


SQKC-25高三一轮 第20讲 课后作业

1. She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her _____ to Scotland.

A. ticket B. place C. seat D. connection

2. Everybody was touched _______ words after they heard her moving story.

A. beyond B. without C. of D. in

3. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _______easy reach.

A. near B. upon C. within D. around

4. The ship was _____ in a storm off Jamaica.

A. drowned B. sunk C. wrecked D. submitted

5. - They are quiet, aren't they?

- Yes. They are accustomed ______ at meals.

A. to talk B. to not talk C. to talking D. to not talking

6. I began to feel _______in the new school when I saw some familiar faces.

A. at home B. at heart C. at will D. at sight

7. No one has _____ been able to trace the author of the poem.

A. still B. yet C. already D. just

8. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all

the details.

A. concise B. clear C. precise D. elaborate

9. Mary and I see each other________, but not as often as we used to.

A. sooner or later

B. once in a while

C. in the end

D. more or less

10. Let's learn to use the problem we are facing _______ a stepping-stone to future success.

A. to B. for C. as D. by

11. Children need friends _______their own age to play with.

A. of B. for C. in D. at

12. -Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?

-Because the old one has been damaged _______.

A. beyond reach B. beyond repair C. beyond control D. beyond description

13. The manager suggested an earlier date _______ the meeting.

A. on B. for C. about D. with

14. I have offered to paint the house _______a week's accommodation.

A. in exchange for B. with regard to C. by means of D. in place of

15. Professor Jordon is well known for his _____ into the habits of the common housefly.

A. examination B. introduction C. research D. expression

16. The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to _____.

A. discharge B. dismiss C. resign D. resume

17. It was decided to _____ the search when there was no hope of finding the missing girl


A. call off B. take up C. keep off D. ring up

18. He put in a special _____ for an extra day's holiday so that he could attend his daughter's


A. request B. demand C. inquiry D. proposal

19. She _____ the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford.

A. challenged B. obstructed C. contradicted D. resisted

20. Scientists have to work hard to keep _____ with modern discoveries and developments.

A. company B. track C. touch D. pace

21. He didn't _____ what I read because his mind was on something else.

A. hold on B. catch on C. take in D. get over

22. We made plans for a visit but _____ difficulties with the car prevented it.

A. consequent B. subordinate C. substantial D. subsequent

23. Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning, but there is _____ difference between them.

A. a submerged B. an indecisive C. an indistinct D. a subtle

24. This watch is _____ to all the other watches on the market.

A. superior B. advantageous C. super D. beneficial

25. The government has lost a great deal of _____ because of the large increase in food pries.

A. strength B. support C. agreement D. vote

26. The branches could hardly _____ the weight of the fruit.

A. retain B. maintain C. sustain D. remain

27. He thought this was the first pair of shoes that had fitted him _____.

A. perfectly B. justly C. fairly D. rightly

28. I feel sure that _____ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to

the position we have in mind.

A. in case of B. in terms of C. in the opinion of D. in the course of

29. So far as he could, John had always tried to _____ the example he saw in Lincoln.

A. live up to B. set forth C. call for D. cut out

30. It would be _____ a risk to let the child go to school by himself.

A. following B. passing C. running D. carrying

31. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____.

A. hurt B. spoiled C. damaged D. harmed

32. Paper making began in China and from there it _____ to North Africa and Europe.

A. sprang B. spilled C. carried D. spread

33. When the entire class worked together they finished the project _____.

A. in no way B. in no time C. on no account D. in no case

34. The _____ of his clothes indicated too clearly that he had been playing football.

A. state B. condition C. occasion D. situation

35. Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can _____ attack their trainer.

A. unexpectedly B. deliberately C. reluctantly D. subsequently

36. Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which

_____ increase the risk of heart disease.

A. in turn B. in return C. by chance D. by turns

37. The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _____.

A. correct B. perfect C. right D. well

38. They decided to leave the waiter a big _____ because the food and service had been


A. note B. reward C. tip D. gift

39. And you find that you're not to be _____ with a position of real responsibility.

A. offered B. trusted C. furnished D. retained

40. There was a good _____ of the countryside from the front of the bus.

A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery

41. In aerospace devices the weight of the necessary power producing equipment is _____.

A. vital B. possible C. capable D. reliable

42. This album is _____ as it was the only one ever signed by the President.

A. unusual B. unique C. rare D. special

43. Trains stop here in order to _____ passengers only.

A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. pull in

44. He _____ the place where he had been bitten by an insect.

A. snatched B. scratched C. squeezed D. stretched

45. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely


本文标签: 高考词汇真题串讲