


HP Smart Storage Administrator – 扩容阵列的方法

By Ju,zhen-wen



实验环境: ..................................................................................................................................... 1

进入SSA: ......................................................................................................................................... 1

Add drive 增加驱动器Expand Array扩容阵列 ........................................................................... 10

Move drive移动阵列 .................................................................................................................... 11

Mirrir array镜像阵列 ................................................................................................................... 11

Shrink Array收缩阵列 .................................................................................................................. 12

Replace Array更换阵列 ............................................................................................................... 13




DL380p Gen8



服务器自检时,通过F10进入IP,并按下图选择:Perform Maintenance

进入Hp smart storage administrator。(SSA)




在当前界面看到一块硬盘做的raid 0。Unassigned drives 有2个.

确认缓存cache和电容capacitor,点击右下角view more details。

看到了cache 大小1024MB,电容的数量为1

Close之前界面,在主界面点击manage data drives.


Expand Array扩容阵列

Increase the capacity of an existing array by adding currently existing unassigned drives to :

Only physical drives of the same size (within 10 percent) should be added to the same array because all

the drives within an array are reduced to the size of the smallest physical drive. For example, an array

with three 300 GB drives and a 750 GB drive would be viewed as being the same size as an array with

four 300 GB drives since the 750 GB drive is seen as a 300 GB array has the following

options:Expansion TypeFor arrays that contain RAID 50 or RAID 60 logical drives, array expansion is

constrained by the number of drives in the array and the number of parity groups in the existing

logical drives. The transformation type refers to the different methods that apply to these logical


Increase Number of Parity Groups: the required number of physical drives will be added to form new

parity group(s) for the se Number of Drives in Each Parity Groups: the required number of

physical drives will be added evenly to each existing parity notes on the top of the page will

tell you how many drives are needed for each transformation al Drive SelectionSelect the

physical drives that you want to use in the array from the unused drives listed.


通过向现有阵列添加当前现有的未分配驱动器来增加阵列的容量。注意: 只应将相同大小(在 10% 以内)的物理

驱动器添加到同一阵列,因为阵列中的所有驱动器都减少为最小物理驱动器的大小。 例如,具有三个 300 GB 驱

动器和一个 750 GB 驱动器的阵列会被视为与具有四个 300 GB 驱动器的阵列大小相同,因为 750 GB 驱动器会

被视为 300 GB 驱动器。

扩展阵列有下列选项: 扩展类型

对于包含 RAID 50 或 RAID 60 逻辑驱动器的阵列,阵列扩展受到阵列中的驱动器数和现有逻辑驱动器中的奇偶

校验组数的约束。 转换类型是指适用这些逻辑驱动器的不同方法:

增加奇偶校验组数: 添加所需数量的物理驱动器,为阵列形成新的奇偶校验组。

增加各奇偶校验组中的驱动器数: 向每个现有奇偶校验组均匀地添加所需数量的物理驱动器。




Move drive移动阵列

The Move Array operation allows you to transfer the contents of a disk array from one set of physical

drives to a second set of physical drives. Please note the following conditions and restrictions for the

Move Array operation:

The destination physical drive set must have the same number of elements as the source physical

drives set.

The array type (SAS or SATA) must remain the same.

The destination drive(s) must have enough capacity to hold all the logical drives present in the source


Note: As is the case with array creation and expansion, the usable space in all drives will be reduced to

the size of the smallest physical drive in the destination disk set.

使用“移动阵列”操作可以将磁盘阵列的内容从一组物理驱动器转移到另一组物理驱动器。 请注意,“移动阵



阵列类型(SAS 或 SATA)必须保持不变。


注意: 像创建和扩展阵列时一样,所有驱动器中的可用空间将缩减至目标磁盘集中最小物理驱动器的大小。

Mirrir array镜像阵列

The Mirror Array operation allows you to double the number of data drives in the array and convert all

logical drives in the array to RAID 1, or RAID 1+0.

This option is only available if the array contains only RAID 0 drives.

When the total number of data drives in the resulting array is 2, the resulting RAID level is RAID 1.

When the total number of data drives is 4 or more, the resulting RAID level is RAID 1+0.

Note: Some controllers may not support this option or may require a license key to enable this feature.


使用“镜像阵列”操作可以让阵列中的数据驱动器数量倍增,并将阵列中的所有逻辑驱动器转换为 RAID 1 或

RAID 1+0。

•仅当阵列仅含 RAID 0 驱动器时,此选项才可以使用。

•最终产生的阵列中的数据驱动器总数为 2 时,最终的 RAID 级别为 RAID 1。数据驱动器总数为 4 个或更多时,

最终的 RAID 级别为 RAID 1+0。

注意: 有些控制器可能不支持此选项,或者需要许可密钥来启用此功能。

Shrink Array收缩阵列

The Shrink Array operation allows you to remove drives from an existing array. The following

conditions apply:

The array must have enough free space to accommodate all existing logical drives.

You may not remove drives from the array if the resulting number of drives will not support the fault

tolerance (RAID level) of any existing logical drive. For example, if you have an array with 4 physical

drives and a RAID 5 logical drive, you may remove at most 1 drive since RAID 5 requires at least 3

physical drives.

If the array contains a RAID 1+0 logical drive, you may only remove an even number of drives.

If the array contains a compound RAID (RAID 50 or RAID 60) logical drive, drives may only be removed

in multiples of the number of parity groups. For example, an array with 10 physical drives and a RAID

50 logical drive may be shrunk by removing 2 or 4 disks only.

Note: Some controllers may not support this option or may require a license key to enable this feature.

使用“收缩阵列”操作可以从现有阵列中删除驱动器。 以下条件适用:


•如果生成的驱动器数不支持任何现有逻辑驱动器容错(RAID 级别),则您可能不能从阵列中删除驱动器。 例

如,如果阵列具有 4 个物理驱动器 和一个 RAID 5 逻辑驱动器,您最多可以删除 1 个驱动器,因为 RAID 5 需要

至少 3 个物理驱动器。

•如果阵列包含一个 RAID 1+0 逻辑驱动器,则只能删除偶数个驱动器。

•如果阵列包含复合 RAID(RAID 50 或 RAID 60)逻辑驱动器,则只能按奇偶校验组数的倍数删除驱动器。 例

如,含 10 个物理驱动器和一个 RAID 50 逻辑驱动器的阵列收缩时只能删除 2 个或 4 个磁盘。

注意: 有些控制器可能不支持此选项,或者需要许可密钥来启用此功能。

Replace Array更换阵列

The Replace Array operation allows you to transfer the contents of an array to an existing empty

array or a new array. All logical drives from the source array will be transferred. The original array will

be deleted and its data drives will be freed as unassigned drives. The drive types at source and

destination arrays can be different. Please note the following conditions and restrictions for the

Replace Array operation:

The destination array must have the same number of physical drives as the source array to be replaced.

Both the source and the destination arrays must be in OK state. All the existing logical drives in the

source arrays must be in OK state.

The destination array must have enough capacity to hold all the logical drives present in the source


Note: Replacing an array is a time-consuming operation for the following reasons: The data in every

logical drives of the source array has to be copied to the destination array; the controller performs all

these data transformations while servicing IO requests to other logical drives.

使用“更换阵列”操作可以将一个阵列的内容转移到现有空阵列或新阵列。 源阵列中的所有逻辑驱动器都将被转

移。 原始阵列将被删除,其数据驱动器将被释放,成为未分配驱动器。 源阵列和目标阵列的驱动器类型可以不

同。 请注意,“更换阵列”操作有以下条件和限制:


•源阵列和目标阵列必须都处于正常状态。 源阵列中的所有现有逻辑驱动器必须处于正常状态。


注意: 更换阵列操作非常耗时,原因如下: 必须将源阵列的每个逻辑驱动器中的数据复制到目标阵列 满足对其他逻

辑驱动器的 IO 请求时,控制器会执行所有这些数据转换。


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本文标签: 驱动器物理逻辑操作目标