


Unit 1 School life学校生活之(一)





1.enjoyable adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 ture n.文学

3.average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 adj.额外的,外加的

5.academic adj.学业的,学术的

7.splendid adj.极佳的,非常好的



vt.管理;操作 9.somehow adv.不知为什么,不知怎么地

11.charge n.&vt.负责,掌管;收费 ast vt.&n.广播,播放

tion n.一代(人) 13.event n.事件;社交活动;比赛项目


1.experiencen. &vt.经历,体验 .获得;赚,挣得

3.headmastern.校长 tn.&vt.尊敬,敬重

5.strugglen.&vi.奋斗,努力 gen.&vt.交换;交流

7.donatevt.捐赠 vt.通知,告知

9.hostn.主持人;主人,东道主 vt.选择,挑选


* vt.致力于;献身→devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的→devotion n.奉献;挚爱

nging adj.具有挑战性的→challenge vt.&n.向„„挑战;挑战

*agement n.鼓励→encourage vt.鼓励→encouraged adj.鼓舞的→encouraging adj.


*action n.满意→satisfy vt.使„„满意→satisfied adj.满意的

→satisfying/satisfactory adj.令人满意的

*te vi.毕业n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业

* adj.流利的→fluently adv.流利地→fluency n.流利

ng n.绘画,绘画作品→paint vt.油漆;绘画→painter n.画家;油漆匠

ndent adj.独立的→independence n.独立

*e vt.&vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意→approval n.批准,赞成→approving adj.满


*ation n.准备,筹备→prepare vt.准备,筹备→prepared adj.有准备的


1.With the encouragement of her mother, she made such encouraging progress at school that

she was finally admitted to Zhejiang University.

2.My cousin can speak English fluently,_so my uncle and aunt are proud of their daughter's

fluent English frequently.

3.Few people are able to devote themselves fully to their they are devoted to

them, their devotion must bring them a big success.

4.When Ella graduated from high school, her parents came to her graduation ceremony.

5.Tim's plan was finally approved by all members of the board, and the approval won him

many approving glances.

6.To tell the truth, the teacher didn't make good preparations for his lessons.I had no choice

but to be prepared to study by myself.

7.The result of the experiment was very satisfying/ only did we feel satisfied

with it, but our teacher looked at us with satisfaction.


1.head-teacher n. 班主任

2.staff /stɑːf/n. 全体员工

3.classmate /'klɑːsmeɪt/n. 同班同学

4.campus /'kæmpəs/n. 校园

5.laboratory/lə'bɒrətri/n. 实验室

6.library /'laɪbrəri/n. 图书馆

7.canteen /kæn'tiːn/n. 食堂

8.dormitory /'dɔːmətri/n. 学生宿舍

9.playground /'pleɪgraʊnd/n. 操场,运动场

10.platform /'plætfɔːm/n. 讲台

11.routine /ruː'tiːn/n. 常规

12.assignment /ə'saɪnmənt/n. 作业

13.error /'erə(r)/n. 错误

14.examination /ɪgˌzæmɪ'neɪʃn/n. 考试

15.score /skɔː(r)/n. (=mark/grade)分数

16.cheat /tʃiːt/vi. 作弊

17.discipline /'dɪsəplɪn/n. 纪律

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