



ORIGINAL AIRDATE : Mon, Apr. 3rd, 2005 @ 10pm (ABC)






Sacred Heart Hospital - Nighttime

"In the Coma Ward at Sacred Heart Hospital, the dreams begin just after midnight. The

pitch black of night gives way to vivid images that comfort the dreamer until the morning."

A janitor stops cleaning the floor and stretches.

"Gus, the custodian, dreams of someday winning the lottery and quitting his thankless job."

He removes a piece of paper from his shirt pocket, kisses it, picks up his thermos, and

walks off.

A security guard, sitting in a chair, pulls out a neck pillow to place on his neck.

"Howard, the security guard, envisions a luxurious retirement in the tropics."

He kicks off his shoes and closes his eyes.

A night nurse sits at a desk, looking bored. She spins something on the desk and watches it.

"Ruth Ann, the night nurse, fantasizes about leaving her husband."

As it spins, she checks her watch, picks up a pack of cigarettes and stands up to leave,

leaving her wedding ring spinning on the desk.

"But the most vivid dreams of all belong to the patient in Room 312."

Inside room 312, Juanita Solis lies still in her hospital bed.

"Yes, Juanita Solis had been dreaming steadily for five months. Sometimes of the shocking

secret she had uncovered."

Flashback to her taking a picture of Gabrielle and John caught in bed.

."Other times, she dreamt of the accident that had put her in the hospital."

Flashback to her running out of the Solis house and getting hit by a car.

"But her most common dream was the one in which she finally told her son the truth."

Carlos sits next to Juanita’s bedside holding her hands. Juanita leans over and begins

whispering to Carlos.

Juanita: "Carlos. "

"And then Juanita Solis decided it was time to wake up."

Juanita's eyes open suddenly and she sits up in bed.

A few minutes later, Juanita leaves her hospital room, holding onto her pole with IV fluids.

She looks up and down the empty hallway.

Juanita: "Hello? Is anybody here?"

Juanita goes down the hallway, looking back and forth.

Juanita: "Hello!"

Juanita reaches the empty nurse's station and bangs on the counter.

Juanita: "I have to call my son!"

Juanita continues to run down the hallway in her stocking feet. She runs past the hallway

and doesn’t see the sleeping guard. She continues running and see a phone on the wall at

the end of a hallway. She pulls out the intravenous tube and runs down the hallway toward

the phone.

As she heads towards it, she slips on the wet floor left by the janitor. She slides straight

into a stairwell, where she falls down the stairs, right near the feet of the nurse taking her

cigarette break. Ruth Ann, turns, shocked.

"Even though she knew she was about to die, Juanita didn’t care. The truth was finally

going to come out."

Ruth Ann puts out her cigarette and runs toward Juanita. Ruth Ann kneels down and holds

Juanita’s head.

Juanita: "Tell my son his wife is cheating on him."

Ruth Ann: "Oh my God!"

Juanita dies.

"Sadly for Juanita, this was one dream that would never come true."

Ruth Ann pulls earphones from her ears. Music is blasting from the earphones.




Susan's House

At Susan's kitchen table, there are illustrated drawings knights and dragons.

"We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for

their daring, sometimes for their goodness, but mostly we honor heroes because at one

point or another we all dream of being rescued."

Susan goes to the coffeemaker by the sink and pours herself a cup. She looks through the

kitchen window and sees Mike walking up to the door.

He knocks on the door.

Mike: "Susan, I know you’re in there. We have to talk."

Susan opens door and faces Mike.

Mike: "This is crazy."

Susan: "I know."

Mike grabs Susan and they kiss.

Cut to Susan standing at the kitchen window again, daydreaming.

Susan again opens the door and faces Mike.

Mike: "Everything the cop said to you is true. I did kill someone. But there’s one thing they

didn’t tell you. I killed for you, Susan."

Susan grabs Mike and kisses him.

Cut to Susan standing at the kitchen window again, daydreaming.

Susan opens the door and faces Mike. He pulls out a gun and aims at her.

Mike: "Susan, if I can’t have you, no one else can."

Susan knocks the gun out of Mike’s hand.

Susan: "Shut up."

Susan grabs Mike and kisses him. The coffee cup she is holding falls and breaks.

Cut to Susan standing at the kitchen window again, daydreaming. She looks down at the

unbroken cup in her hand. She sees Mike walking toward the door, and then he knocks.

本文标签: 绝望文本台词主妇