


Lesson 5 what causes flooding洪水是怎样形成的

What causes flooding? The basic cause is excessive runoff from catchment s

into river systems incapable of carrying this extra volume. Can science and

technology prevent flooding or, at least, reduce its severity ? Unfortunately, this is

a complex problem to which as yet there is no very satisfactory solution.洪水是怎样




Let us consider first the reduction of runoff from catchment areas. Some

regions have soils which have low absorbing capacity. In a heavy rainstorm such

soil is quickly saturated and all additional rainfall then runs off into the river. A

seasonal variable is the moisture status of the soil at the commencement of a

rainstorm. If the soil is already moist, a relatively minor storm could still cause

heavy runoff because the soil is incapable of retaining additional moisture. These

factors are not easily influenced by man. However, man’s utilization of the

catchment area can have an important influence on flooding. Large scale cleaning

of trees and scrub greatly reduces the capacity of the soil to retain water. It also

tends to cause soil erosion which aggravates flooding by chocking rivers and

streams with deposited silt. Correct management of catchment areas is therefore

one important approach to the problem of flood control.








More direct approach which is used in an emergency is the construction of

levee s. when rising floodwaters threaten a township the citizens form work-parties

to build barricade s of sandbags along the river bank, hoping that those barricades

will hold back the flood waters until the emergency passes. It may be wandered

why levees are not usually built as permanent structures to which the town is

protected at all times. The reason is that levees are an unsatisfactory solution to

the problem. If a levees collapses, the floodwaters escape as a sudden deluge with

increased capacity for destruction. Levees as they divert the floodwater from one

area frequently create or aggravate problems in another. They can be a cause of

enmity between communities for this reason.







Anther approach is the construction of dams so that floodwaters can be

retained in a reservoir until the crisis is over, slow release of the water during the

succeeding weeks or months would then be possible. Combined purpose

irrigation and flood control dams would seem to be a logical solution.

Unfortunately, a reservoir which is to be used for irrigation needs to be kept nearly

full in winter, while one which is to be used for flood control needs to be kept

empty, so that it is available as a water store when needed. This conflict of

operating requirements means that combined purpose dams are rarely feasible.

Separate dams would be required for flood control and their very high cost makes

this an impractical solution. The next approach to the problem is that of improving

the capacity of the river to carry larger volumes of water without overflowing its

banks. A number of measures are available, some simple, some complex. They all

have widespread effects on the river so any of these measures should be used as

part of a comprehensive plan. Work of this kind is known as “river

improvement ” or “river management”.









One simple, but important step is to ensure that the water course of a river is

kept free of obstruction s. These frequently consist of dead trees which have fallen

into the river, where they remain to impede the flow of water. They are called

“snags ” and the removal work “snagging”. Many of the trees that line

Australian River banks are hardwoods, which are too heavy to float so they remain

where they fall. Furthermore, hardwoods are very durable; large red gum logs have

been known to survive over a hundred years under water.


碍水流。这些阻塞物称为“水中隐树(沉木)” ;而清除工作称为“清除隐患(沉木)”。



Another method of increasing the capacity of the river is to remove choking

plant growth. Early settlers introduced willow trees to many of our river banks,

partly for shade, partly to recall old England and hopefully to reduce the erosion of

the river banks. Unfortunately, these trees are difficult to control and willow

infestation is now quite commonly a problem. Protection of the banks of a river

from erosion by the stream of water is another measure. Rivers which follow a

meandering, or winding course tend to erode their banks along the outer curves.

This can mean a loss of valuable soil from the eroded bank area and is also a cause

of local flooding. Means of protecting banks from erosion have been devised.







The simplest device used for this purpose is that of anchored or tied tree

trunks along the eroded bank. The trunks protect the bank and encourage the

deposition of silt on the bank so that it is gradually built up.



本文标签: 河道土壤能力侵蚀方法