


Season 1, Episode 3: Pretty Little Picture

-Announcer: Previously on Desperate Housewives, Susan took dating tips from her 12 year old


previously: 先前,以前 desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的dating: 约会 tip: 告诫,提示

前情提要 Susan从她12岁的女儿那儿学到一些约会的小窍门。

-Julie: If you wanna date him, you’re gonna have to ask him out.

date: 和…约会 gonna=going to: 将要 have to: 不得不,必须 ask…out: 邀请某人外出


-Susan: I keep hoping he’ll ask me out. 我一直希望他能来邀请我

-Julie: How’s that going? 结果怎样?

-Announcer: Bree accidentally poisoned her husband. Bree不小心毒到了她丈夫

accidentally: 意外地,偶然地 poison: 放毒于

-Rex: I can’t believe you tried to kill me. 我真不敢相信你想杀了我

try to: 设法

-Bree: Yes, well, I feel badly about that. 是啊,我非常抱歉

-Announcer: Lynette indulged in creative parenting? Lynette沉湎于启发式家长养育

indulge in: 沉溺于 creative: 创造性的 parenting: 养育,抚养

-Lynette: If any of you acts up, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas.

act up: 耍脾气,捣蛋 Santa: 圣诞老人 sock: 袜子


-Gabrielle: I really hate the way you talk to me. 我真讨厌你对我说话的方式

talk to sb.:同…说话

-Carlos: And I really hate that I spent $15,000 on your diamond necklace.

spend on: 把…花在… diamond: 砖石 necklace: 项链


-Announcer: while Gabrielle indulged in the company of her gardener.

company: 陪伴 gardener: 园丁


-Gabrielle: Hi honey, you’re home early. 嗨,亲爱的,你回来真早

-Announcer: And everybody’s wondering? 每个人都在想

wonder: 想知道

-Susan: Oh Mary Alice, what did you do? Mary Alice,你到底干了些什么?

-Announcer: why their best friend just killed herself. 为什么他们最好的朋友会自杀?

-Bree: How much do we really wanna know about our neighbors?


-Announcer: Everyone has a little dirty laundry. 每个人都有一些不可告人之事

laundry: 待洗的衣服 dirty laundry: 字面意思为“要洗的脏衣服”,深层意思是“不可告人的秘密”

-Narrator: After I died, I began to surrender the parts of myself that were no longer necessary.

begin to: 开始 surrender: 交出,交给 no longer: 不在,再也不


My desires, beliefs, ambitions, doubts---every trace of my humanity was discarded.

desire: 欲望 belief: 信仰 ambition: 野心 doubt: 疑虑 trace: 痕迹 humanity: 人性 discard: 丢

我的欲望,信仰,野心,疑虑 ---人性中的每一抹痕迹都被丢弃。

I discovered when moving through eternity, it helps to travel lightly.

eternity: 来生 travel: 到远处去 lightly: 轻轻地


In fact, I held on to only one thing,my memory. 事实上,我只保留了一样东西,我的记忆。

hold on to: 保留,紧紧抓住 memory:记忆

It's astonishing to look back on the world I left behind。 I remember it all ---every single detail.

Like my friend Bree Van De Kamp. I remember the easy confidence of her smile,

astonishing: 令人吃惊 look back: 回头看 leave behind:留下,落在后面single: 单个的 detail: 细

节easy: 安逸的 confidence: 信心

回头看自己身后的世界真是令人吃惊。我记得所有事情,每一个细节。就像我的朋友Bree Van De Kamp我


the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. But what I remember most about

gentle: 温和的 elegance: 高雅 refined: 优雅 warmth: 温暖


Rex, wasn't that lovely – Rex,那真是可爱,不是吗 –

was the look of fear in her eyes. Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, and for

a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable.

look: 神色,神情 fear: 恐惧 start to: 开始 realize: 意识到 unravel: 解开despise: 轻视 loose

本文标签: 邀请说话时候东西养育