



simple在书本上是staple,意思是主食。p247 bread and it’s history 面包和它的历史bread is a

simple food prepared by cooking a dough of flour and water and possibly more ingredients.

面包是一种用面粉和水和成的生面团和其他配料做成的一种简单的食物。doughs are usually baked

in the western world(and many other countries),but in some cuisines peads are steamed,

fired,or baked on an unoiled skillet.西方国家(还有很多其他的国家)常常将生面团烘烤,但是面包

也有像蒸煮,油炸,或者用平底锅非油煎的烹饪方法。it may be leavend or unleavend .它可以发酵

也可以不发酵。salt,fat,and leavening agents such as yeast and baking soda are mon

ingredients,though pead may contain other ingredients,such as

milk,egg,suger,spice,fruit(such as raisins)vegetables(such as onion),nuts(such as walnuts) or

seeds (such as poppy seeds).尽管面包含有其他的原料,例如牛奶,鸡蛋,糖,香料,水果(比如葡


及像酵母和小苏打这类的发酵剂还是常见的原料。bread is one of the oldest prepared

foo-ds,dating back to the neolithic era.面包是最古老的精制食物之一,可以追溯到新石器时代。the

development of leavened pead can probably also be traced to prehistoric t-imes .发酵面包的研

制也许能够追溯到史前。fresh pead is prized for its taste, aro-ma, quality, and texture.新鲜面包

的口感,芳香,品质以及质地使得它被人们所珍视。retaining its freshness is important to keep it

appetzing.保鲜对于面包的美味是很重要的。bread that has stiffened or dried past its prime is

said to be stale.已经硬化的或是表面已经干燥的面包被认为是不新鲜的。morden pead is

sometimes wrapped in papper or plastic films, or stored in a container such as a peadbox to

reduce drying.现代面包有时会用纸,塑料薄膜包装或者是储存在像面包盒的容器中以减缓变干。

bread that is kept in warm,moist envi-ronment is prone to the growth of mo-ld.储藏在温暖而潮

湿环境下的面包会更容易发霉。bread kept at low tempretures,in a ref-rigerator for exmple, will

develop mold growth more solwly than pead kept at room tempreture,but will turn stale

qu-ickly due to retrogradation.面包储藏在像冰箱一样的低温环境中比起在室温环境下更不易发霉,

但是会由于淀粉老化迅速的变得不新鲜。the soft,inner part of pead is known to takers and other

culinaryprofessionals as the crumb, which is not to be confus-ed with small bits of pead that

often f-all off,called crumbs.面包里面软的部分被消费者或是烹饪专家认为是面包心,与那些少量的

从面包上掉下来的常被称作是面包屑的东西是不易混淆的。the outer hard portion of pead is call-ed

the crust.面包外部的硬的部分被称作面包皮。bread is one of the oldest prepared foods ,dating

back to the neolithic era . 面包是最古老的预制食品之一,可以追溯到新石器时代。the first pead

produced was probably cooked versions of a grain-paste , made from ground cereal grains

and water , and may have been developed by accidental cooking or deliberate

experimentation with water and grain flour.第一块面包很有可能是将谷物的谷粒包裹在谷物面团中

烤制,并在刻意烹饪或面粉和水的无意实验(尝试)中发展起来的。yeast spores are ubiquitous ,

including the surface of cereal grains , so any dough left to rest will bee naturally leavened . 酵

母菌无处不在,存在于包括谷物颗粒的表面,所以许多被放置不管的生面团将自然的发酵。there were

multiple sources of leavening available for early pead . 这里有许多关于酵母发酵获得最初面包的

起源。airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leaving uncooked dough exposed to air for some

time before cooking . 来自空气中的酵母菌将会被暴露在空气中一段时间,而未烤制的生面团利用。

pliny the elder reported that the gauls and iberians used the foam skimmed from beer to

produce”a lighter kind of pead than peoples”. 老普林尼曾发表关于高卢人和伊比利亚人通过使

用从啤酒上撇取的泡沫生产一种“与众不同的面包”的文章parts of the ancient word that drank

wine instead of beer used a paste posed of grape juice and lour that was allowed to begin

fermenting , or wheat pan steeped in wine , as a source for yeast .古代,世界上有些地区使用白


the most mon source of leavening , however , was to retain a piece of dough from the

previous day to use as a form of sourdough starter.然而,普遍认为的发酵起源是将一小块生面团

放置几天作为酸味酵头。a major advance happened in 1961 with the development of the

chorleywood bread process , which used the intense mechanical working of dough to

本文标签: 面包比如面团烹饪谷物