



错误代码及错误信息 错误释义

error 1: Out of memory 存溢出

error 2: Identifier expected 缺标识符

error 3: Unknown identifier 未定义的标识符

error 4: Duplicate identifier 重复定义的标识符

error 5: Syntax error 语法错误

error 6: Error in real constant 实型常量错误

error 7: Error in integer constant 整型常量错误

error 8: String constant exceeds line 字符串常量超过一行

error 10: Unexpected end of file 文件非正常结束

error 11: Line too long 行太长

error 12: Type identifier expected 未定义的类型标识符

error 13: Too many open files 打开文件太多

error 14: Invalid file name 无效的文件名

error 15: File not found 文件未找到

error 16: Disk full 磁盘满

error 17: Invalid compiler directive 无效的编译命令

error 18: Too many files 文件太多

error 19: Undefined type in pointer def 指针定义中未定义类型

error 20: Variable identifier expected 缺变量标识符

error 21: Error in type 类型错误

error 22: Structure too large 结构类型太长

error 23: Set base type out of range 集合基类型越界

error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile分量不能是文件或对象

error 25: Invalid string length 无效的字符串长度

本文标签: 类型文件常量未定义错误