



1.Let's roll. 我们先撤了!(我们先走了)She's a diva 她是大腕

2.She's a real diva 她是个真正的大腕. (A diva is any star, but usually a female singer, who is

talented, but acts like a princess and makes everyone else miserable. 通常指很有才华但脾气暴


3.She is a nosey parker 她是一个八婆(对于“爱管闲事的人”,人们首先想到的英文单词是

gossip。但形容此人很“八卦”,是个“八婆/八公”,还得数nosey parker一词更传神。)

4.You did a hell of a job! 看看你干的好事!(表示让人受不了。)(a hell of a 这是一个表示程


your watch slow?“你的表慢了吗?”想不到吧,这句话就是这么简单。可见英语和汉语

真的是有很多地方是相通的。反过来Is your watch fast.

said a mouthful 你说到点子上了said a mouthful:意为说的不错,完全正确 说到点子上

pre-wedding photos 拍婚纱照,照相用take这个动词,婚纱照是 pre-wedding photos 。


work is too much for her. 这工作她干不了。too much: 本意是“太多”,又可以引申为

“太过分的,太出格的,太过头的,不厌其烦的”例如:Your joke is too much. 你的玩笑开


he running late?他要迟到一会儿吗昨天,听我们这的老外对话。 说到一句:Is Prudie

running late?我问他们是什么意思。他们说是“普鲁迪要迟到一会儿是吗?”的意思。

’s call it a day.“今天就到这里。”Call it a day.这个词组字面上的意思指“就称它做一


上课在结尾前,主席或老师便可说:Let’s call it a day。

all the trouble?“干嘛费那么大劲”这句短语是当一件事明明轻而易举地就可以完成,

却有人要拐弯抹角做些事倍功半的白工,你就可以对他说Why all the trouble?

12.I would rather not say.我不想说

13.I’m really dead. 我要累死了。

14.I was being polite 我是在说客套话

go of my arms! 放开我的手! ~~比较生气的口气。

can bet on that! 我们可以打个赌!

's the catch? 有什么内幕例如: What's the catch? There 's always a catch.有什么隐情


sure as hell did it. 肯定是他干的。as hell:口语,意为非常地, 极端

a sixty something. 我考了六十多分.你考了八十二分, 你就可以跟别人说,"I got an

eighty something."或是"I got eighty plus."

20.I can't feel my feet 我的脚麻

hell no 当然不是了

here or to go? 或者 Stay or to go?去买快餐的时候,售货员都会问你,在这吃还是带

the level? 靠谱吗?美国俚语

luck! 真倒霉!

was the last straw (美国俚语)the last straw 的本意是最终限度引申过来的意思是

“That was all I could tolerate—我再不能忍受了”

my word for it!相信我,用着简单的词汇表达最贴切的意思

cell phone is out of power.我的手机没电了。

tomorrow:明天到期、明天要交I have to speed up as the assignment is due tomorrow.


did this happen? 怎么会是这样?


说“家庭妇男”多多少少都带点贬低色彩,而 “全职爸爸”则是一个比较中性的说法,指

没有负担家庭经济责任的父亲.A house-husband is a man who stays at home and doesn't go to

work, while his wife goes to work and earns money. Usually a man becomes a house-husband in

order to look after children.

do you go to work? 你怎么去上班?

32. Let sleeping dogs lie “不要自讨苦吃”在英文中有一个很特别的俚语表示这个意思,就

是。let sleeping dogs lie就是劝人“别招惹别人”,以免自找麻烦。

hing's all set.也可以说Everything is settled. 就是“全部事情都已经确定了”

's a four-hour drive 自己开车得四个小时

It's a two-hour flight 请注意flight这个词,它的意思是“飞行航程” ,所以坐飞机的时候用

flight 。It's a two-hour flight 的意思是两个小时的飞行ride则是“(火车/汽车) 行程”,例

如:It's a twenty-hour train 是“轮船的航程”。

's underhanded 他很阴险

out these forms.填一下这些表

seat here. 来这边坐。

38.I stay at home a lot. 我多半是在家里

you have any money on you? 你身上带钱了吗?上周去买书,突然发现自己没带现金,

只有卡,那个书店不能刷卡,赶紧尴尬的问朋友:Do you have any money on you?

up? 还没睡呀?

told you that? 谁告诉你的? 或者说Who told you?也可以.

42.I couldn't understand a single word 我一个字也听不懂

're all for it. 我们全都同意。

44.I made a fool of myself! 我出丑了

enough 差不多了(事情快完成了)

deserve it! 你活该!

you with me? 都明白了吧?

chiped in 20 dollars 我们凑了20块钱

49.I'm not sleepy 我不困

is so talkative 他太能贫了

is snooping around me 他偷窥我!~

is a big hole in my head. 我什么都忘了

me in 带我玩一个Count me in的意思是"算上我". 翻译的痞一点,就是"带我玩一


54.I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.我觉得不太舒服。

under the weather不舒服

could we do that? 怎么说呢?

56.I’m here to get my stuff! 我来收拾我的东西。(要离开某个地方、收拾东西)

are freaking me out!你吓死我了!

58.Write it off. 不要放在心上了

本文标签: 意思时候事情不能汽车