


英语高考读后续写指导-“三个句式” 搞定情感描写


感线索, 进而凸显人物的性格、升华文章的主题。与此同时,情感描写也使得文章的细节更生动,

充分实现 “情节与细节” 并行推进,体现出文章的精彩度。大部分学生对于情感描写词语匮乏,


万能句式一:adj 1 and adj 2, 主句,doing… / 独立主格结构

句式来源:Tired and hungry, he went home, not saying a word.



1. 他站起身来领奖。

He stood up to accept the prize.

句式升级:Surprised and delighted, he stood up to accept the prize, feeling proud. 又意外又开心,他


2. 他交了很多朋友。

He made a lot of friends.

句式升级:Modest and easy-going, he soon made a lot of friends, getting along well with them. 因为


3. 我们早早在校门口集合。

We gathered at the school gate early.

句式升级:Eager and enthusiastic, we gathered at the school gate early, chatting and laughing all the

time. 满怀热情和渴望,我们早早就在校门口集合,又说又笑。



Excited and whole –hearted, we were discussing with our classmates and writing down our suggestions,

hoping to help solve the problem.


Greatly surprised and confused, I read diary after diary, each expressing a similar theme.

3. Thrilled and enraptured, Jane quickened pace and sprinted to the helicopter, knowing that she would

be rescued eventually. 简欣喜若狂,加快了步伐,向直升机冲去,她知道自己终于获救了。

4. Satisfied and content, my sister stared at the flowers, regarding them as the most marvelous work in

the world. 心满意足的,姐姐看了看这些花,认为它们是世界上最奇妙的作品。


1. 既害怕又无助,他一动不动站在那好一会,不敢相信刚才发生的一切。

Scared and helpless, he stood still for a moment, not believing what had just happened.

2. 又绝望又疲惫,Jane 跪了下来,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流了下来。

Desperate and exhausted, Jane knelt down, with tears rolling down her cheeks.


3. 我们好奇而兴奋, 迫不及待地想要和外国学生交换礼物,以表达我们彼此真挚的友谊。

Curious and excited, we couldn’t wait to exchange gifts with the foreign students,conveying our sincere

friendship to each other.

4. 非常兴奋,我们全神贯注地和同学商讨着并写下我们的建议,希望能帮助解决这个问题。

Excited and whole –hearted, we were discussing with our classmates and writing down our suggestions,

hoping to help solve the problem.

5. 句式改造He walked into the classroom. (害怕)

Cautious and even a bit scared, he swiftly slipped into the quiet classroom, bag on back and sweat on


万能句式二:量词 + 表情感状态的名词 + 动词 + sb

常用量词:a burst / wave / flood / surge / sense of…

常用动词:seize, grasp, take hold of,crawl/creep爬,swallow吞噬,well up涌出,surge 涌动,

sweep over 冲;卷,overwhelm充溢,压倒


1. 当她知道考试结果时,她兴奋极了。

When she knew the result of the test, she felt excited.

句式升级:The instant she was informed of the result of the test, a surge of excitement seized her.

2. 她伤心不已。

She felt extremely sad.

句式升级:She was seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.

3. 我感到很害怕。

I felt very scared.

句式升级:I was seized by a strong sense of horror with my palms sweating.


1. 看着他自信的微笑,我的心中也涌起了喜悦。

At the sight of his confident smile, a sense of joy swept over / flooded over me.

2. 听见他说的话,Alice咧开嘴笑,一股幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头。

Hearing what he said, Alice grinned from ear to ear, a wave of happiness flooding over her.

3. 电话里,听见他的话,我羞愧得低下头, 一阵愧疚向我袭来, 脸上发烫。

Hearing his words on the phone, I hung my head shamefully, a wave of guilt sweeping over me with my

face burning.

句式变化:doing…, sb. felt a great sense of + 情绪名词+ welling up in sb’s heart and surging through

sb, doing… “某人感到一股强烈的......在内心升腾、奔涌。” 句首可以加上doing sth,表示这种情绪

产生的原因;句尾可以加上doing sth或which, 表示这种情绪产生后的结果。

1. Seeing his husband chatting with a beautiful girl, Jane felt a great sense of jealousy welling up in her

heart and surging through her,throwing the tea cup at the girl.

2. Seeing his daughter safe and sound, he felt a great sense of relief welling up in his heart and surging

through him.

3. Swing their skirts and imaging they were the most attractive women at the ball, the wives felt a great


本文标签: 情感句式描写