


丁淋漓老师收 王帅整理提供 苦心孤诣助力试题库建设

第一册第四单元题库部分来自课后习题 及练习册 答案也附上了

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

actually energy entire

secret separate skilled

increase position require

special speed touch

1. Those buildings are so tall that they seem to ______ the sky.

2. We need someone with _____ and enthusiasm(热情) to do this job.

3. He was driving at a _____ of 90 miles per hour on his way home.

4. Of course he is our landlord(房东); he owns the _____ building.

5. Is there anything ______ that you’d like to do this afternoon, Peter?

6. China’s GDP (国内生产总值) ______ by 9.1 percent in 2003.

7. Believe it or not, our foreign teacher is quite _____ at cooking Chinese dishes.

8. She seems so quiet, but _____ she likes to talk.

9. This word has four _____ meanings.

10. You are _____ by law to stop your car after an accident (事故)。

11. What’s your _____ for looking so young?

12. I go to sleep on my back but I always wake up in a different _____.

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

keep from keep one’s balance known as quite a bit (of)

rather than think of… as up and down

1. She was running __________ outside her house, shouting for help.

2. The noise from the next door ____ me _____sleeping last night.

3. The disease is more commonly _______ Mad Cow Disease.

4. He is having ________ trouble with his car, isn’t he?

5. The little girl had to hold onto the railings(扶手)to keep her balance .

6. I prefer to live near my work _____ spend a lot of time traveling every day.

7. I used to _____ him __ someone who would always help me, but I was wrong.

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 汤姆的故事很滑稽,我们都忍不住笑了起来。

2. 德语系和英语系分处两幢楼,而不是在同一幢楼里。

3. 伍兹(Woods)具备什么其他高尔夫球运动员(golfer)不具备的特殊技巧呢?

4. 跑步是最大众化的运动方式,因为它不需要什么训练或器材(equipment)。

5. 需要相当多的练习才能在速度和耐力两方面均技术娴熟。

6. 他被认为是我们学校跑得最快的人,尽管他对跑步的技巧一无所知。


5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. touch 2. energy 3. speed 4. entire 5. special 6. increased 7. skilled 8. actually

9. separate 10. required 11. secret 12. position

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. up and down 2. keep…from 3. known as 4. quite a bit of 5. keep her balance

6. rather than 7. think of…as

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Tom’s story was so funny that we couldn’t keep (ourselves) from laughing.

2. The German department and the English department are in two separate buildings rather than in

the same one.

3. What special skill does Woods have that other golfers do not?

4. Running is the most popular form of exercise because it requires little training or equipment.

5. It takes quite a bit of practice in order to be skilled at both speed and endurance.

6. He is known as the fastest runner of our school though he knows nothing about the techniques

needed for running.



He sold his farming equipment, moved the family to a small town and opened a small


2、Word of his pleasant personality and excellent customer service began to


3、 He usually stays quite calm in meetings but this time he just lost his head

4、 She has a good head for figures, so I’m not surprised that she became an accountant


5、You shouldn’t let your heart rule your head

6、Wait a minute. Let me put on my things




4、她天生对数字敏感,所以我不惊讶她成为会计 。


6. 等一分钟,让我先把衣服穿上。



she got an invitation?I don’t remember ______ her.

A) inviting B) invite C) to invite D) invited

artist combines different___in the same painting

A)technologies B) techniques C)ways D)paths

ast is___in the dining room from 6:30 to 8: at this hotel

A. served B. made C. eaten D. cooked

disscussed the problem three or four times,but could come to no __

A. end B. result C. conclusion D. judgement

looked up and saw that the moon was__the trees in the east

A. in B. above C. on D. among

that time slaves were not_____ of as human beings but as things

A regarded B bought C sold D thought

7. He suddenly remembered that his schoolbag__at home

been been been left

didn’t go to school yesterday__he was ill

A.Because of B.because C.if

9.I will let you know__it is settled

soon as

you have high blood pressure,you should__eating too much salt

A. escape B. suggest C. relieve D. avoid


g in bed__ more than1,000 fires a year

A. defects C. causes es

is hard to explain___

A) what a chemical change is B) what is a chemical change

B) how is a chemical change D) how a chemical is

thought his mother may lose her eye-sight worries him


A which B what C that Dwhose

measures have been taken to___ government spending

me B organize C reduce t

was in that small village __our president was born

B when C. as

bell__the end of class rang ,interrupting our heated discussion

A indicating B indicated C indicates D to indicate

grandmother brought him up,because his parents_when he was only one year old

A. passed away B. passed out C. passed off D. passed over

sheep ___one after another since last week

disappeared B. have disappeared C. are disappearing disappeared

19. I hope they ____this road by the time we come back next summer

A. have repaired B. will repair C. are to repair D. will have repaired

’t____.I can help you with the typing




We have heard it repeatedly: most people do not get enough exercise. Yet when we look at our

dogs, we can say we do not give them enough exercise either.

Do dogs enjoy exercise? Of course they do. Just ask people who have asked their dog if he

wants to go for a walk. What has happened from then on whenver they have said the word walk?

Dogs usually get so excited about going for walks.

The biggest issue about an exercise program for our dogs is getting them started. Never begin

taking your under-exercised dog for extremely long walks all of a sudden. Dogs, just like people,

need to warm up before they start to exercise and they should start a program slowly.

Walking is a great exercise for you and your dog alike. What is important is that the walking

becomes a routine and is done on a regular basis. Regular means twice a day or more if it is all

right with you. If you are tired of walking and your dog still wants to continue, then playing a

game with your dog or letting your dog go after a toy can finish the program for the day.

To reduce any possible health risk, consider the following do’s and don’ts for exercising your


·Do warm your dog up with a gentle walk before starting any exercise.

·Do have water available, but do not let him drink too much directly after a long walk.

·Do make the exercise a routine event.

·Don’t overdo it.

·Don’t feed your dog immediately before or after exercise.

·Don’t exercise your dog outside on the hottest part of a summer day or in very cold winter


1. According to the passage, how do we know dogs enjoy exercise?

, unlike people, don’t feel tired ofter vigorous exercise

exercise outdoors in the heat of summer and cold of winter

get excited when we exercise them by taking them on a walk, for example.

, those under-exercised included, can walk for extremely long hours.

2. The biggest issue about an exercise program for our dogs is ____________.

A. warming them up B. chaining them up

C. dressing them up D. feeding them up

3. According to the writer, what is important about walking?

should be stopped once you feel tired.

should be started suddenly.

should be ended with a game or play.

should be done twice a day or more if possible.

4. What should you do if you are tired of walking but your dog wants to continue?

A. Walk it till it gets tired. B. Play a game with him instead.

C. Let him walk alone. D. Go home immediately.

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

have better strength and endurance than humans.

are energetic, so we can never over-exercise them.

need more exercise than they get, but people don’t.

should not be fed shortly after or before exercise.


I began to swim when I was very young. Now I swim without even thinking, but there has to be

one day that you are brave enough to swim without being helped by others. Mine came when I

was four.

I still remember that day we got to the swimming pool and my mother helped me into my little

duck armbands (救生臂环) . Then she went and let me stay in the water by myself. Everyone else

had only one armband on and I was the odd one out, so I stood there looking sheepish(羞怯的) 。

“Perhaps I could swim a little way with just one.” I thought, and so took one off and looked

around at all the kids swimming in the other groups. They were really confident; I wanted to be

like them.

However, once I took off one armband, I felt really uncomfortable. You know, when you have

something holding up one shoulder, it feels odd on the other side. I wasn’ t going to put up with

this, so I took the other armband off.

Well, Mum was shocked to see what I was doing. The child she had brought swimming was going

to swim without any armband at all!

I was getting into the water thinking, “It can’ t be that far; the others do it really quickly. ” All

of the other children were standing on the side watching. I plucked up my courage(鼓起勇气) and

swam. It was wonderful. It was like being free. I reached the other side in no time and my teacher

was smiling, his really big smile. I looked at the other little ones and they looked really impressed

and I felt great.

By this time Mum had already come over to see me. She was smiling and I smiled. I could swim

without armbands now. Mum, as always, was really happy for me.

8. The word “mine” (Line. 3, Para 1) refers to__________.

A. The little duck armbands that the writer’ s mother helped him into.

B. the day when the writer was brave enough to swim on his own.

C. the writer’ s little friends from whom he learned how to swim.

D. the writer’ s teacher who was encouraging him all the time.

9. How did the writer feel when he found that he was the only kid wearing two armbands? A.

Very confident. B. Really happy. C. A bit shy. D. Much surprised.

10. The writer took off both his armbands because__________. A. he wanted to be just like other

kids. B. he hoped he could do a better job than other kids. C. he already had someone holding one

shoulder. D. he felt uncomfortable wearing one armband.

11. Why was the writer’ s Mum shocked? A. Because the writer had decided to swim without a

single armband. B. Because the writer was left alone in the swimming pool. C. Because the writer

was being laughed at by other kids. D. Because the writer just stood on the side looking sheepish.

12. It can be learned from the sixth paragraph that _________. A. it took the writer less time and

effort than other kids to reach the other side. B. it was a painful experience for the writer to swim

with no armbands. C. the writer felt great that he had swum to the other side all by himself. D. the

writer lost courage in the middle of swimming.


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