





The girl's family, foxes in fact, return the favour.

A kind old lady saved a girl from high fever on a snowy night.

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The Heart of Winter

Once upon a time in Japan, there was a small tea house by

the side of a mountain path. The tea house was owned by an old

lady who lived there by herself. Every day the old lady made

wonderful rice dumplings, and all the travelers who passed by

stopped to taste them.

“What delicious rice dumplings.” They all said, before

continuing their journey much refreshed.

In the winter time, there was always snow in front of the tea

house. The old lady had a hard time clearing it all away. Every day

she first had to remove the snow from around the shop, and then

make her rice dumplings and prepare tea ready for her customers.

“This really is a hard task,” muttered the old lady to herself

as she shoveled the snow. “My back is breaking.”

One evening the old lady was resting inside her tea house,

exhausted after a hard day's work. She heard someone knocking

at the front door.

“Who could be traveling past at this time of night?” She

wondered. She opened the door and a stranger stepped in.

“Grandmother. I need some help. One of my children has been

taken ill suddenly. She's really, very sick. I need to find help for


“Well, I'm afraid there aren't any doctors up here in the

mountains,” replied the old lady.

“I don't know what to do,” said the man. “She's the

youngest of my five children, and she's got a high fever. She's

本文标签: 故事学生白话