


· pierce

· v. [pɪəs] ( pierces; pierced; piercing )


· 双解释义


vt. & vi.

刺入; 刺穿; 穿透 go into or through; make a hole

· 基本要点




作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词into或through连用。

· 词汇搭配


pierce a disguise 识破伪装

pierce the fallacy of an argument 洞察论点的谬误

pierce a hole 刺了一个洞


pierce straight 直接深入

pierce accurately 精确地刺穿

pierce completely 完全刺入

pierce deeply 深深地刺入

pierce effectually 有效地刺透

pierce fatally〔mortally〕 致命地刺中

pierce ruthlessly 无情地刺入

pierce through 刺穿,穿破


pierce beneath the shows of things 透过事物的表面

pierce by windows (墙上)开了窗户

pierce in 在…上刺洞

pierce a hole in a piece of leather 在一块皮革上打洞

pierce into 刺进,穿透

pierce into the heart 刺进某人的心脏

pierce through 刺穿,穿破…

pierce through the enemy's lines 突破敌人的防线

pierce with a knife 用刀子割

pierce with a lance 用长矛刺

pierce with windows (墙上)开了窗户

· 常用短语

pierce into(v.+prep.)

刺进; 穿透 make a hole into (sth)

▲pierce into sth

A chill pierced into the marrow.寒冷刺骨。

pierce through1(v.+adv.)

刺穿,穿破 strike through

▲pierce sth⇔ through

His knife pierced my hand through.他的刀穿透了我的手掌。

pierce through2(v.+prep.)

穿破,穿过 make a hole through (sth); drive a point through (sth)

▲pierce through sth

They pierced through the thick forest.他们穿过了茂密的森林。

A tunnel pierced through the mountain.一个隧洞通过此山。

The rocket pierced through the space.火箭穿过太空。

Our forces pierced through the enemy's lines.我军突破了敌人的防线。

The nail pierced through the sole of his shoe into his foot.那颗钉子穿透


The pointed end of the stick pierced through its throat into its mouth.


· 句型例句



The knife did not pierce very deeply.刀扎得并不很深。



The needle pierced her finger.针戳破了她的手指。

The arrow pierced his skull.箭刺入他的头骨。

When the snake's fangs pierce its victim's flesh, the venom is injected.


The nail completely pierced the tyre.钉子完全刺入了轮胎。

Her angry words pierced everyone.她的愤怒之词刺伤了每一个人。

The cold pierced his clothes.寒气穿透他的衣服。

The first shafts of sunlight pierced the gloom.一道道曙光穿透黑暗。

A cry of pain pierced the night air.一声痛苦的叫喊划破夜空。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

My heart was pierced by a curious pang.我的内心感到一阵莫名的悲痛。

Her heart was pierced with grief.她悲痛得心如刀割。


Many girls have their ears pierced so that they can wear earrings.许多女


本文标签: 刺入穿透刺穿及物动词用作