




I. Listening Comprehension(25’)

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. In a hair salon. B. At a dentist’s.

C. On a construction site. D. In a fitness club.

2. A. 3. B. 5. C. 6.5. D. 9.5

3. A. Pointless. B. Necessary. C. Unimaginable D. Motivating

4. A. Ben was an unlucky workman.

B. Ben could have succeeded.

C. Ben was using bad luck as an excuse.

D. Ben might have better luck next time.

5. A. Hot water isn’t available in the hotel until after 10 o’clock.

B. Hotel guests can use hot water for longer hours in winter.

C. The man needs a hot bath after being caught in a rain shower.

D. The hotel doesn’t supply hot water all day along.

6. A. The woman should smile to others and be polite.

B. The woman looks beautiful with her new hairstyle.

C. The woman would look prettier if smiled all the time.

D. The woman’s new hairstyle doesn’t look wonderful.

7. A. The model car deserves a title. B. The man should make the purchase.

C. The man will get a refund soon. D. The model car will be sold in a week.

8. A. Their daughter should never get too close to her friends.

B. Their daughter is really good at maintaining friendships.

C. Their daughter should not keep a distance from friends.

D. Their daughter should learn to keep good company.

9. A. He is much annoyed with the girl.

B. He has left some food for the girl.

C. He should have waited for the girl.

D. He has set aside some butter for the girl.

10. A. The woman should do as the boss requires.

B. The woman should alter what the boss requires.

C. The woman should not invite everyone to the feast.

D. The woman should talk to the boss immediately.

Section B


Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer

conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the

conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions

will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in

your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. She has composed a new song. B. She has made a stir on social media.

C. She has starred in a new movie. D. She has become the oldest in the world.

12. A. To show why the family enjoys the longevity gene.

B. To share the family’s daily routines with their friends.

C. To comfort those whose grandparents have passed away.

D. To make the family become a celebrity on TikTok.

13. A. Strong-willed. B. Optimistic C. Knowledgeable. D. Generous.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. Big cities have lost their appeal to seniors.

B. Many city residents flock to the countryside.

C. The lockdown has contributed to the relocation of some young people.

D. Young people join the race to leave big cities.

15. A. Affordable housing rents. B. Easy access to nature.

C. The busy city nightlife. D. A spacious apartment.

16. A. To settle down in the countryside. B. To adopt the remote working pattern.

C. To return to London in the future. D. To advise friends to abandon city life.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. The invention of chocolate chip cookies.

B. Various food innovations in man’s history.

C. Accidental discoveries in our everyday life.

D. The unique manufacturing process of potato chips.

18. A. Because she would melt and mix them into the batter.

B. Because she was short of regular ingredients.

C. Because she wanted to save materials and money.

D. Because she’d like to make the chocolate chip cookies.

19. A. Because he wanted to salt them heavily to make them delicious.

B. Because his customers were crazy about potatoes cooked that way.

C. Because they were a regular item on the restaurant’s menu.

D. Because he became sick of customer’s criticism and decided to fight back.

20. A. She thought them too good to be true.

B. She considered them very innovative.

C. She found them quite ridiculous.

D. She felt that they were quite convincing.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary(20’)


Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage

coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each

blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that

best fits each blank.

It is tempting, when your shiny New Year’s resolutions start to crumble(崩塌), to

tell (21)_____________ that self-control simply isn’t your strong point. “Oh, well,’’

you might say, surrendering to the desire for a large glass of bear, “no willpower,

that’s my problem.”

But, according to a body of scientific research, willpower is not a talent that a

lucky few (22)__________(bear) with. It is a skill to be practised. “Willpower is a

fluctuating(波动的) resource,” explains Frank Ryan, consultant clinical psychologist

and author of Willpower for Dummies. “Our level of willpower fluctuates according to

our motivation in any (23)__________(give) situation. Everybody can learn to use

their willpower more effectively.

(24)_______ _______ you are not trying to turn over a new leaf for the new

year, cultivating willpower is a good idea, as the psychologist Walter Mischel

demonstrated in the 1960s and 70s. In his famous study, a group of four-year-olds

(25)____________(offer) the choice of one sweet treat now, or two if they could wait

15 minutes. Their performance was then monitored into adulthood. The “high

delayers” went on to achieve greater academic success, better health and lower

divorce rates.

(26)____________(maximize) our chances of sticking to resolutions, Ryan says,

we should identify our “willpower profile. For example: some people are more

impulsive than others. That does come down to personality.”

Introverts tend to get energized by thoughts and ideas, so if that’s you, you should

find it easier to get motivated by inner vision than extroverts, who get fired up by

people and social approval. For introverts, (27)__________(schedule) time to reflect

on your progress, such as keeping a diary, can be helpful. For extroverts, sighing up

for a group such as Parkrun or Weight Watchers where everyone has (28)_________

common goal can help you to strengthen your resolve, as can sharing even small

progress with others.

“You need to learn the core skills to cope with triggers and cues (29)_________

activate your reward-seeking response,” Ryan adds. “It’s about coping with

temptation, which often comes from the environment: the people, places or things that

act (30)_________ motivational magnets to challenge your willpower.” In other

words: if you are trying to avoid cake, it is probably best to find a route home that

swerves the artisanal doughnuts.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word

can only be used once. Note that there is one more word than you need.


A. affordable B. consumption C. displaying D. driver E. physically

F. fail G. legally H. acknowledged I. replacing J. superior K. skip

If you were to buy the Complete Works of Primo Levi on Amazon, the price is

$58.40. If, however, you preferred to download it to your e-reader, you would need to

pay $59.49. It would cost you one dollar more not to (31)________ own the books.

This brings the question into the spotlight: Why are we increasingly paying more

money to not have the thing we buy? Amazon (32)________ receipt of but didn’t

respond to such a request for moment. But we can discuss why.

For one thing, we’ve reached a point at which it’s the digital version that won’t

(33)________ us. The hard copy used to be reliable, but that isn’t true anymore. In

fact, the digital copy is more durable than the hard one, as anyone who has scratched a

CD would likely agree. For another, we’ve come to see the digital version as

(34)________ in some ways. It’s noted that we’ll pay for things so that we’ll be able

to quickly consume a product, or (35)________ to the place in a book where a

character first appears.

It’s true that the digital is becoming an accepted part of the way we live now. But

not everyone can jump on the bandwagon(跟风), since not everyone can access that

version in the first place. This suggests a third (36)________ behind the trend: some

people are paying more because performance and participation matter more in the

new economy. That is, people are always paying more to be part of the new cool club,

and today the cool club is digital.

Whether or not it is indeed fashionable to own the digital version, the reality

remains that if the most accessible version of culture is the least (37)________, then

not everyone gets to download culture. Besides, customers get fewer rights in a digital

copy as the law won’t let them loan or resell their digital book or CD. That means

we’re paying more to be (38)________ able to do less. Or, we buy it, but we don’t

hold it.

This is the way we pay to own now and may be for the foreseeable future. That

doesn’t mean we’ve become any less fascinated by (39)________. As Wilks said,

possession is fundamentally human, and while we may change the concept of what

and how we possess, we’ll still be possessed by possessions. In other words, we still

own things. We may no longer show how well-read we are by (40)________

hardcover Primo Levi on our bookshelves, but we can bring his work with us

everywhere, without lugging around those heavy books.

III. Reading Comprehension(45’)

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases

marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the



No business would welcome being compared to Big Tobacco or gambling. Yet

that is what is happening to makers of video games. For years parents have ___41___

that their children are “addicted” to their PlayStations and smartphones. Today,

however, ever more doctors are using the term literally.

On January 1


“gaming disorder”—in which games are played ___42___, despite

causing harm— gains recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO), as the

newest edition of its diagnostic manual comes into force.

A few months ago, China, the world’s biggest gaming market, announced new

rules ___43___ children to just a single hour of play a day on Friday, Saturday and

Sunday, and none the rest of the week.

Western politicians worry publicly about some games’ similarity to gambling.

Clinics are ___44___ around the world, promising to cure patients of their habit in the

same way they might cure them of an addiction to alcohol or cocaine.

Are games really addictive? Psychologists are ____45___. The case for the

defense is that this is just another moral panic. In the old days, some killjoys issued

____46___ warnings about television, rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, comic books, novels and

even crossword puzzles.

As the newest form of mass media, gaming is merely enduring its own time in the

stocks before it eventually ___47___ to be controversial(有争议的). ____48___,

defenders argue, the criteria used to diagnose gaming addiction are too loose.

Obsessive gaming, they suggest, is as likely to be a ___49____(of depression, say) as

a disorder in its own right.

The prosecution(指控) retorts that, unlike rock bands or novelists, games

developers have both the motive and the means to engineer their products to make

them irresistible. The motive ___50___ a business-model shift.

In the old days games were bought for a single-use cost. These days, many use a

“freemium” model, in which the game is free and money is made from ___51___ of

in-game goods. That ties playtime directly to revenue.

Smartphones and modern platforms use their permanent internet connections to

send gameplay data back to developers. That allows products to be ___52___ and

modified to boost spending.

While psychologists argue the finer points of what exactly counts as addiction,

and whether gaming’s design tricks cross the line, the industry should recognize that,

in the real world, it has a problem, and that problem is growing. Now that gaming

addiction comes with an official WHO ___53___, diagnoses will become more


Clinics are already reporting ___54___ business, as lockdowns have given

gamers more time to spend with their hobby. The regulatory climate for tech is getting

___55___. And being associated in the public mind, fairly or not, with gambling and

tobacco will not do the industry any favors.


41. A. acknowledged B. confirmed C. complained D. sensed

42. A. willingly B. casually C. randomly D. compulsively

43. A. limiting B. exposing C. reducing D. subjecting

44. A. taking off B. springing up C. fading away D. turning around

45. A. hesitant B. authoritative C. split D. cautious

46. A. serious B. relevant C. bold D. similar

47. A. ceases B. continues C. attempts D. tends

48. A. Nevertheless B. Furthermore C. Vice versa D. Instead

49. A. diagnose B. treatment C. symptom D. definition

50. A. stems from B. results in C. evolves into D. amounts to

51. A. advertisements B. promotions C. deliveries D. purchases

52. A. widely-used B. repeatedly-recalled

C. massively-funded D. fine-tuned

53. A. code B. qualification C. analysis D. shelter

54. A. frustrating B. flexible C. competitive D. booming

55. A. chillier B. more agreeable

C. stricter D. more scientific

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several

questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,

B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the

passage you have just read.


Once, Mama had read about geraniums (天竺葵)in a magazine---versatile, pretty,

easy to grow---and, she became possessed with a vision of a house flooded with

flowers. The notion inspired her into motion. She spent a small fortune on elegant

plant stands, imported flowerpots and armies of fully grown geraniums. She could be

like that: my mother always had sudden sprints of creativity.

She also asked for my help, and we squatted in the backyard together, arranging

roots in their elegant containers. Mama wore long gardening gloves over her hands,

and her finger pressed soil into place with passion. She had bought me gloves too, but

I refused to wear them.

“You’ll get so dirty, Perla.”

“I want to get dirty.”

“Ay, Perla,” she said, shaking her head. She said no more but beamed with irritation.

My refusal disturbed the plan for how the geranium days should go, mother and

daughter tending flowers and don’t they look picture perfect in their matching gloves?

For half an hour she would not talk to me, but then she thawed, so absorbed in her

project that she forgot my fault, or perhaps for fear that I might abandon the project



本文标签: 学年中学考试