


意大利 中英双语介绍


Italy is a country in southern Europe. It comprises a boot-shaped peninsula and

two large islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia, and shares its

northern alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The

independent countries of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italian

territory. Together with its two main islands Sicily and Sardinia it creates distinct

bodies of water, such as the Adriatic Sea to the north-east, the Ionian Sea to the south-

east, the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south-west and finally the Ligurian Sea to the north-


The Apennine mountains form the backbone of this peninsula, leading north-west to

where they join the Alps, the mountain range that then forms an arc enclosing Italy

from the north. Here is also found a large alluvial plain, the Po-Venetian plain,

drained by the Po River and its many tributaries flowing down from the Alps,

Apennines and Dolomites. Other well-known rivers include the Tiber, Adige and


Its highest point is Mont Blanc at 4,810m. Italy is more typically associated with two

famous volcanoes: the currently dormant Vesuvius near Naples and the very active

Etna on Sicily.




斯洛文尼亚。 圣马力诺和梵蒂冈两个独立的国家被包围在意大利领土中。 连



亚平宁山脉 (Apennine mountains)构成了半岛的骨架, 向西北方向一直延

伸到阿尔卑斯山脉,然后形成弧状从北方围绕着这个国家。 同时也有一个大的

冲积平原,波河-威尼斯平原, 被波河和它的许多支流冲积而成, 这些河流来自

于阿尔卑斯山脉、亚平宁山脉和道罗迈特 (Dolomites)。 还包括其他一些著名


该国家最高点是位于4810 米 的勃朗峰 (Mont Blanc)。 意大利有两个著


位于西西里岛上的活火山埃特纳火山 (Etna)。

Education System

Duration of compulsory education is from the age of 6 to 15. Elementary education

lasts for five years. Secondary education covers eight years, divided into three years"

lower secondary, followed by five years" upper secondary education. The upper

secondary courses consist of classical, scientific, artistic, technical, vocational and

teacher training options. Classical secondary school is a five-year course, with

emphasis on the Humanities, but with scientific subjects in the second cycle.

Scientific secondary school, also a five-year course, provides more specialized

preparation in scientific subjects. The language secondary school focuses on the study

of foreign languages together with the corresponding literature and civilization. The

technical upper secondary programmes are offered by the Technical Institutes and last

for five years. Vocational secondary education is provided by the various Professional

Institutes. All these programmes used to lead to different types of professional

Diploma which was the minimum admission requirement to university studies, as well

as to most programmes at non-university institutions of higher education.

Higher education is provided by universities, technical universities, university

institutes, and by a wide range of academies, higher institutes/schools, especially, but

not exclusively, in the artistic sector, and by a number of professional training

institutions in a variety of fields related to commerce, e-technologies, fashion,

industry, etc. The majority of the existing university institutions were established

directly by the State, while a limited number, were set up by private entities,

recognised by the relevant Ministry.


强制性教育是从6岁到15 岁。初等教育持续五年。 中等教育是八年,分为三

年较低的辅助教育, 随后是五年上层的中等教育。上层的中级课程有古典的、


课程,强调人性,第二个周期有科学科目。 科学的中学,也是五年的课程,提供







别但不专门,在艺术的部门中, 以及对商业,电子技术,时尚,工业相关的多




Italy has an estimated population of 58 million. The main ethnic group are Italian

(includes small clusters of German-, French-, and Slovene-Italians in the north and

Albanian-Italians and Greek-Italians in the south).

人口 意大利大约有5千8百万人口。 主要的民族是意大利人(包括少数在北



Capital Rome

首都 罗马


The official language of Italy is Italian - a direct descendant of Latin (some 75% of

Italian words are of Latin origin).


意大利的官方语是意大利语 ―― 起源于拉丁文(约 75% 的意大利字是起源于

拉丁文) 。


Roman Catholicism is the majority religion (85% of native-born citizens are

nominally Catholic). There are Protestant and Jewish communities with a growing

Muslim immigrant community, as many come from Albania, Morocco and Tunisia.


罗马天主教是最主要的宗教 (85% 的土生土长的市民是有名无实的天主教徒)。

也有新教徒和犹太人社区。 穆斯林教徒的数目在增加中,他们多数来自阿尔巴



Italy has a diversified industrial economy with roughly the same total and per capita

output as France and the United Kingdom. This capitalistic economy remains divided

into a developed industrial north, dominated by private companies, and a less

developed, welfare-dependent agricultural south, with 20% unemployment. Most raw

materials needed by industry and more than 75% of energy requirements are

imported. Over the past decade, Italy has pursued a tight fiscal policy in order to meet

the requirements of the Economic and Monetary Union and has benefited from lower

interest and inflation rates. Italy joined the Euro from its conception in 1999. The

current government has enacted numerous short-term reforms aimed at improving

competitiveness and long-term growth. Italy has moved slowly, however, on

implementing needed structural reforms, such as lightening the high tax burden and

overhauling Italy’s rigid labor market and over-generous pension system, because of

本文标签: 国家技术大学