


“非常, 很, 极其”的英文表达法

相信大家都会有这样的经历: 每每用英语表达一些很一般的概念时, 我们总会立刻想

起某个表达法. 例如: 想说"很"时,立刻想到了very或very much; 想说"大"时, 则用big

或large.这样的一一对应, 大大减弱了英语写作的丰富性和生动性.

于是这些最先为我们想到的表达法, 便成了我们提高英语水平的羁绊. 如果我们能把

这些最常用概念的英语表达归类, 总结, 贫乏的英语表达便会涣然一新.

在英语中用来表达"极其, 非常, 很"的方式有26种:

(used for giving force)

a. (to an adjective) very

It really is most annoying.

b.(to an adverb) quite; very

Whatever happens, I shall most certainly attend the meeting.


most只能修饰具有主观意见或感情色彩的形容词和副词, 表示"非常, 很"的概念.我

们可以说 most certainly, 但不能说most tall 或 most quick

y adv.

infml (used to give more force to an expression) very

awfully cold, awfully nice

I am awfully sorry for it.


(与"want", "need"连用) a great deal; very much

They want help badly.

He is badly in need of a haircut.

than ...

fml, to a degree at which "..." is no longer a strong enough

or suitable word. 与中文的"无以名状"差不多

We were more than happy to hear of your escape.

本文标签: 表达法表达写作意见