

1、i am sorry,the books are not for sale.
2、her talent are well known
3、he punished my champagne.
4、we shouldn’t rush to blame them.
5、the verses scan well.这些诗句符合韵律
6、this lead to gradual memory exhaustion.
7、she is old enough to know better
8、please do not write below this line.
9、i would be there to cheer for you.
10、it won’t take long to mend the car.修理这辆汽车用不了很长时间
11、he didn’t bother to tell me about it.他都懒得把那件事情告诉我
12、the wine has a rich aromatic flavour.这种葡萄酒味道馥郁浓醇
13、hang this expenses. 去他的费用
14、I know it knock your cold. 我知道它把你吓出冷汗
15、We have a representative sample. 我们有个代表性的样品。
16、Bye! See you next week!
17、I am as healty as ever. 我依然那样健康。
18、The boy potted the partridge. 那个男孩射杀了一只鹌鹑。pot n.锅;壶;盆;瓶 v.种盆栽;击球入袋;射杀
19、The house stands alone on the hill.
20、That’s not at all the thing to do. 那样做很不恰当
21、He saluted and stand at attention.他敬了礼并且立正站好。
22、You are early.
23、It was a close race.那是一场难分难解的比赛。
24、There’s no waste matter left over. 没有任何浪费的东西剩下。
25、I would like to be a reporter. 我想成为一名记者。
26、She made artificial flowers from paper.
27、I think myself right. 我认为自己是对的。–这里 f 和 right 连在一起读了,不好听出来
28、He never replied to the letters. 他从不回邮件。
29、James lapped in two minutes. 詹姆斯在两分钟内跑完一圈。
30、I apologize if you toke offence. 如果你生气的话,我道歉。
31、Your passports expire. 你们的护照满期了。
32、She eagled at the final hole. 她在最后一洞打出了老鹰球。
33、They need a domestic hlep. 他们需要一个女佣。 domestic adj.家庭的 n.佣人
34、Some folk are never statisfied. 有些人永远不会满足。 folk n.人们;百姓;家属 adj.民间的
35、Never mind,we can manage without. 不要紧,没有也能对付。
36、There were under 20 people there. 那里的人不足20个。
37、The teacher named John as monitor. 老师提名John当班长。
38、A live bomb had earlier been defused. 一个装炸药的炸弹早些时候被拆掉了。live bomb 现场炸弹 defuse 平息;缓和;拆除
39、Nurse Milad will be with you shortly. 米拉护士很快会来照顾你。
40、The house has south-facing aspect. 这栋房子朝南。
41、He proposed a subject for the debat. 他提出一辩论题目。
42、I was puzzled with the question. 这个问题把我难住了。
43、The file was projected onto the screen. 电影放映在银幕上。
44、She tried writting out her views. 她试着把自己的看法写下来。
write out:写出,写完。意思是指经过自己的思考写的东西。
write down:写下,记下。是指别人说的,听见后记录下来;或是照着别人写成的东西抄录。
45、She turned her ankle while ice-skating. 她滑冰时扭伤了脚踝。
46、We are talking megabucks this time. 我们这次正在讨论的是一笔巨款。 megabucks n.一大笔钱
47、Walking wore a hole at my shoes. 经常走路使我的鞋磨出了一个洞。wear a hole 穿一个洞
48、I toke off my shoes and all my clothes. 我脱下鞋和全部衣服。
49、The child is hugging her doll. 那个小孩紧抱着她的洋娃娃。
50、That’s a wonderful idea.
51、The teachers used to push us hard. 老师们过去常常把我们督促的很紧。
52、He grew tall during his adolescence. 他在青春发育期长高了。adolescence n.青春期;青春
53、Go to bed, every one of you!
54、The day was just dawning. 天刚亮
55、Have you got any mineral water? 你有矿泉水吗?
56、That jacket is too small for you.
57、I need a twist to turn this story round. 我需要一个盘旋来围住这段故事。
58、I need to speak with her this minute. 我需要立即和她谈话。
59、I forbid you.我不准你这样做。
60、She is in hopeless situation. 她已经无可救药。
61、He dealt me a sudden blow. 他猛然袭击我。
62、Celtic won the first leg 2-0. 凯尔特队以2比0打赢第一场。
63、He is old enough to be her farther.
64、She dished the dinner.她把晚餐装盘。
65、We expect you to act on the square. 我们希望你会诚实公平的行事。
66、She is grown her hair long. 她的头发留得很长。
67、They discover her to be a good singer.
68、Please come with me.
69、His money comes mainly from salary.
70、I value my freedom above all things.
71、The garden is bright with flowers.鲜花满园。
72、Death comes to all man. 人皆有死。
73、He is a solider.
74、My man will show you to the door.
75、When did you last see him? 你最近一次看到他是什么时候?
76、At that point,all the light went out. 就在此时,所有灯都灭了。
77、Is Western society going down hill? 西方社会是在走下坡路吗?
78、Try again.
79、His holiday has had a beneficial effect. 假期对他大有好处。
80、We are going to airport by coach.我们要坐大巴去机场。coach n.教练;长途客车 v.训练;指导
81、The stove is smoking badly. 那炉子烟冒得很厉害
82、I 'd much prefer to live in the country. 我更喜欢住在乡下。country n.国家;乡下 adj.祖国的;家乡的;地方的;粗鲁的
83、Tom is an excellent junior. Tom是一名优秀的大学三年级学生。 freshman 大一; Sophomore 美 [ˈsɑːfəmɔːr] 大二;junior 大三;senior 大四
84、The baddest rock memoir ever. 最棒的摇滚乐传 (baddest 最坏的,不清楚为什么视频翻译成最棒的) 美 [ˈmemwɑːr]
85、I want to insure my residence.我要为自己的住宅保险
86、He adjusted his glasses. 他把眼镜扶正
87、The horse stamped the ground nervously. 那匹马紧张的用力踏地 stamp n.邮票;印;章;v.重踏;在…上盖
88、How much beef did she buy? 她买了多少牛肉
89、The disturbing news made us sad.
90、Cathy was beside herself with anger. 凯西异常愤怒。beside oneself 对自己的感情失去控制
91、He asked me to shave the lawn. 他叫我修剪草坪。 lawn 草坪;草地
92、She is seating an old pair of trousers. 她正在修补旧裤子的后档。
93、That’s the wrong answer.
94、He was absent from class yesterday.
95、who else mother teach english?
96、we should consider her age.
97、The ball went sailing over the bushes. 球越过了灌木丛。sail n.v.航行;帆船运动
98、Her old man is very healthy. 她老伴身体很好。
99、Add enough milk to form a soft dough. 加足牛奶,以便揉成一个软面团 dough n.面团
100、The duty rota had been pinned up.轮值表已经被钉起来了。 rota 英 [ˈrəʊtə] 美 [ˈroʊtə] n.勤务轮值表


英 [əˈblaɪdʒ] 美 [əˈblaɪdʒ]

Will you oblige me with a stamp?

英 [ˈtɔːtʃuəs] 美 [ˈtɔːrtʃuəs]

The way ahead is tortuous.

英 [trɪp] 美 [trɪp]
v.绊;绊倒;使跌倒;脚 步轻快地走(或跑、跳舞);触发(开关);(服用毒品后)产生幻觉

She came tripping down the garden path.

Each period lasts 40 minutes.

Sharpe felt an emptiness inside.

Her dress was a vivid color.

She spoke very clearly indeed.

He gave me a second shot of penicillin.

I requested a taxi for eight o’clock.

The smell of powder was in the air.

she has a great skill in painting.

英 [skreɪp] 美 [skreɪp]

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