


剑魔:This battle will be my masterpiece

阿狸: Don't you trust me?

阿卡丽: As balance dictates.

阿里斯塔: Nothing can hold me back!

阿木木: I thought you'd never pick me

艾尼维亚 冰鸟: On my wings

安妮:You wanna play too? It'll be fun!

艾希: All the world on one arrow

阿奇尔 沙皇: Shurima! Your emperor has returned!

机器人布里茨: Fired up and ready to serve.

布兰德 火男: Ready to set the world on fire?

布隆: The heart is the strongest muscle

凯特琳 女警: I'm on the case

卡西奥佩娅 蛇女: There is no antidote for me

科加斯 大虫子: You'd wish the world you know to end!

库奇 飞机: I'm up to snuff, and gots me an ace machine!

德莱厄斯 诺手: They will regret opposing me

戴安娜 皎月: A new moon is rising

蒙多: Mundo!

德莱文: Welcome to the League of Draven.

伊莉丝 蜘蛛女皇: Only the spider is safe in her web

伊芙琳 寡妇: The night is my veil

伊泽瑞尔 EZ: Time for a true display of skill

费德提克 稻草人: Your bidding, master!

菲欧娜 剑姬: I long for a worthy opponent

菲兹 小鱼人: Let me at 'em!

加里奥 石像鬼: A guardian is always prepared.

普朗克 船长: Prepare to be boarded

盖伦: My heart and sword always for Demacia

纳什之牙: Gnar gada!

古拉加斯 酒桶 : If you're buying, I'm in

格雷福斯 男枪: Dead man walkin

赫卡里姆 人马: Behold the might of the Shadow Isles

黑默丁格 大头: Indeed, a wise choice

艾瑞莉娅 刀妹: My blade is at your service

迦娜 风女: The tempest is at your command

嘉文四世 皇子: By my will, this shall be finished

贾克斯 武器: Let's do this!

杰斯: I fight for a brighter tomorrow

金克丝: Rules are made to like buildings! Or


卡莉丝塔: Death to all betrayers

卡尔玛: Always trust your spirit

卡尔萨斯 死歌: Agony, ecstasy, peace. Every passing has a

beauty all its own

卡萨丁: The balance of power must be preserved

卡特:Violence solves everything!

凯尔 天使: Into the fray

亚索: Death is like the wind; always by my side

凯南: The eyes never lie

卡兹克 螳螂: Isolate and devour

克格莫 大嘴: Time to feast

乐芙兰 妖姬: The Black Rose shall bloom once more

李青 盲僧: Your will, my hands

蕾欧娜 女坦: The dawn has arrived.

丽桑卓: I will bury the world in ice

卢锡安: Everybody dies. Some just need a little help

璐璐: Pleased to meet you

拉克丝 光辉: Tactical decision, summoner!

墨菲特 石头人: Rock solid

玛尔扎哈: Oblivion awaits

茂凯 大树: I do for now.

易 剑圣: My blade is yours

女枪: Fortune doesn't favor fools

莫德凯撒 铁男: I shall bring great suffering

悟空: I will be the best

莫甘娜: We'll bring them pain

娜美: I decide what the tide will bring

内瑟斯 狗头: The cycle of life and death continues. We will live,

they will die

诺提勒斯 泰坦: Beware the depths

豹女: hey will fear the wild

魔腾: Embrace the darkness

努努: Here we go

奥拉夫: Leave nothing behind!

奥利安娜 发条: We will kill your enemies. That will be fun

潘森: They are privileged to die at my feet!

波比: Valoran will know harmony

奎茵: Justice takes wing

拉莫斯 龙龟:OK

雷克顿 鳄鱼:As I live, all will die

雷恩加尔 :Tonight we hunt

锐雯:What is broken can be reforged!

兰博:"Let's get in the fight!

瑞兹:Let's go, let's go!

瑟庄妮 猪妹:Trust nothing but your strength

萨科 小丑:How about a magic trick?

慎:A demonstration of superior judgement.

希瓦娜 龙女:They are nothing before me

辛吉德 炼金:How about a drink?

塞恩 老司机:Rest is for the living

希维尔:I always take my toll - blood, or gold.

斯卡纳 蝎子:My stinger brings ugly death

娑娜 琴女:Only you can hear me, Summoner. What masterpiece

shall we play today

索拉卡:Let me guide you

斯维因 乌鸦:The early bird guts the worm

辛德拉:So much untapped power

泰隆 男刀:Live and die by the blade

塔里克:More than just precious stones, I bring you an ancient


提莫:Captain Teemo on duty

锤石:What delightful agony we shall inflict

崔斯塔娜 小炮:"Once a Bandle gunner, always a Bandle gunner!

特朗德尔 巨魔:Time to troll!

泰达米尔 蛮王:This'll be a slaughter

崔斯特 卡牌:Lady luck is smilin

图奇 老鼠:What doesn't kill you just isn't finished yet

乌迪尔:Our rage is beyond your control

厄加特: endless torture

韦鲁斯:The guilty will know agony

薇恩:Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness

维迦 小法:Know that if the tables were turned, I would show

you no mercy

维克兹 大眼: disintegration

蔚:Punch first. Ask questions while punching

维克托:Join the glorious evolution

弗拉基米尔 吸血鬼:The rivers will run red

沃利贝尔 :Let the storm follow in my wake

沃里克 狼人:Let's make this fun

泽拉斯:I will be free

赵信:To the arena

约里克:Death is only the beginning

扎克:I was made literally.

劫:The unseen blade is the deadliest

吉格斯 炸弹人:This'll be a blast!

基兰 时光:I knew you would do that..

婕拉:Feel the thorns' embrace

俄洛伊:I'm not big on sermons - broken bones teach better



本文标签: 加斯英雄维亚蜘蛛