


1.动员兵: Da!(是!), Comrade?(同志,请下令!), Moving out!(出发!),Waiting

orders!(等待指示!), Conscript reporting!(动员兵报告!), All that received!(收到!),

For the Union!(为了苏维埃!), Attacking!(全力攻击!), You are shot!(你完蛋了!),

For the mothers at Russia!(为了远在俄罗斯的母亲!), For the whole country!(为


2.美国大兵: Sir!Yes sir!(是,长官!), Huh!(明白!), How about some actions!(开始


3.尤里新兵: Yuri is Master!(尤里至大!), There is much to learn!(我们学得还不

够!), Yes,!(遵命,尤里先生!).

4.磁爆步兵:Elec-coat ready!(隔电衣穿好了!), Going to source!(向能源区集结!).

5.飞行兵:Roger that!(明白!), You've got no place to hide!(你无处可藏!)

6.疯狂伊万:It's too quiet here! (这里太安静了!},

I've lost a bomb, do you have it?(我有一枚炸弹不见了,是不是在你哪儿?).


Moving out, boss!(头,我出发了!),

I've got the order!(我接到命令了!).

8.间谍:Mission, sir?(长官,行动吗?), Under cover!(我有伪装!), Operation under

way!(即将潜入!), This guy's raggy!(就扮成那个家伙!).

9.尤里:My command is your wish!(你只有服从我的指挥!), Turn me your wish!


10.狙击手:Sniper ready!(我是狙击手!), Eliminate them!(消灭他们!),Proceeding

to the vantage point!(占领制高点!).

11.自爆卡车:My target has been found!(我找到目标了!), Let's make a

delivery!(集中精力搞运输!), I'm preparing to die!(随时准备献身!), You'll be a

smoking creator!(让敌方基地化为火海!).

12.辐射工兵:Desolator ready!(辐射炮预备!), Scorch the earth!(撕裂土地!)


complete(建造完成),insuffition found(矿不足),大兵说how about action(如

何行动), 另外的还有很多,这个游戏中说的都是英语,只不过为了区别国家因


YGYL--Just in CoolEmu *


Destination Commander?目的地?指挥官

Ready to roll!准备好了! *

Yes sir.是,长官。

Unit reporting!部队报到!

Vehicle ready.车辆就绪。移动

Bound forward!往前开

Outstanding!等待中 (这句我虽然觉得怪但却又不知道怎么翻)

On our way, sir.正在路上,长官。

High speed, low drag.高速度,低拖延。(这句话在WW官方BBS上是笑料之一)

Good to go!可以走了! *

Securing Position!加强防御地点! *

本文标签: 车辆红色警戒攻击辐射