


Unit 1 How do you go there?

第一单元 你是怎么样去那里的?


Page 2 (第2页) Let's chant让我们一起唱歌瑶

How do you go to school? 你是怎么去上学的?

Sometimes by bike, 有时骑自行车,

Sometimes by car, 有时坐小汽车

But I never go by train. 但我从没有坐过火车。

How do you get to Paris? 你怎么到达巴黎的?

Never on foot, never by bike, 从未步行,从未骑自行车,

Always by car, bus, or plane. 总是坐小汽车、公共汽车或飞机

Page 4 (第4页) A Let's learn让我们一起学习

How do you go to school? 你怎么样去学校的?

I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去上学。

How do you go to Canada? 你怎么去加拿大的?

I go by plane. 我坐飞机去的。

by plane by ship on foot by bike by bus by train by subway

坐飞机 坐船 步行 骑自行车 坐公共汽车 坐火车 坐地铁

Page 5 (第5页) Let's talk让我们一起说说

Liu: How do you go to school, Sarah? 莎拉,你是怎么样去 上学的?

Sarah : My home is near. 我家很近。Usually I go to school on foot. 我通常步

行去上学。Sometimes I go by bike. 有时骑自行车去。What about you? 你呢?

Liu: I usually go to school by bus. 我通常坐公共汽车去上学。

Page 6 (第6页) Let's read让我们一起阅读

Zhang: Sarah, let's go to the park this afternoon.莎拉,下午我们一起去公园吧。

本文标签: 自行车上学蓝色课题每课