


Module 1 Book 4

Ⅰ 单词拼写

1. Both her parents attach great ____________ (important) to education.

2. Brick was used as the main building __________ (材料) for local churches.

3. They are looking for ways of reducing the waste of natural ___________ (resource).

4. Electricity companies were criticized for failing to develop _________ (替代的) energy


5. It is difficult to make a __________ (predict) about which player will win the match because

they are both neck and neck.

6. Because of his ________________ (disable), he depended on his wife to dress him and feed


7. The _________ (crime) tried to get away from the police but failed and were caught.

8. It would be __________ (risk) to invest all your money in the project.

9. Many people are pessimistic, but others are ______________ (optimism).

10. In many restaurants, people use _____________ (dishwasher) to wash plates.

11. You should abey the speeding ________________ (limit) when you are driving.

12. I ___________ (definite) remember sending the letter.

13. Our flight _______________ (eventual) left five hours later.

14. With a lot of difficult problems _____________ (settle), the manager felt like a cat on hot


15. The old man was too tired ______ (go) any farther.

16. The train was over three hours late. We e__________ got home at a quarter to twelve.

17. No one can p________ when the disease will strike again.

18. Somehow Tom remained ______________ (乐观的) despite all that had happened to him.

19. He never works hard at his lessons; he will _____________ (无疑地) fail this time.

20. To everyone’s sadness, Li Ming’s mother was _______________(diagnose) with cancer.

21. The agency will make travel arrangements for you.______________ (alternative), you can

organize your own transport.

22. There is a possibility that we’ll us up some natural _______________ (resource).

23. It’s hard for us to make _____________ (predict) about the future.

24. The truck ____________ (load) with bricks turned over.

25. The man was _____________ (arrest) by the police because he stole a car yesterday.

26. He began to work out a new way of __________ (power) aero-planes.

27. People are not allowed to light fireworks within the city’s _________ (limit).

28. They ________ (attach) a torch to their heads in order to see the road ahead clearly.

29. I don’t want to put all my money into the _________ (risk) business.

Ⅱ 用适当的介词填空

1. Doctors say many diseases can be prevented ________ spreading by washing hands.

2. Could you please write to me in English instead _____ Japanese if possible?

3. My baby only weighed 3.5 kilos _________ birth.

4. I can shut off all the power in the building ______ the flick of a switch.

5. Some practical experiments carried _____ by Mayo in the early 1930s produced interesting


6. Don’t forget to switch the gas _______ before you leave.


7. The police arrested her _______ drunk driving.

8. We’re an international company ______ offices in Paris, New York and Sydney.

9. He works as an investment banker or something _______ that.

10. So few parents are sure _______ what they should do about sleep problem.

11. Repair work is ______ progress on the road surface and will continue until June.

12. I don’t need that old chair—you can throw it __________.

Ⅲ 选择适当的短语填空:

for sure, run out, for a start, rely on, get rid of, look out, on the way out

1. You must ________ your own efforts to realize your dream.

2. Our petrol _______________ we had to walk 10 miles to a garage to buy some.

3. You are supposed to __________________ when you cross the street, especially at rush


4. No one knows ___________ what will happen in the future.

5. How to _____________ waste is a great problem for the world today.

6. Such kind of music is _____________, and is no longer popular.

7. I’m not buying it---I can’t afford it __________.

Ⅳ 用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. If Tom __________ (sleep) when you come back, don’t bother him, please.

2. --- May I meet you at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning?

--- I’m afraid not. I ____________ (attend) a meeting then.

3. The train ________ (go) at its present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about

nine o’clock tonight.

4. ---I ______ (be) 21 tomorrow。

--- Happy birthday to you!

5. At this time tomorrow I __________ (fly) over the Pacific, heading home to visit my parents.

6. By the time you arrive home, Tom __________ (do) his homework, so don’t make any noise.

7. Tomorrow I am going to leave for home. When I ___________ (arrive ) at the airport, my

whole family _________ (wait) for me.

8. ---When do you leave for Florida?

----Tomorrow. Just think! In two days from now I ___________ (lie ) on the beach in the sun.

9. ---How can I get in touch with you while you are out of town?

---I ___________ (stay) at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there.

10. --- Do you think life will be very different in 100years from now?

--- Of course. I can picture it in my mind. People ____________ (live) in houses that they can

take with them if they have to move, and they ________ (drive) air cars that can go at high


---That sounds fascinating!

11. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she __________ (be) in her office and she _________ (write) a

report for the manager.

12. ----How about five o’clock tomorrow morning?

--- No, don’t ring me that early in the morning. I ___________(sleep).

13. It ____________ (rain) now. I wonder if it _________ (rain) this afternoon.

14. At this time yesterday, he __________ (play) basketball on the playground, but at this time

tomorrow, he ___________ (take) an examination.




本文标签: 填空拼写单词