


The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product

development performance in Chinese new technology ventures


This study extends research on entrepreneurial behavior by investigating the

relationship between the marketing strategy innovativeness (MSI) and new

product performance in technology-based new ventures in China. Specifically,

premised on contingent resource-based view we argue that MSI is a firm capability

that must be bundled with external managerial relationships and be deployed in

the appropriate environment to ensure its success. We found that the team's extra

industry relationships and market dynamism enhanced the impact of MSI on new

product performance. In contrast, top management team's intraindustry

relationships, financial relationships, and technology dynamism hindered the

impact of MSI on new product performance.

1. Introduction

The vast majority of research on organizational innovation adopts a

resource-based perspective that predicts positive returns to organizational

resources and capabilities. This work has been restricted, however, to the narrow

context of product innovation. Although product innovation enhances firm

performance only when it is successfully commercialized, prior research tends to

pay little attention to accompanying marketing innovations (Shervani & Zerrillo,

1997). The current study concerns a neglected, yet potentially positive

entrepreneurial strategic activity — marketing strategy innovativeness (MSI) —

which refers to the degree to which the marketing strategy which accompanies a

new product differs from competing strategies and conventional practices

(Andrews & Smith, 1996; Hambrick, Cho, & Chen, 1996; Menon, Bharadwaj,

Adidam, & Edisonet, 1999; Sethi et al., 2001). Examples of MSI practices include the

use of new packaging, new distribution methods and channels, new advertising

media and content, ingenious pricing and payment methods. MSI ensures the new

product enjoys a unique competitive position because it is radical, departs from

the status quo, is proactive, unconventional and unpredictable (Andrews & Smith

1996; Hambrick et al., 1996; Menon et al., 1999). Thus, MSI is likely to strengthen

the position of the new product in the marketplace above and beyond the value

conveyed by its physical characteristics (Andrews & Smith, 1996).

MSI is classed as capability because it is the outcome of a firm's specialized

knowledge, unique understanding of the environment and idiosyncratic processes

(Eisenhardt & Martin,2000). As Verona (1999: 139) posits, the ability to creatively

and imaginatively make strategic decisions regarding a product's development

and its marketing are rent-generating routines that enhance performance. MSI

may enhance product development performance by creating uncertainties for

competitors through variation in the bases of competition (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi,

1995). Capturing the contribution of MSI at the product develop-ment level is also

consistent with the idea that resources' contribution to performance should be

investigated by disaggregating firm performance into processes which are less

distal from the focal resources (Ray, Barney, & Muhanna, 2004).

However, Eisenhardt and Martin (2000: 1110) suggest that despite their value,

capabilities are substitutable because there are multiple paths through which firms

can acquire the same dynamic capabilities independent of other firms. Hence,

capabilities may be necessary, but not sufficient, sources of sustained competitive

advantage. This implies that a focal capability needs to be made inimitable

through combination with other organizational skills and capabilities and

deployment in the appropriate environment (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). As

Barney (1991) argues, even though a firm's capability may be valuable, rare and

inimitable, its ability to provide sustainable competitive advantage often lies in its

configuration with complementary internal and external resources. Teece, Pisano,

and Shuen (1997: 515) also argue that performance outcomes of a firm's capability

depend on its ma-nagement ability to deploy the capability in an appropriate

environment. Finally, Porter (1991: 108) warns against internal focus on resources

because the competitive value of resources can be enhanced or eliminated by

changes in technology, competitor behavior or buyer needs.

Drawing on this contingent resource-based view of the firm, we advance and

test the idea that, particularly in new ventures in an emerging economic

environment, the impact of MSI on new product performance is conditional upon

its top management team's external relationships and environmental conditions.

New ventures tend to have higher failure rates than established firms.

Stinchcombe (1965) provided several reasons for this liability of newness. They

have limited resources, lack of infor-mation processing structures, and stable links

with clients, supporters and customers. Given their liabilities of newness, new

ventures need to be creative and learn new roles and tasks and this may conflict

with constraints on their resources. Moreover, as a form of first-moving, MSI is

inherently risky (Ketchen, Snow, & Hoover, 2004). First, it takes time and resources

(i.e., increased salesforce efforts) to educate customers to the new marketing

strategy features; further, MSI can expose new ventures to strong and unpredicted

reactions by incumbents; lastly, MSI can be imitated by competitors, who can

capitalize on the early errors made by the new venture. These contrasting

arguments reinforce the need to understand under which circumstances (i.e., on

which internal and external contingencies) MSI will contribute to new product


In contrast to developed market economies, the complexity and dynamism of

the transitional environment in China means that firms must confront the

challenges of new (often dysfunctional) competition and also collapsing

capabilities (Li & Atuahene-Gima, 2001, 2002). Thus, scholars suggest that success

in China market requires significant exploration involving experimentation and

innovation (Luo, 2002; Luo & Park, 2001, p. 145). We contend that to sustain the

viability of their innovative marketing strategies in China, new venture managers

may need to leverage their external relationships. Research suggests that external

relationships are particularly important sources of valuable resources and

information that can augment firm performance in transitional economies like

China (Park & Luo, 2001; Peng & Luo, 2000). Because of their liabilities of newness,

we posit that a venture's top management team's external social capital (i.e., the

ability to mobilize financial resources, information and support through external

relationships with managers inside and outside the industry, and with officials of

government and financial institutions) may determine the degree of success of

MSI. In support of this idea, Lee, Lee, and Pennings (2001) found that external

relationships with venture capitalists and universities enhanced the perfor-mance

effects of the entrepreneurial orientation and technology capabilities of new

ventures, respectively. Further, considering that the value of a firm's capabilities

and resources is context specific (Eisenhradt & Martin, 2000; Porter, 1991; Teece et

al., 1997), we propose that technology and market uncertainty will play an

important role in the effectiveness of MSI.

This study contributes to the literature in three important areas. First it

contributes to the abovementioned debate on the inherent value of MSI and its

relationship with performance. For example, prior research has assumed a positive

relationship between MSI and new product performance (Andrews & Smith,1996).

However, such an assumption tends to ignore the transaction costs associated

with MSI and, more generally, overlooks the potential problems associated with

the deviation from industry practices. Hence, determining when MSI will increase

new product performance offers a direct test of the contingency view of internal

firm capabilities espoused in resource-based theory (Barney, 1991; Teece et al.,

1997).Second, despite recent theoretical developments (Blyler & Coff,2003), few

empirical studies model the firm's social capital as a potential complement of

internal capabilities; this study extends our understanding by for the first time

examining managerial relationships both inside and outside the industry, as called

for by Peng and Luo (2000). Finally, this study extends and lends support to recent

work that integrates resource-based and social capital theories as an explanation

for new venture performance in the Chinese context (Lee et al., 2001).

tual model and hypotheses

2.1. Resource-based theory and MSI in technology-based new ventures in


According to the resource-based theory, performance differ-ences across

firms are the result of variance in their resources and capabilities that are rare,

valuable and inimitable(Barney,1991). This theory implies that to outwit

competitors, new ventures need to develop distinct and innovative strategies and

, Pearson, and Amasone(2002:367) contend that, because of their

liability of newness, “the task of the new venture TMT [top management team] is

largely one of creativity and learning, where the ability to produce novel and

integrated solutions is an important attribute” for high performance. New

ventures are at a competitive disadvantage against large and established firms in

their traditional domains because of lack of resources, immature organizational

processes and limited operational experience (Lee et al., 2001: 617). Hence,

reliance on traditional products, marketing methods, and organizational processes

is bound to lead to failure. The survival of new ventures depends largely on the

intro-duction of new and differentiated products, processes and marketing

innovations. Such innovations may be rare and valuable capabilities because the

knowledge needed to develop and successfully implement them involves socially

complex learning and relational skills in strategy making that are unique to the

firm (Eisenhradt & Martin, 2000). For example, MSI involves the interaction of a

group of individuals with different expertise and sources of knowledge, the use of

integrative procedures to coordinate and combine their skills, knowledge and

abilities, and idiosyncratic reward, training and control systems. In addition, such a

process involves firm's initiatives based on managerial discretion formed on the

basis of understanding of the environment. Decision-makers attend to the

environment, interpret the conditions and assign meaning to the actions they take

in idiosyncratic ways (Verona, 1999). Furthermore, MSI is path dependent. It results

from the idiosyncratic culture,experience,and history of the firm and from

functional,educational,and tenure backgrounds of the

decision-makers(Andrews&Smith,1996;Hambrick et al.,1996).The availability of a

group of executives with the requisite characteristics to develop innovative

strategic actions is highly constrained:it can neither be easily developed within the

firm nor acquired from outside(Eisenhardt&Martin,2000). Following these

arguments,the central premise of this study is that MSI is a key capability of a new

venture. New ventures must develop innovative strategies but the possession of

an innovative strategy does not assure commercial success of a

,consistent with the contingent resource-based view of the firm,the

productive capacity of MSI is determined by its congruency with other

organizational capabilities and the environmental particular, effective

implementation of MSI and its effects on performance cannot be assumed by new

ventures in a transitional economy, such as reforms in China have led

to the entry of a great number of foreign firms increasing the competitive

pressures for local has led to increased control of marketing

resources,such as outdoor advertising space,by foreign firms and increased

marketing costs(EIU,2002). Also,Chinese consumers tend to perceive that foreign

brands are of higher quality,reliability,and are more sophisticated than locally

produced products(Li and Atuahene-Gima,2002).

Further,given the transitional nature of the economy,the Chinese government

plays an important role in regulating firms' marketing example,the

pricing,packaging, distribution,and advertising of products are increasingly being

controlled by central and local governments with the objective of preventing

activities or messages that contradict or divulge state policies and secrets or may

be harmful to the dignity of the Chinese(People's Daily,2002);though public

regulations on marketing strategy ,packaging,advertising)exist in

developed market economies as well,the degree of control put forth by Chinese

authorities is tighter and highly discretional and therefore represents an additional

constraint to the implementation of innovative marketing strategies in the Chinese

context. We believe that although these environmental conditions make it

imperative for new ventures to develop innovative strategies,they nevertheless

pose significant obstacles in the implementation e new ventures

also face significant external obstacles in obtaining the resources that may be

required to implement an innovative 's transitional economy is

characterized by weak capital market structures,institutional instability and lack of

coherent business comparison with well-established firms,new ventures

have less legitimacy in terms of relationships with suppliers, customers,and

government these circum-stances,new ventures have greater

external difficulties in raising resources,licenses and approvals for their activities(Li

&Atuahene-Gima,2001),and face increased uncertainty and costs in

consummating market exchanges(Xin&Pearce,1996).

Following the contingent resource-based view,we argue that to harness the

advantages of MSI,Chinese new ventures must overcome these obstacles by

relying on the external relation- ships of their top management(Lee et al.,2001)and

by deploying their resources in an appropriate technology and market

environment(Teece et al.,1997).

ting role of top management team external relationships

External relationships are capabilities that are difficult to duplicate by

competitors because they are socially complex. Hence,they constitute effective

sources of information and resources for new ventures that augment their meager

resources in implementing strategic innovations(Lee et al.,2001).Thus, external

relationships contribute to the effectiveness of organizational action by reducing

transaction costs within and between firms,notably information search and

decision-making idea that external relationships may provide valuable

sources of information and influence for organizations has been particularly

important in work on transitional economies such as chers have

argued that guanxi relations in China provide vital sources of information and

influence that can be used to promote company performance(Park&Luo,2001;

Peng&Luo,2000).Pervasive uncertainties and high levels of risk associated with

businesses in transitional economies can be buffered by external relationships that

can provide access to technical and managerial expertise that may not readily be

available through labor ting roles of this type are commonly

performed by impersonal agents in more highly developed

markets;however,transitional economies typically lack the necessary social and

institutional infrastructure for that type of exchange and companies must rely on

informal channels (Li&Atuahene-Gima,2001).Park and Luo(2001)found that

Chinese firms pursuing creative strategies sought more resources from external

sources to mitigate the costs and risks associated with such

research suggests a moderating role for such relationships in the use of innovative

strategies. Prior research suggests two main types of external

relation-ships:(1)those with managers of other firms,and(2)those with officials of

government and financial institutions(Peng&Luo,2000).Relations with managers

can be further categorized into two:relationships with managers outside the firm's

industry (extraindustry relationships)and those with managers within the same

industry(intraindustry relationships)(Geletkanycz& Hambrick,1997).Our focus on

these external relationships is not to deny the importance of other specific

managerial rela-tionships such as those with customers and , our

focus responds to Peng and Luo's(2000:498)call for the need to probe deeper into

types of managerial relationships in China and also recognizes the critical

importance of government and financial relationships for new ventures in

China(Park& Luo,2001;Peng&Luo,2000).

and extraindustry relationships

Extraindustry relationships refer to the degree to which the top management

team has built connections with managers of firms outside its own

industry,defined as the high-technology industry in which the new venture

ndustry relationships refer to the degree to which the top

management team has built connections with executives of other firms operating

within the same industry as its own recent contribution by Blyler and

Coff(2003)has strongly advocated the central role of social capital in enabling

dynamic capabilities. However,different aspects of managers' connections to social

networks may have opposite effects on the content of strategy

ancyz and Hambrick (1997)argued that while intraindustry

relationships promote conformity to industry norms and recipes,extraindustry

relationships provide a broader range of information and evoke strategies that

deviate from prevailing research highlights an important

connection between inter-firm relationships and internal processes of information

acquisition and learning in strategic decision-making. Extraindustry relationships

serve as conduits for new information and insights into the e

managers outside the focal new venture's industry operate in different competitive

and resource environments they possess different experiences and mental

models,and have access to new ideas about different

relationships inform the managers of the focal venture about potential new

strategies, and allow greater speed,flexibility and efficiency in strategy

,extraindustry relationships are likely to reduce the high

cost and potential errors associated with the collection and use of new information

in an immature social interaction context of a new eliminating these

transaction costs,extraindustry relationships increase the types of new information

and insights such that top managers are able to spot implementation problems in

MSI they otherwise would have missed.

Intraindustry relationships,in contrast,help firms to acquire deeper knowledge

and understanding of the competitors' knowledge of competitors

may encourage new ideas,such knowledge may actually harm the implementation

of an innovative strategy in logic is that managers in the same

industry are exposed to familiar opportunities and threats,and routines with which

to handle ,the top management team of the focal new venture is less

likely to discover novel insights and ideas for implementing an innovative strategy

in marketing. Intraindustry relationships provide mental models that are a misfit

with the focal venture's MSI and therefore may jeopardize its effective


extraindustry relationships are high,MSI has apositive effect on

new product performance.

intraindustry relationships are high,MSI has anegative effect on

new product performance.



























外资源。Teece, Pisano, 和Shuen也认为,一个公司的性能结果取决于其管理能力和在适




















定MSI成功的程度。特别的,支持这种想法的,Lee, Lee, 和 Pennings 发现,与风险资










部和外部的行业,这被称为 Peng 和Luo(2000)。最后,在中国的背景下,本研究的扩






































2.2 高层管理团队外部关系的调节作用










道,Park 和 Luo发现,中国企业追求创造性的这种策略,以寻求更多的外部资源,减轻





要性。相反,我们的重点是回应Park 和 Luo的呼吁需要更为深入的探讨在中国管理关系























本文标签: 企业关系资源