




TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property's Office)


Food Industry Research and Development Institute

Paris Convention 巴黎公约

WTO (World Trade Organization)

专利国际合作条约 PCT = patent corporation treaty


abandoned = give up 放弃

actual object 实体对象

allegation 主张

amend = revise = modify = alter = better = rectify = mend = remedy 修正

Agreement 契约(covenant 约定)

Appeal to 上诉

application (用于一个)申请案

application document 申请文件

applicant 申请人

approval=consent 同意

assignment 转让/任务

associate countries 准国民

assent = consent = agree 同意

arbitrator 仲裁者

article 物件/条款

attorney 律师 (patent attorney 专利师= Practitioner)

attorney-advisor 专利督导员

attaché 随员/专员

authority 职权

binding 有约束力的 (binding decision)

Board xx局 || xx会

bear 显现出

bequest 遗产

beneficiary 受益人

be subject to 受制于

Certificate of death 死亡证明文件

Chief Administrative Patent Judge 行政专利权大法官

client 当事人(法律用语)

Civil Code 民法

copyright 著作权

Commuter 通勤者

Comply with 符合 ( = obey = follow)

Compensate 补偿

Comply with 符合

Commerce 商业

Compensation 补偿

Compulsory 强迫性 (compulsory licensing 强迫授权)

Commission 委任/委托 = entrust

Conclusive evidence 决定性的证据

Constitute 制订

Contrary 相反的 (to the contrary / on the contrarily)

Confidentiality 机密性

Consultation 咨询、顾问

Credential 学经历背景证件

Criteria (criterion的复数) 标准

Deem 被视为

delegate 委任

deposit 寄存

Depict 描述 ( = describe = portray = delineate)

deposit institution 寄存机构

design patents 新式样专利

Design around = redesign 改良设计

Designate 特定的/指派

Disclose 公布/揭露 ( = reveal )

Discriminate = judgement 判断

Discipline 纪律/惩戒

dispute 争议

Distributed 发放

divisional application 申请分割 类:category(分割)

Documentary evidence 证明文件

Eligible 有资格的 (eligibility) (反:ineligibility)

本文标签: 专利申请食品工业行政用语