心切。

be enough for 对……是足够的(充足的)

Is 100 enough for all your expenses? 100英镑够你的全部开销吗?

We’ve got 500. Will it be enough for a deposit? 我们有500英镑了。够


be essential for 对……是绝对必要的(极为重要的)

That is essential for the advance of the revolution here. 那是革命要在这


Exercise, fresh air and sleep are essential for the preservation of health.


be famous for 因……而著名(闻名)

This place is famous for its scenery. 这个地方以风景出名。

France is famous for its wine. 法国因为其葡萄酒而出名。

本文标签: 渴望介词美丽出名