





My Awesome Summer Vacation!

Hey guys! Summer vacation was sooooo much fun. I went to

the beach with my family and we did all sorts of awesome stuff! I

can't wait to tell you all about it.

First up, we drove down to the beach. It took like a million

years because my little brother kept asking "Are we there yet?"

like a thousand times. My dad finally yelled at him to be quiet,

which was pretty funny. When we got there, the beach house we

rented was huge! It had its own pool and everything.

The very first thing I did when we got to the beach was run

right into the water. Well, actually first I put on my swimsuit.

Then I ran into the water. It was soooo cold! But after I got used

to it, it felt really refreshing. I spent like hours just splashing

around. My mom had to call me in for lunch because I was

having so much fun.

After lunch, we all went to build sandcastles on the beach.

My dad tried to make this really fancy one with all these turrets

and stuff. But then my little brother came and smashed it! My

dad got pretty mad, but me and my older sister thought it was

hilarious. We couldn't stop laughing. In the end, my sandcastle

looked way better than my dad's anyway.

Later that day, we went to the boardwalk and rode all the

rides at the little amusement park they have there. My favorite

was this rollercoaster called the Cyclone. It went upside down

like four times! Each time, I thought I was gonna fall out. But the

lap bar held me in pretty tight. My stomach was doing flips by

the end though. Totally worth it!

That night, we had a big bonfire on the beach and roasted

marshmallows. I accidentally dropped one of mine in the sand,

which was pretty gross. But most of them turned out

ooey-gooey perfect. S'mores are definitely my favorite summer

treat! While we had the bonfire going, we could see dolphins

jumping out in the ocean. It was like they were putting on a show

just for us. So cool!

The next day, we went kayaking on the bay. I was a little

nervous about tipping over at first, but I got the hang of it pretty

quickly. My dad was the one who fell in! He got soaked and had

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