




Introduction to Framed Structures in Civil Engineering.

Framed structures are a fundamental aspect of civil

engineering, consisting of an assemblage of interconnected

structural elements to form a stable framework. These

structures are designed to withstand various loads and

forces while maintaining their structural integrity.

Understanding the principles and applications of framed

structures is crucial for civil engineers.

The primary components of a framed structure include:

Beams: Horizontal elements that resist bending and

shear forces.

Columns: Vertical elements that primarily resist axial

compression forces.

Joints: Connections between beams and columns that

transfer loads and maintain structural stability.

Framed structures offer several advantages, including:

Efficient use of materials: The distribution of loads

across multiple elements allows for optimized material


Versatility: Framed structures can be adapted to meet

varying design requirements, such as height, span, and


Stability: The interconnected framework provides

enhanced stability against both lateral and vertical loads.

Ease of construction: Pre-fabricated components can

simplify and expedite the construction process.

The analysis and design of framed structures involve:

本文标签: 绪论框架结构