




Test 1 (7A Unit 1 )



1. W: Do you like music? M: Yes. I listen to CDs at the weekend.

2 M: What do you often do on Friday afternoon? W: I often play volleyball with

other girls.

3. W: Does Amy walk home after school? M :. No. She takes a bus.

4. M: Are you ggod. at dancing, Millie? W: No, but~I'm good at swimming.

5. W., are you, Simon? M: I'm twelve. Mybrother is fourteen.

6. W: Was Dick born in Shanghai? M: No. He was born in Beijing.

7. M. Hello,Sandy. What do you do after school? W: I often play basketball.

8. W: Is your cousin a doctor? M. No, he is a teacher.

9. M- What does Mitlie like doing? W: She enjoys reading. She is a member of

the Reading Club.

10. W: David is in Class Four and he wears glasses. M: My sister Kitty is in Class

Three, but she doesn't wear glasses.



M: What's this?

W: It's my dog.

M: How old is it?

W: It's three years old.

M: Do you often walk your dog?

W: Yes. I walk it every afternoon.


W:What~s in your hand?

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