



Unit 10

Part A Short Conversations

Directions:In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations between two

the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was

conversations and questions will be spoken only you hear a conversation

and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide

which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

( ) seems satisfied with the driving conditions. is not pleased

with the condition of the road. is happy to live so close to his work.

is sorry there is so much traffic.

( ) neighbor. or’s daughter. C.A delivery boy.

D.A policeman.

( ) doesn’t know when she will be back. can’t find her way


won’t be able to come back at 6:30. roads will be

blocked by traffic then.

( ) more interesting one. one the man likes.

more useful one. one about space travel.

( ) 40. 30. 20.


( ) twelve o’clock.

in the evening. the next morning.

( ) is clever. is reliable.

is honest. is dependable.

( ) was busy eating. didn’t notice whom John

was talking to.

was too busy to talk. was meeting the new


( ) were both busy doing their own work. waited for each

other at different places.

went to the street corner at different times. man went to the

concert but the woman didn’t.

( ) didn’t go to the lecture. went to see the


coughed seriously. met with something


Part B Passages

Directions:In Part B,you will hear two short passages,and you will be asked three

questions on each of the passages will be read twice,but the questions

will be spoken only you hear a question,read the four possible answers

on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have


Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


( ) to save money. carry on tradition.

add to their collections. find unique


( )g yard sales. e auctions.

markets. y museums.

( ) trash to treasure. birds catch the


making a bargain. cted rewards.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

( )e the firm employees will get paid for helping move the office.

e it is convenient to make lots of preparations on weekends.

e closing down the IT system over weekends causes the fewest


e the firms are permitted to move only on weekends.

( ) a project team. t a move organizer.

t the specialists. the furniture in order.

( ) managers. ees.

organizers. s.

Part C Longer Conversations

Directions:In Part C,you will hear two longer conversations will

be read you hear each conversation,you are required to fulfill in the

numbered blanks with the information you have your answers on your answer


Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Dr Kent’s Lecture

Lecture 1:9:30 on Monday,takes place in Room (17) .

Lecture 2:(18) on Friday,takes place in (19) 15.

Length of each lecture:(20) hour.

Complete the only


for each blank.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

Name of the caller:

The caller’s problem:

The way of solving the problem:

Phone number of the caller:

Jack Kordell from Hunter’s (21) .

No information about (22) in the


Sending the information by (23) .

(24) .

Complete the no more than


for each blank.


答案:1~5 ACCCC 6~10 BDBBC 11~13 BDA 14~16 CDA 17.50 18.10:30

Suppliers -sales service 24.58851542


Part A Short Conversations


Directions:In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations between two

the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was

conversations and questions will be spoken only you hear a conversation

and the questions about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide

which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.W:Do you live very far from your work?

M:It’s about 20 miles,but it doesn’t seem that road is good and there’s

not much traffic.

Q:How does the man feel about driving from his home to his work?

2.M:I thought I heard someone at the door.

W:It’s just the delivery boy with a package for our and her husband

are visiting their daughter in Canada,so I keep it until they get back.

Q:Who was at the door?

3.M:Mary,will you be able to arrive home at 6:30?

W:No way.

Q:What does Mary mean?

4.M:I was hoping that you had bought the book about space ’s much more


W:But this computer book is more useful to my studies.

Q:Which book did the woman buy?

5.W:How many students tried out for the basketball team this year?

M:About 40,but only half of them have any real talent for the sport.

Q:How many students are good at basketball?

6.W:When will my car be fixed?

M:Well,it’s noon by my watch.I think I can have it done in a couple of hours.

Q:When can the woman get her car?

7.W:How do you compare Tom with Jack?

M:Tom is clever while Jack is honest and reliable.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

8.W:Did you notice whom John was talking to at the party?

M:I was too busy greeting all the guests.

Q:What does the man imply?

9.W:George,where were you yesterday evening?I expected to see you at the concert.

M:Oh,I waited for you at the corner of your I looked for you at your

flat,but the housekeeper said you were out.

Q:Why didn’t they meet that evening?

10.M:I was not able to go to the lecture today because I was down with a bad cough.

W:How terrible!You’d better see a doctor.

Q:What was the matter with the man?

Part B Passages

Directions:In Part B,you will hear two short passages,and you will be asked three

questions on each of the passages will be read twice,but the questions

will be spoken only you hear a question,read the four possible answers

on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have



Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Early on a Saturday morning,much of the world remains in bed,enjoying an extra

hour or two of a few Americans are up and preparing for the plan

to be the first to arrive at the yard are these yard-sale shoppers hunting

for?Second-hand treasures.

Yard-sale shoppers aren’t the only people who like used ners all love

to buy others’ the wealthy willingly search through used goods looking

for a unique people buy used goods simply to save hope

to find a valuable others look for items to add to their collections.

Second-hand goods can be found in all sorts of market is another

hot spot for ng at a Flea market for the first time can be

have to look through it all yourself to find anything worth taking

antique lovers,however,finding the right treasure makes all that looking

valuable pieces are typically found in antique can find

them in cities or today’s world of technology,someone in California can

buy a mirror from a shop in Chicago.

You don’t have to spend money enjoying second-hand shopping.A morning wandering

around at yard sales or an afternoon at antique shops and flea markets can be a mini

history piece brings the past to never know what treasures

you’re going to find in someone else’s trash.


is not the reason why Westerners love to buy used goods?

is it impossible for one to find all sorts of second-hand goods?

is the main idea of the passage?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

A successful office relocation demands careful ’s important to

form a project team as early as possible before the move,at least twelve months in

’s also essential to contact the British Association of Movers and ask

for a list of commercial specialists who will advise you on packing,security and

other important topics.

First,you’ll need to hire a mover,or employ a freelance expert from a firm such

as Move Plan,which organizes relocation for firms from 2,000 to 6,000 ’ll

also need to pick a time when closing down your IT department will cause the fewest

problems to the majority of firms nowadays select to move over the


Next,make a list of all the furniture,equipment and cial movers

will pack filing in A-Z order,so if A-G leaves the building,it’s still A-G when

it’s ential files can be sealed in secure boxes for the moving day.

Commercial specialists will keep company employees fully informed and answer

any questions that they may may move offices once or twice in your career,but

experts do it every day.


do the majority of firms move over the weekend?


of the following is not important to moving an office?

will most probably be interested in this passage?

Part C Longer Conversations

Directions:In Part C,you will hear two longer conversations will

be read you hear each conversation,you are required to fulfill in the

numbered blanks with the information you have your answers on your answer


Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

M:Have you got your timetable?

W:Yes,I have.

M:When do we have Dr Kent’s lecture?

W:Monday morning at nine thirty and also Friday morning at ten thirty.

M:How long do they last?

W:An hour.

M:Which rooms are they in?

W:The Monday morning lecture takes place in Room Friday morning one is in

Room 15.

M:Thank you very are always so helpful to me.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

W:Hello,Ultimate Computer I help you?

M:Yes,this is Jack Kordell from Hunter’s Office I speak to Janis,the


W:I’m sorry,but she is not in right now.

M:OK,do you know when she will be back?

W:Uh,yes,she should be here later this afternoon,maybe about 4: I take a


M:Yes,Janis sent me a brochure detailing your newest line of laptop computers with

a description of other software products,but there wasn’t any information about

after-sales service.

W:Oh,I am you like me to fax that to you now?

M:Yes,but our fax is being repaired at the moment,and it won’t be working until

around 2:,could you try sending that information around 3:30?That should

give me time to look over the material before I call Janis,say,around 5:00.

W: could I have your name,telephone number and fax number,please?

M: Kordell and the phone number is the fax number is 58851543.

W: your name spelled C-O-R-D-E-L?

M: is Kordell with a“K”and two“l”l.

W:All right,Mr your phone number is 58851542,and the fax number is

that right?

M:Yes,that’s correct.

W:All right.I will send you the fax this afternoon.

M:Thank .


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