



Undergraduate Program of Railway Signaling Control

Ⅰ.专业介绍 Introduction






The specialty aims to bring up specialized talents in areas of railway signaling control. It offers students with basic

theories and knowledge of electronic science, computer science, control science and communication science, and helps

them to systematic master foundational knowledge and methods related to railway signaling control as well as

engineering practice skills of technology research, system design and development, technical management, engineering

construction, operation and maintenance in railway signaling monitoring and control field. Our graduates are widely

spread in research institutions and different kinds of enterprises across various sectors, such as railway transportation and

IT industries.

This specialty is known as a brand specialty in Sichuan Province and is selected in the excellent engineer education

plan of Ministry of Education.


Program Code: 080802T

专业名称: 轨道交通信号与控制

Program Name: Railway Signaling Control

Ⅱ.培养目标 Objectives














The talents cultivated in the railway signaling control of our university can adapt to the needs of national railway

development, have good scientific literacy, good professional ethics and humanistic qualities; have a strong sense of

social responsibility; have the ability to apply the theoretical basis and professional knowledge for the field of railway

signaling control to solve scientific research or engineering problems; have the ability to track, learn, apply new

knowledge and new technologies in the railway signal control field; have a certain international vision and innovative

ability, and be able to become senior professional technical backbones or management backbones for technical

investigation, system design and development, technical management, operation & maintenance in the railway signaling

control field.

After practicing, graduates can achieve the following four objectives:

(1) Familiar with professional laws and regulations, with good moral cultivation, humanistic quality, professionalism

and social responsibility, and can actively serve the country and society.

(2) According to practical needs, can apply natural science, engineering fundamentals and railway signaling control

expertise to analyze and solve complex engineering problems in the railway control field, and undertake the design,

development, maintenance and management of railway signaling control systems.

(3) Communicate effectively with industry peers, professional customers and society at large, function effectively

in teamwork with the corresponding organization and management capabilities.

(4) Ability to continuously learn through continuing education or other learning channels to update knowledge,

improve ability, and to adapt to technical and professional development needs.

III.专业毕业要求 Graduation Requirements



The railway signaling control speciality implements an flexible academic system with 4-6 years. Students are

allowed to graduate in advance after obtaining the required 160 credits. It is also allowed to extend the length of study,

but generally does not exceed six years.



In accordance with the "Degree Regulations of People's Republic of China", students will be awarded to a bachelor's

degree in engineering after achieving the following goals: completing the courses and practice parts specified in the

professional talent cultivation program, obtaining not less than the required 160 credits, passing the moral, intellectual

and physical examinations, and meeting the following graduation requirements.


For students of the speciality, the graduation requirements include the following 12 items:


1. Engineering knowledge: Capable of applying mathematic, natural science and engineering fundamentals and

other specialized knowledge to solve complicated engineering problems.



2. Problem analysis: Capable of applying the fundamental principles of math, natural science and engineering to

analyze complicated engineering problems and draw a valid conclusion through literature research.



3. Design and develop solutions: can develop solutions to complicated engineering problems, design various

automation related systems, hardware components and software as well as be able to add into their design with innovative

ideas and concern of the factors like society, health, security, law, culture and environment.


本文标签: 专业轨道交通信号控制能够