


Unit 8 Scripts & Notes

Unit 8 Change


Lesson A Millennials



Track 8-1

The Millennial Generation includes people born roughly between the early nineteen eighties

and the year two thousand. These people are in their teens and twenties today, and they are

different from earlier generations in some important ways.

Firstly, they’re more urban. In the early 1990s, only about 40 percent of all people lived in

cities worldwide. Today, due to more work and educational opportunities in cities, more than 50

percent of the world's population live in an urban area, and many of those people are Millennials.

Many Millennials are also better educated than people in earlier generations. Wealth

worldwide is increasing. So families have more money to spend on educating their children. In

the mid 1990s, for example, China had only three million college students; today there are more

than 25 million and that number is increasing.

Unlike earlier generations, many Millennials say they are more open to dating or marrying

someone from a different background, in great part because it's easy to learn about other cultures

via the Internet and social media. In the U.S., a recent study done by the Pew Research Center

showed that over 85% of Millennials say they would date or marry someone from a different

ethnic or cultural background; that number dropped to 55% for Americans aged 55 to 64 years old.

Most Millennials aren't hurrying to get married, though. Worldwide, they are marrying later,

or not at all. In the early nineteen nineties in South Korea, for example, women often married by

age 25; today, many women are marrying at age 30. For men, that number jumped from age 28 to

32. What's causing this change? For some, they are waiting to marry until they have a good

job—which is harder for some to get. Others are simply harder to please. They are waiting to find

their ideal man or woman.

1. be in their teens and twenties:十几岁、二十几岁

2. due to:由于

3. in the mid 1990s:二十世纪九十年代中期

4. in great part:在很大程度上

5. the Pew Research Center:皮尤研究中心,美国的一间独立性民调机构


Track 8–2

A: In the past, fewer people used to live in cities. Today many more do.

B: That’s a big change, and I definitely think it’s an improvement.

A: Why’s that?


Unit 8 Scripts & Notes

B: There are more opportunities in a city.

A: Yeah, but it’s also more crowded and expensive.

Lesson B A Disappearing Culture

Listening 1


Track 8-3

In Northern Pakistan, near the Afghan border, there is a group of people called the Kalasha.

Once powerful and widespread, the Kalash civilization once had tens of thousands of people;

today, there are only about 3,500. In just a few generations, this culture, which is over 3,000 years

old, may disappear.

Sayed Gul Kalash, a member of this community, is working hard to save her language and

culture from extinction, but it won’t be easy. “Our language, spoken since 1,000 BCE, has no

written script,” she explains. But the culture's early history, stories, and songs have a lot to teach

us about ourselves and the human experience, says Gul Kalash. She is trying to preserve the

language by writing down these stories and songs for the first time. In an increasingly globalized

and connected world, languages like Mandarin and English, Russian and Hindi, Spanish and

Arabic dominate. Parents in small villages often encourage their children to move away from their

language and culture and toward those that will help them be more successful in life. Today,

numbers are decreasing as more and more Kalash children are being educated in mainstream

schools, and more people are moving away and marrying outside the Kalash culture. “It’s

understandable,” says Sayed Gul Kalash. But she reminds us that every culture is unique and has

value. When one culture is lost, we all lose something.

1. extinction:灭绝

2. Our language, spoken since 1,000 BCE, has no written script:塑造一种文字是非常困难的,


3. an increasingly globalized and connected world:全球化是指全球联系不断增强,人类生活


Listening 2


Track 8-4

A: In addition to writing down traditional Kalash stories and songs for the first time, Sayed Gul

Kalash is also working to preserve her culture in other ways. Tell us what some of these are.

B: Sure. One thing she’d like to do is to encourage more Kalash people to become teachers.

A: How will that help?

B: Well, right now, many Kalash children are educated in mainstream Pakistani schools. But if

there are more Kalash teachers and schools in the villages, children will also have a chance to

learn more about their own language and culture.

A: What else is she doing?

B: She’s also working to open a museum in her area that will feature Kalash art, jewelry, ancient


Unit 8 Scripts & Notes

tools, and other items of interest. The museum will teach outsiders about Kalash culture,

and if more people see how unique it is, hopefully, they’ll want to protect it and keep it from


A: How does she feel about more tourists visiting Kalash villages?

B: Kalash clothing, music and dance, and traditional food and festivals are sure to be very

interesting to tourists. And if Kalash villages get more tourists, they’ll make more money. This

money can then be used to build schools and train teachers, and improve the life of the Kalash

people. So in many ways it’s a positive thing.

A: It sounds like a good idea. At the same time, though, tourism can also bring other problems.

B: That's true. Tourism can often result in lots of hotels being built and more pollution, both of

which would be bad for the environment—and the Kalash people. On the other hand, if tourists

stay with local families, there would be less of a negative impact.

1. in addition to:除…以外

2. result in:导致

3. The museum will teach outsiders about Kalash culture. 通常对失去实用价值的传统文化进行


4. negative impact:旅游业已成为经济发展的一项新的积极因素,虽被称为“无烟工业”,但


PART III VIDEO Jeju Island Divers



Jeju Island is known for its beauty … its volcanoes ... and its legendary women divers—the


For centuries, these women have made their living from deep within the sea. Free diving in

the cold waters, they catch seafood that's fed this island for generations.

But these are the last of Jeju’s women divers. For this tiny Korean island is facing a change.

Tour guide Sunny Hong is part of a new generation of Jeju women. Her life doesn’t depend

on diving for seafood ... but on entertaining tourists.

Sunny Hong:

“I wanted to find some kind of job which I can use my English and also this kind of job is fit

to my aptitude.”


Sunny has taught herself English, a skill that has made her successful on land. But her family

has a strong connection to the sea.

Sunny Hong:

“This is my aunt, Ms. Hong. She’s 63 years old and she started diving when she was 13 so

almost 50 years now.”


Hong Ho and her friends have been diving for nearly all of their lives.

Sunny Hong:

“They didn’t have a choice… and also they were born in a sea village so they had to be a

woman diver and there's nothing they can do except woman diver.”


In fact, diving is the most dangerous job on Jeju—and it's only done by women. The women

dive 5 to 6 hours every day.

Today, the youngest diver is 45 years old, the oldest is 75.

60 year old Song Ho has had a good day. She shows what she has caught today.


Unit 8 Scripts & Notes

Diving used to be the only way for people to make a living. Now it gives divers a chance to

educate their children for a better life.

Sunny Hong:

“I don't want to be a woman diver . . . I think I am lucky, I am lucky.”


As a result, this ancient tradition may be dying out. These women are the last of the

Haenyos—the legendary divers of Jeju Island.

1. be known for:以∙∙∙而著名

2. legendary women divers:海女是日本、韩国一项古老的职业,指不带辅助呼吸装置、只身



3. make one’s living:谋生

4. for generations:世世代代

5. depend on:依赖于

6. be fit to:对∙∙∙适合

7. die out:消失


本文标签: 发展全球捕捞文字美国