



1. Mangoa tropical fruit with juicy, sweet flesh and a large

seed inside, known for its vibrant yellow-orange color and

smooth, sometimes fibrous texture.

2. Raspberrya soft, delicate aggregate fruit composed of

numerous small, reddish-pink drupelets, often used in

desserts, jams, or eaten fresh.

3. Persimmona round or oval-shaped fruit with a shiny

skin, ranging from bright orange to dark red, offering a sweet,

honey-like flavor when fully ripe.

4. Dragonfruita striking, cactus-related fruit with bright

pink or yellow skin covered in green scales, revealing white or

magenta flesh dotted with small black seeds inside.

5. Kiwia small, fuzzy-skinned fruit with bright green or

golden flesh, containing tiny edible black seeds and a

sweet-tart taste, high in vitamin C.

6. Guavaa tropical fruit with a tough outer skin and

fragrant, juicy pulp ranging from white to pink or red, often

enjoyed fresh or in juices and desserts.

7. Passionfruita round or egg-shaped fruit with a hard,

purple or yellow shell enclosing a gelatinous, seed-filled

interior that has a tangy, aromatic flavor.

8. Pomegranatea round, red fruit featuring a leathery

outer layer enclosing numerous crunchy, jewel-like arils

containing sweet, tart juice and edible seeds.

9. Lycheea small, reddish-pink, rough-textured fruit with a

translucent, juicy white flesh and a sweet, floral taste, native to

Southeast Asia.

本文标签: 水果品种