


Unit 1



出色。Many postdocs and grad students have a tough time showing that they can

make this transition because so much of their life has involved playing the

independent-researcher role and outshining other young stars. 你可以藉此提高在


为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。You can make yourself more attractive to

companies by working together with scientists from other laboratories and

disciplines in pursuit of common goal --and documenting the results on your

resume .这个方法,加上你在描述业绩时开明地使用代词“我们”,而不是“我”,能使

公司对你的看法从 “单干户”转变成“合作者”。This approach ,combined with a

liberal use of the pronoun we and not just I when describing your

accomplishments ,can change the company’s perception of you from a lone wolf

to a selfless collaborator . 更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作


查电话的人们谈及你的这个品质。Better still ,develop a reputation inside your lab and

with people your lab collaborator with as a person who fosters and initiates

collaborations --and make sure this quality gets mentioned by those who will take

those reference phone calls .

Unit 2

12食物传达的温馨和盛情warmth and hospitality expressed by food 在中国人

看来,吃最重要的,尤其在过节时,莫过于是吃饭时的温馨气氛。 In the eyes of

Chinese ,what is important about eating ,especially at festivals ,is to eat in a warm

atmosphere .吃饭时,年长的和年少的按照年龄大小依次坐好,在欢乐祥和的气氛中,说


Often the young and old still sit in order of seniority ,and the elders select food for

the young while the young make toasts to the elders .Chinese people like to create

a lively ,warm , and harmonious atmosphere during meals.



还是很流行。A hostess or host in China will apportion the best parts of the dishes

to guests . Using a pair of serving chopsticks ,she or he places the best part of a

steamed fish or the most tender piece of meat on the plate of the most important

guest .Such a custom is still popular ,especially among the elder generation ,as a

way of experience respect ,concern and hospitality .



礼和关怀他人的场合。Such culinary customs have had a certain influence on the

character of the Chinese people . In a sense ,it has strengthened the collective spirit

of the nation . At a party or a banquet ,everyone first takes into consideration the

needs of the group with the eating process also being a time to show humility and

concern for others .

Unit 5

本文标签: 人们中国习俗