



Climate-Crisis Fueled Locust Swarms(蝗虫群) Pose 'Unprecedented Threat to

Food Security and Livelihoods' in East Africa

The region's ___1____(bad)outbreak in decades ___2____ ( bring) hundreds of

millions of crop-devouring bugs to Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

A massive invasion of desert locusts—partly fueled by the climate crisis—seriously

threatens food security in already-vulnerable communities across East Africa and has

___3____ (increasing) alarmed United Nations experts in recent weeks.

"The situation remains extremely serious in the Horn of Africa, ___4____ it threatens

pastures and crops in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia," says a report ___5____ (release)

last week by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). "The current swarms

represent __6____ unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods in the Horn

of Africa."

A swarm ___7___(contain) up to 150 million locusts per square kilometers (0.39

square miles) and can devour enough ___8____ (crop) in a day to feed 35,000 people,

according to FAO, a U.N. agency. ___9____ "ground and aerial control operations

continue in Ethiopia and aerial operations started in Kenya in January," the report

notes that "insecurity and a lack of national capacity have hampered control

operations in Somalia."

"A potentially threatening situation is developing along both sides of the Red Sea,

where ongoing breeding is causing locust numbers to increase on the coasts of Egypt,

Sudan, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen," FAO warns. "There is a risk ___100____

that some swarms could appear in northeast Uganda, southeast South Sudan, and

southwest Ethiopia."


1. worst 2 has brought singly 5.


ns gh 10. that


devour [dɪˈvaʊə(r)]

v. 狼吞虎咽地吃;吞没;吞噬

She devoured half an apple pie.



eat bolt chew devour (吃)

eat v. 吃,食用


She is eating bread.她正在吃面包。

bolt v. 狼吞虎咽

指匆匆吞咽食物,通常与 down 连用。

He bolted down his breakfast and went to school.


chew v. 嚼,咀嚼

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