





茱莉亚·卫兰(Julia Whelan)是美国著名的配音演员,比如,她曾为塔拉·韦斯特弗的小


奖”(Audie Awards)最佳女配音员奖。她已制作过几百本有声书,对她来说,每一次朗读


That Voice You're Hearing? It Might Be Hers.

By Katherine Rosman

Julia Whelan climbed into the double-walled, foam-insulated booth in her home office near

Palm Springs, Calif. In preparation, she had refrained from alcohol the night before, had avoided

dairy since waking at and had run through the humming and vocalizing of her warm-up


Whelan, 38, is the soothing, assured female voice behind more than 400 audiobooks, as well

as the narrated versions of many articles.

Her narrating voice, slightly different from her regular speech, is crisp and low-pitched.

There is no singsong, no upspeak. Her narration is a raised eyebrow and a tilt of the head.

"I have an absolute voice crush on her," said Olivia Nuzzi, New York magazine's Washington

correspondent. "There is some Joan Didion quality to her voice, detached but not uninterested,

with a conspiratorial tone that makes her a very compelling storyteller."

As she spent time subsuming herself in the writing of others, she began to think more about

her own creative ambitions. Just before the pandemic, she began "Thank You for Listening,"

combining her writing with the experiences she has collected as a narrator.

Whelan said that she also learns about her writing when she experiences it as a narrator.

"There is something about it that changes when you're performing it," she said. "I read the book

out loud during every stage of its revisions but it's different when you sit down and have the

microphone in front of you, when I finally am inhabiting all the characters and the story comes to




te [ˈɪnsjəleɪt] v. _________________

[buːð] n. _________________

n [rɪˈfreɪn] v. _________________

[ˈdeəri] n. _________________

[hʌm] v. _________________

ze [ˈvəʊkəlaɪz] v. _________________

-up [ˈwɔːmʌp] n. _________________

ng [ˈsuːðɪŋ] adj. _________________

d [əˈʃɔːd] adj. _________________

ook [ˈɔːdiəʊbʊk] n._________________

[krɪsp] adj. _________________

-pitched [ˌləʊˈpɪtʃt] adj._________________

ng [ˈsɪŋsɒŋ] n. _________________;adj. _________________

k [ʌpspiːk] n. _________________

[krʌʃ] n. _________________

ed [dɪˈtætʃt] adj. _________________

ratorial [kənspɪrəˈtɔːriəl] adj. _________________

ling [kəmˈpelɪŋ] adj. _________________

e [səbˈsjuːm] v. _________________

on [rɪˈvɪʒn] n. _________________







The idea of unplugged running is gaining steam in the fitness community, as recent studies

show that being addicted to tracking fitness metrics can lead to negative mindsets and outcomes.

Eoin Whelan, a senior lecturer in business information systems at the National University of

Ireland Galway, explores the psychology behind engagement with social media and fitness

tracking apps. “People are getting more enjoyment out of gathering the data and analyzing that

and sharing it with other people”, Whelan told CNN, adding that there is a big element of social

comparison for those who use fitness tracking apps. “People will compare themselves to people

who are better than them, who are running faster or running longer. And ultimately we know that

makes them feel bad.”

Whelan also noted that people who are very reliant on smartwatches. fitness trackers or

fitness apps are more likely to skip their workout if the batteries on their tracking devices are dead.

It’s like we can’t interpret our own body signals. We are becoming very dependent on the

technology to actually do that for us. When you ask some of the athletes a simple question like

“how did you sleep last night?” they can’t answer unless they look at the data.

Other researches show that too much screen time, including looking at our smartwatch or

fitness apps, has negative impacts on mental health. The information people gather from

smartwatches and workout tracking apps can contribute to “information overload” problems.

Having a constant flow of information due to technology can lead to stress, anxiety, loss of sleep,

depression, and more. The more we allow notifications and alerts to beckon (


) us, the more

stress and anxiety chemicals are released, making us on edge and our mental and emotional

systems are flooded with a message that says, “check me now”. Some experts advocate us to

create screen-free zones as well as taking “tech breaks”, where we set a 15-or 30-timer during

which we don’t check our phone. The time limit tells our brain that we can check the phone soon

and reduces the anxiety of feeling we have to check in all the time.

Running watch-free is beneficial for more than just the casual jogger or weekend warrior.

Some professionals also have had success with leaving their watches at home. Welsh runner Steve

Jones famously set a world record at the 1984 Chicago Marathon without wearing a watch. He

later told journalists he didn't even know he was on world record-pace until he crossed the finish


It’s not all negative, though. Other studies show there are many upsides to using fitness

trackers. When using these technologies, some people tend to exercise for longer and at a higher

intensity as well, which is all good for their physical well- being. So ditching the data might not be

best for everyone.

ing to Whelan, why do people involve themselves in fitness tracking apps?

e they fail to interpret their own body signals.

e they want to learn from those who exercise better.

e they skip workout when their batteries run out.

e they gain satisfaction when they see the data.

could “tech breaks” do for us, according to Whelan?

enable our mind to relax for a while. allow us to check our phone at any time.

expose our mind to crowded information. release anxiety chemicals affecting us.

does the underlined word “ditching” in the last paragraph probably mean?

ng. ning. ing. ting.

can be inferred from the passage?

g watch-free gives people more motivation.

sional runners do not wear a watch while training.

ation overload has bad effects on our mental health.

setbacks of running watch-free outweigh the benefits.




te [ˈɪnsjəleɪt] v. 隔绝,隔热,隔音,绝缘

[buːð] n. 录音棚,隔间,小房间

n [rɪˈfreɪn] v. 避免,控制,节制

[ˈdeəri] n. 奶制品

[hʌm] v. 哼

ze [ˈvəʊkəlaɪz] v. 发声

-up [ˈwɔːmʌp] n. 热身

ng [ˈsuːðɪŋ] adj. 安慰的,使人平静的

d [əˈʃɔːd] adj. 自信的

ook [ˈɔːdiəʊbʊk] n. 有声读物,有声书

[krɪsp] adj. 脆的;清晰明了的;干脆利落的,利索的,明快的

-pitched [ˌləʊˈpɪtʃt] adj.( 声音)低的,低沉的

ng [ˈsɪŋsɒŋ] n. 声音起伏的说话腔调;adj. 单调的

k [ʌpspiːk] n. 升调话语

[krʌʃ] n. (短暂的)迷恋,热恋,爱慕

ed [dɪˈtætʃt] adj. 冷峻的,置身度外的

ratorial [kənspɪrəˈtɔːriəl] adj. 会意的;心照不宣的

ling [kəmˈpelɪŋ] adj. 有说服力的;引人入胜的

e [səbˈsjuːm] v. 将…...归入,把…...纳入

on [rɪˈvɪʒn] n. 修改;复习




to life使更加实在,使更有生机



茱莉亚·卫兰(Julia Whelan)钻进了一间双层墙壁、泡沫隔音的录音棚,这间录音棚就







“我完全迷上了她的声音,”《纽约》杂志驻华盛顿记者奥利维亚·努齐(Olivia Nuzzi)

谈到,“她的声音里有一些琼·迪迪安(Joan Didion)的特质:超脱但又充满热情,那种听众














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