



形容词: contributive, contributing, contributory

名词: contribution, contributor, contributiveness


Contributive, in its adjective form, describes something or

someone that is helpful, productive, or supportive in

achieving a particular goal or outcome. It is commonly used

to describe actions, behaviors, or characteristics that

contribute to the success or progress of a project,

organization, or community. For example, a contributive

team member is someone who actively participates and

provides valuable input towards the completion of a task.

On the other hand, the noun contribution refers to

something that is given, provided, or offered towards a

particular purpose or effort. It can be a tangible item,

such as a monetary donation or a physical object, or it can

be an intangible contribution, such as knowledge, skills,

or expertise. Contributions can be made by individuals,

companies, or organizations, and they play a crucial role

in the development and advancement of various fields, such

as science, technology, art, and social welfare.

A contributor is someone who actively and willingly gives

or provides something towards a particular cause. This can

be in the form of financial contributions, volunteer work,

or any other form of support. Contributors are essential in

driving progress and making a positive impact on society.

They can be individuals, companies, or even governments who

recognize the importance of contributing to the betterment

of their communities.

The concept of contributiveness refers to the quality or

characteristic of being willing and able to contribute

effectively. It implies a sense of responsibility,

initiative, and engagement towards achieving common goals.

A high level of contributiveness is often sought after and

valued in various settings, such as workplaces, teams, and

communities, as it promotes collaboration, innovation, and

overall success.

In summary, the terms contributive, contribution,

contributor, and contributiveness all revolve around the

idea of actively participating and providing support or

resources towards a particular purpose or goal. They

highlight the importance of individuals and organizations

working together and making meaningful contributions to

create positive change and progress in various aspects of


本文标签: 形容词名词