


The Period of Revolution and Restoration

Bl. During the "Glorious Revolution^, ______ was expelled and William was invited

from Holland to be the King of England in 1688

A. James I B. James II C. Charles I D. Charles II

C2. Which one of the following work is not written by John Milton?

A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained


Julius Caesar D. Samson Agonistes

D3. Which one of the following work is not written in John Miton^s blindness?

A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained

C. On His Deceased Wife D. Defence of the English People

C4. John MiltorTs best known prose work ____

as a declaration of people's freedom

of the press, has been a weapon in the later democratic revolutionary struggles A

Lycidas B. Of Reformation in England

C. Aeropagitica D. Defence of the English People

B5. The epic of Paradise Lost is based on the stories from _____

A. The New Testament B. The Old Testament

C The Ancient Greek Myths D. The Ancient Roman Myths

A6. John Bunyan uses the everyday world of common experience as a metaphor for the

spiritual journey of the soul toward God in his _________

A. The Pilgrim^s Progress B



The Faerie Queene D

Don Juan

D7. Who does not belong to the Metaphysical school?

A. John Donne B. George Herbert C. Andrew Marvell D. Robert Herrick C8. is an

elaborate metaphor comparing two apparently dissimilar objects or

emotions, often with an effect of shock or surprise

A. Soliloquy B

Allegory C

Conceit D. Foreshadowing

A9. The Restoration comedy mainly provides amusement for _____

A. the upper class B. the middle class

C. the lower class D. the royal court

DIO. The following characteristics belong to the metaphysical poetry represented by

John Donne except ______

A. conceits B. actual imagery and simple diction


argumentative form D. elegant style

Cll. In Paradise Lost, Satan says "We may with more successful hope resolve/To wage

by force or guile eternal war,/Irreconcilable to our grand Foe". What does the "Eternal

war” mean?

A. To remove God from his throne

B. To burn the Heaven down

C. To corrupt God

s creation of man and woman

Adam and Eve

D. To beguile into a snake to threaten man


s life


Paradise Lost is ___ masterpiece, which is an epic in 12 books, written in

blank verse, about the heroic revolt of Satan against GocTs authority

A. John Donne B. Christopher Marlowe C. John Milton D. Spenser D13. The

following description fits into Milton except _____________

A. a great revolutionary poet of the 17



B. an outstanding political pamphleteer

C. a great stylist and master of blank verse

D. a kind of elegant and refine style

C14. ____ is the most successful religious allegory in the English language

A. Genesis A B. The Holy War


The Pilgrim^ Progress D


B15. The true subject of John Donners poem, “The Sun Rising


is to __

A. attack the sun as unruly servant

B. give compliments to the mistress and her power of beauty


criticize the surTs intrusion into the lover


s private life


lecture the sun on where true royalty and riches lie

DI6. The phrase "to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation

through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils'

may well sum up the implied meaning of ______

A. Gulliver's Travels B. The Rape of the Lock


Robinson Crusoe D

The Pilgrim's Progress

C17. In The Pilgrim^s Progress, John Bunyan describes The Vanity Fair in a _______


A. delightful B. satirical C. sentimental D. solemn


__ , poet, playwright, and critic, was the most distinguished literary figure of

the Restoration Period

A. John Dryden B. John Bunyan C. John Donne D. Robert Burton AB19. Who of the

following were the important metaphysical poets? ________________________ •

A. John Donne B. George Herbert

C. John Milton D. Richard Lovelace

AB20. John Milton wrote a number of pamphlets defending the English People.

Choose them from the following _____ .

A. Defiance of the English People

B. Second Defiance of the English People

C. L' Allegro

D. Il Ponderosa

ABC21. Which works were written by John Milton? ___ •

A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained

C. Samson Agonists D. Vulpine

ABCD22. Paradise Lost is _______ .


John Milton^s masterpiece


A great epic in 12 books

C. written in blank verse

D. about the heroic revolt of Satan against GocTs authority

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