



由result in引起的词组辨析



result in 这个词组使用频率较高的,其基本含义为“引起、导致……、以……为结局”,可

以用“cause;have (sth.) as a result”作为其英文解释。它可以扩展成两个基本用法:1. result in

sth.;2. result in sb. doing。

例如:The game resulted in another victory for our game. 比赛结果是我们队又胜了。

The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house. 争吵导致他妈妈离家出走。


result from和result in 这两个的短语的意思正相反;result from表示“由……引起或产生

于……”,句子的主语指结果,from的宾语指起因;result in 表示“产生或导致某种结果”,句子

的主语指起因,in的宾语指结果。而result from 也可以扩展成两个基本用法:1. result from sth.

/ doing sth.; 2. result from doing。

例如:Nothing had resulted from our efforts. 我们的努力没有产生什么结果。

Sickness often results from eating too much. 呕吐常因饮食过量所致。

His failure resulted from not working hard enough. 他的失败是工作不够努力造成的。


result in, lead to, bring about, contribute to这些动词短语都有“引起、造成、导致”的意思。

result in侧重强调所造成的结果,而结果通常是不良的或消极的结果;lead to与result in相似,


描述客观的可能性和对未来的预测。使用比result in广泛。contribute to 本意是“对……作贡

献”,用于不好的方面作贡献解释为“造成、导致”,相当于lead to 的用法。用于好的方面则表

示“促成、有助于”的意思。bring about多指“带来”某种变化、好处等,或“导致……,造


lead to

1. 导致,引起


例如:This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict. 这是一场严重的争执,有可


Virtue leads to happiness. 美德使人快乐。

2. 把……带到,领到

例如:The girl led her little brother to school. 那女孩带着小弟弟上学去了。

The path can lead you to the foot of the mountain. 这条小河引你们下山。

3. (道路)通向……

例如:All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

This road leads to my home. 这条路通向我家。

A winding path leads to the cave. 一条曲折的小路通向山洞。

bring about

1. 造成,引起或导致(某事)

例如:The new government is expected to bring a large number of improvements about. 人们期


What brought about the failure of the business? 是什么原因造成经营失败的?

Such a change cannot be brought about in a day. 这样的变化不可能在一天之内发生。

2. 使(船)调转船头

例如:The old helmsman brought us about and we avoided a dangerous dash against the rocks.


If the wind changes, you will have to bring the boat about. 如果风向改变,你必须调转船头。

bring ... on

1. 使……发作


例如:Reading in a dim light may bring on a headache. 在光线暗的情况下看书会引起头痛。

His troubles may bring on a serious illness. 他的小病可能会引起一场重病。

2. 使发展,进步

例如:More study should bring on your English. 进一步学习将提高你的英文水平。

Good sunlight and moisture bring the crops on nicely. 良好的日照和充分的水分有助于庄稼旺


3. 呈现……,使……出现

例如:The waiter brought on the next dish. 侍者端上了下一道菜。

contribute to

1. 捐献,捐助,贡献出

例如:The local government wants everybody living in the region to contribute to the Red Cross.


2. 起促进作用

例如:Various factors contributed to his downfall. 多种因素导致了他的垮台。

Smoking contributed to his early death. 吸烟造成了他的早逝。

A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. 适度的运动有益健康。

3. 撰稿,投稿

例如:She regularly contributes to the college magazine. 他定期给校刊投稿。

as a result

1. 结果,因此

例如:As a result, he had to leave. 结果他只得离开。


There was a substantial growth of industry and foreign trade increased as a result. 由于工业的大


2. 由于……结果

【说明】 在句中特指引起某种结果的原因时,用定冠词the代替不定冠词a/an 。

例如:As a result of what we saw we decided to change the rules. 鉴于我们所看到的情况,我


He is paralyzed as the result of a would⁃be assassin’s bullet years ago. 几年前有人对他行刺未


本文标签: 结果引起造成