


J. Zhao, F. Dai, Y. Song, A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System of UAVs, in: 2022 Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB), 2022, pp. 803-807.

A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System of UAVs


  • 1 介绍
  • 2 预备知识
    • 2.1 图论知识
    • 2.2 无人机系统描述
  • 3 主要结果
        • Lemma 1[6]
    • 3.1 编队控制
        • 定理 1
        • 证明
    • 3.2 最优控制
    • 3.3 分布式最优编队控制
        • 定理 2
        • 证明
  • 4 仿真
    • 4.1 数值仿真
    • 4.2 平台仿真
  • 5 结论
  • 附录:程序
    • A.1 main1ConsensusDynamic
    • A.2 main1ConsensusStatic
    • A.3 main2FormationDynamic
    • A.4 main2FormationStatic
    • A.5 main2FormationStatic2
    • A.6 main3OptimalRiccati
    • A.7 main4OptimalFormation
    • A.8 plotResults


1 介绍


多Agent协调控制的问题包括共识控制[1]、会合控制[2]、编队控制[3],等等。然而,MAS的优化对系统通信网络有很大的依赖性。因为优化控制法需要能够 实时获得系统中集体个体的所有状态,否则就不能满足优化控制的条件。为了处理这个问题,我们设计了一种分布式最优编队控制,它对系统网络结构是不变的。并将这一成果应用于多个无人驾驶飞行器的编队控制。


2 预备知识


2.1 图论知识

为了描述无人机系统的关系,使用了图论[1]。 A = [ a i j ∈ { 0 , 1 } ] A=[a_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}] A=[aij{0,1}] 是图 G G G 的邻接矩阵,表示从节点 j j j i i i 是否有信息交流。矩阵 D D D 是出度矩阵。节点 i i i 的邻居是 N i N_i Ni。 Laplacian矩阵定义为

L = D − A (1) L = D - A \tag{1} L=DA(1)

2.2 无人机系统描述

如图 1 所示,无人机模型可以简化为公式(2)。

x ¨ = g θ y ¨ = − g ϕ z ¨ = u h / m − g ϕ ¨ = u ϕ / I x θ ¨ = u θ / I y ψ ¨ = u ψ / I z (2) \begin{aligned} \ddot{x} &= g \theta \\ \ddot{y} &= -g \phi \\ \ddot{z} &= u_h / m - g \\ \ddot{\phi} &= u_\phi / I_x \\ \ddot{\theta} &= u_\theta / I_y \\ \ddot{\psi} &= u_\psi / I_z \\ \end{aligned} \tag{2} x¨y¨z¨ϕ¨θ¨ψ¨=gθ=gϕ=uh/mg=uϕ/Ix=uθ/Iy=uψ/Iz(2)

其中 x , y , z x,y,z x,y,z 是地面坐标系中沿 X g , Y g , Z g X_g, Y_g, Z_g Xg,Yg,Zg 的位置。 ϕ , θ , ψ \phi, \theta, \psi ϕ,θ,ψ 分别为无人机的滚转角、俯仰角、偏航角。 I x , I y , I z I_x, I_y, I_z Ix,Iy,Iz 分别是沿 X b , Y b , Z b X_b, Y_b, Z_b Xb,Yb,Zb 在机体坐标系中的惯性矩。而 u h u_h uh 是四个螺旋桨的升力。

X ˙ = A X + B U (3) \dot{X} = A X + B U \tag{3} X˙=AX+BU(3)
其中 X = [ x y z x ˙ y ˙ z ˙ g θ − g ϕ 0 g θ ˙ − g ϕ ˙ 0 ] T X = [\begin{matrix} x & y & z & \dot{x} & \dot{y} & \dot{z} & g\theta & -g\phi & 0 & g\dot{\theta} & -g \dot{\phi} & 0 \end{matrix}]^\text{T} X=[xyzx˙y˙z˙gθgϕ0gθ˙gϕ˙0]T,
U = [ u ϕ u θ 0 ] T U=[\begin{matrix} u_\phi & u_\theta & 0 \end{matrix}]^\text{T} U=[uϕuθ0]T,
A = [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ] ⊗ I 3 A=\left[\begin{matrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{matrix}\right] \otimes I_3 A= 0000100001000010 I3,
B = [ 0 0 0 1 ] ⊗ I 3 B=\left[\begin{matrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ \end{matrix}\right] \otimes I_3 B= 0001 I3,
⊗ \otimes 是克罗尼克积。

当有 N N N 个无人机时,状态空间方程(3)可以转化为以下形式。

X ~ ˙ = I N ⊗ A X ~ + I N ⊗ B U ~ (4) \dot{\tilde{X}} = I_N \otimes A \tilde{X} + I_N \otimes B \tilde{U} \tag{4} X~˙=INAX~+INBU~(4)

其中 X ~ = [ X 1 T , X 2 T , … , X N T ] T \tilde{X} = [X_1^\text{T}, X_2^\text{T}, \dots, X_N^\text{T}]^\text{T} X~=[X1T,X2T,,XNT]T,
U ~ = [ U 1 T , U 2 T , … , U N T ] T \tilde{U} = [U_1^\text{T}, U_2^\text{T}, \dots, U_N^\text{T}]^\text{T} U~=[U1T,U2T,,UNT]T,
I N I_N IN 表示 N N N-维单位矩阵。

期望编队状态 h h h 定义为
h = [ h x h y h z ] ∈ R 3 (5) h = \left[\begin{matrix} h^x \\ h^y \\ h^z \\ \end{matrix}\right] \in \R^3 \tag{5} h= hxhyhz R3(5)


[ δ x δ y δ z ] = [ x − h x y − h y z − h z ] (6) \left[\begin{matrix} \delta^x \\ \delta^y \\ \delta^z \\ \end{matrix}\right]= \left[\begin{matrix} x - h^x \\ y - h^y \\ z - h^z \\ \end{matrix}\right] \tag{6} δxδyδz = xhxyhyzhz (6)

那么编队控制问题就变成了寻找一个协议 U ~ \tilde{U} U~ 来驱动误差向量 δ \delta δ 为零。这表明
lim ⁡ t → ∞ ∥ δ i − δ j ∥ = 0 ,     lim ⁡ t → ∞ ∥ v i ∥ = 0 lim ⁡ t → ∞ ∥ Ω i ∥ = 0 ,     lim ⁡ t → ∞ ∥ Ω ˙ i ∥ = 0 ,     i = 1 , 2 , ⋯   , N (7) \begin{aligned} \lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} \| \delta_i - \delta_j \| &= 0, ~~~ \lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} \| v_i \| = 0 \\ \lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} \| \Omega_i \| &= 0, ~~~ \lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} \| \dot{\Omega}_i \| = 0, ~~~ i = 1,2,\cdots, N \\ \end{aligned} \tag{7} tlimδiδjtlimΩi=0,   tlimvi=0=0,   tlimΩ˙i=0,   i=1,2,,N(7)

3 主要结果


Lemma 1[6]

针对一个 N × N N \times N N×N 拉氏矩阵 L L L N e − L t , t > 0 N e^{-Lt}, t>0 NeLt,t>0 是一个具有正对角元素的随机矩阵。如果 L L L 有一个唯一的 0 0 0 特征值, Rank ( N ) = N − 1 \text{Rank}(N) = N-1 Rank(N)=N1,那么它的左特征值有 v = [ v 1 v 2 ⋯ v N ] T ≥ 0 v = [\begin{matrix} v_1 & v_2 & \cdots & v_N \end{matrix}]^\text{T} \ge 0 v=[v1v2vN]T0 1 N T v = 1 , L T v = 0 1_N^\text{T} v = 1, L^\text{T} v = 0 1NTv=1,LTv=0,其中 t → ∞ , e − L t → 1 N v T t \rightarrow \infty, e^{-L t} \rightarrow 1_N v^\text{T} t,eLt1NvT

3.1 编队控制


u i = α ∑ j ∈ N i ( δ j − δ i ) − β v i − γ 1 Ω i − γ 2 Ω ˙ (8) u_i = \alpha \sum_{j\in N_i} (\delta_j - \delta_i) - \beta v_i - \gamma_1 \Omega_i - \gamma_2 \dot{\Omega} \tag{8} ui=αjNi(δjδi)βviγ1Ωiγ2Ω˙(8)

其中 α , β , γ 1 , γ 2 \alpha, \beta, \gamma_1, \gamma_2 α,β,γ1,γ2 都是正向增益,
δ i = [ δ i x , δ i y , δ i z ] T \delta_i = [\delta_i^x, \delta_i^y, \delta_i^z]^\text{T} δi=[δix,δiy,δiz]T,
v i = [ x ˙ i , y ˙ i , z ˙ i ] T v_i = [\dot{x}_i, \dot{y}_i, \dot{z}_i]^\text{T} vi=[x˙i,y˙i,z˙i]T,
Ω i = [ g θ i , − g ϕ , 0 ] T \Omega_i = [g \theta_i, -g \phi, 0]^\text{T} Ωi=[gθi,gϕ,0]T,
Ω ˙ i = [ g θ ˙ i , − g ϕ ˙ , 0 ] T \dot{\Omega}_i = [g \dot{\theta}_i, -g \dot{\phi}, 0]^\text{T} Ω˙i=[gθ˙i,gϕ˙,0]T.

定理 1

假设 G G G 是连通无向图。如果协议(8)满足以下条件,系统(4)可以实现(7)中定义的编队。
α > 0 ,     β > 0 ,     γ 1 > 0 ,     γ 2 > 0 ,     β > > α , γ 1 , γ 2 > β > > α ,     β γ 1 γ 2 > β 2 + γ 2 2 α \begin{aligned} \alpha > 0, ~~~\beta>0, ~~~\gamma_1 > 0, ~~~\gamma_2 > 0, ~~~\beta >> \alpha, \\ \gamma_1, \gamma_2 > \beta >> \alpha, ~~~\beta \gamma_1 \gamma_2 > \beta^2 + \gamma_2^2 \alpha \end{aligned} α>0,   β>0,   γ1>0,   γ2>0,   β>>α,γ1,γ2>β>>α,   βγ1γ2>β2+γ22α


请参照参考文献 [5]。

3.2 最优控制


在给出性能函数之前,令 X ˉ = [ δ x δ y δ z x ˙ y ˙ z ˙ g θ − g ϕ 0 g θ ˙ − g ϕ ˙ 0 ] T \bar{X} = [\begin{matrix} \delta^x & \delta^y & \delta^z & \dot{x} & \dot{y} & \dot{z} & g\theta & -g\phi & 0 & g\dot{\theta} & -g\dot{\phi} & 0 \end{matrix}]^\text{T} Xˉ=[δxδyδzx˙y˙z˙gθgϕ0gθ˙gϕ˙0]T,性能函数定义为
J i = ∫ 0 ∞ [ X ˉ i T ( t ) Q X ˉ i ( t ) + u i T ( t ) R u i ( t ) ] d t (9) J_i = \int_0^\infty [\bar{X}_i^\text{T}(t) Q \bar{X}_i(t) + u_i^\text{T}(t) R u_i(t)] dt \tag{9} Ji=0[XˉiT(t)QXˉi(t)+uiT(t)Rui(t)]dt(9)

由于无人机在不同坐标轴上的状态是独立的,我们需要设置权重矩阵 Q = q ∗ I 12 , R = r ∗ I 3 Q = q * I_{12}, R = r * I_{3} Q=qI12,R=rI3,其中 q > 0 , r > 0 q>0, r>0 q>0,r>0

u i ∗ = − R − 1 B T P X ˉ (10) u_i^* = - R^{-1} B^\text{T} P \bar{X} \tag{10} ui=R1BTPXˉ(10)

其中 P P P 是黎卡提方程(11)的解。
A T P + P A − P B R − 1 B T P + Q = 0 (11) A^\text{T} P + P A - P B R^{-1} B^\text{T} P + Q = 0 \tag{11} ATP+PAPBR1BTP+Q=0(11)

3.3 分布式最优编队控制

通过上述计算,可以得到最优控制法(10)。令 K = R − 1 B T P K = R^{-1} B^\text{T} P K=R1BTP K K K 的维度一定是 3 × 12 3 \times 12 3×12,同时也具有如下形式

K = [ k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 ] ⊗ I 3 = [ k 1 0 0 k 2 0 0 k 3 0 0 k 4 0 0 0 k 1 0 0 k 2 0 0 k 3 0 0 k 4 0 0 0 k 1 0 0 k 2 0 0 k 3 0 0 k 4 ] \begin{aligned} K =& [\begin{matrix} k_1 & k_2 & k_3 & k_4 \end{matrix}] \otimes I_3 \\ =& \left[\begin{matrix} k_1 & 0 & 0 & k_2 & 0 & 0 & k_3 & 0 & 0 & k_4 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & k_1 & 0 & 0 & k_2 & 0 & 0 & k_3 & 0 & 0 & k_4 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & k_1 & 0 & 0 & k_2 & 0 & 0 & k_3 & 0 & 0 & k_4 \\ \end{matrix}\right] \end{aligned} K==[k1k2k3k4]I3 k1000k1000k1k2000k2000k2k3000k3000k3k4000k4000k4


u ∗ = k 1 ∑ j ∈ N i ( δ j − δ i ) − k 2 v i − k 3 Ω i − k 4 Ω ˙ i (12) u^* = k_1 \sum_{j \in N_i} (\delta_j-\delta_i) - k_2 v_i - k_3 \Omega_i - k_4 \dot{\Omega}_i \tag{12} u=k1jNi(δjδi)k2vik3Ωik4Ω˙i(12)

其中 k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , k 4 k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4 k1,k2,k3,k4 来源于矩阵 K K K

定理 2

假设图 G G G 是连通无向图。无人机系统(4)如果使用协议(12),可以完成编队,同时使性能函数(9)最优。


U = Γ ⊗ I 3 X ˉ Γ = L ⊗ [ k 1 0 0 0 ] + I 3 ⊗ [ 0 k 2 k 3 k 4 ] \begin{aligned} U =& \Gamma \otimes I_3 \bar{X} \\ \Gamma =& L \otimes [\begin{matrix} k_1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{matrix}] + I_3 \otimes [\begin{matrix} 0 & k_2 & k_3 & k_4 \end{matrix}] \end{aligned} U=Γ=ΓI3XˉL[k1000]+I3[0k2k3k4]

X ˉ ˙ = A X ˉ + B Γ ⊗ I 3 X ˉ = Γ ˉ X ˉ \dot{\bar{X}} = A \bar{X} + B \Gamma \otimes I_3 \bar{X} = \bar{\Gamma} \bar{X} Xˉ˙=AXˉ+BΓI3Xˉ=ΓˉXˉ

结合定理 1 的证明, Γ ˉ \bar{\Gamma} Γˉ 可以变成一个约旦标准:
Γ ˉ = P J P − 1 \bar{\Gamma} = P J P^{-1} Γˉ=PJP1

v 1 T v_1^\text{T} v1T

4 仿真


4.1 数值仿真




4.2 平台仿真


5 结论




A.1 main1ConsensusDynamic

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-10

% Notes:
% 1. The state is randomly.
% 2. Final states is consensus.

% UAV system states
% UAVi = [x y z dx dy dz theta phi 0 dtheta dphi 0]';
UAV1(:,1) = [10 15 20 2.0 1.0 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; 
UAV2(:,1) = [15 10 15 1.0 -2.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
UAV3(:,1) = [20 15 10 -2.0 1.0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
% UAV1(:,1) = rand(12,1);
% UAV2(:,1) = rand(12,1);
% UAV3(:,1) = rand(12,1);

p1      = [UAV1(1,1)  UAV1(2,1)  UAV1(3,1)]';
v1      = [UAV1(4,1)  UAV1(5,1)  UAV1(6,1)]';
omega1  = [UAV1(7,1)  UAV1(8,1)  UAV1(9,1)]';
domega1 = [UAV1(10,1) UAV1(11,1) UAV1(12,1)]';
p2      = [UAV2(1,1)  UAV2(2,1)  UAV2(3,1)]';
v2      = [UAV2(4,1)  UAV2(5,1)  UAV2(6,1)]';
omega2  = [UAV2(7,1)  UAV2(8,1)  UAV2(9,1)]';
domega2 = [UAV2(10,1) UAV2(11,1) UAV2(12,1)]';
p3      = [UAV3(1,1)  UAV3(2,1)  UAV3(3,1)]';
v3      = [UAV3(4,1)  UAV3(5,1)  UAV3(6,1)]';
omega3  = [UAV3(7,1)  UAV3(8,1)  UAV3(9,1)]';
domega3 = [UAV3(10,1) UAV3(11,1) UAV3(12,1)]';

% Control inputs
u1(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u2(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u3(:,1) = [0  0  0]';

% Positive gain
alpha = 0.1;
beta = 0.6;
gamma1 =  3;
gamma2 =  2;

% Time state
t(1,1) = 0;
tBegin = 0;
tFinal = 50;
dT = 0.1;
times = (tFinal-tBegin)/dT;

% Iterations
for i=1:times
    % Calculate control input
    u1(:,i+1) = alpha*(p2(:,i)-p1(:,i)) + beta*(v2(:,i)-v1(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega1(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega1(:,i));
    u2(:,i+1) = alpha*(p3(:,i)-p2(:,i)) + beta*(v3(:,i)-v2(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega2(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega2(:,i));
    u3(:,i+1) = alpha*(p1(:,i)-p3(:,i)) + beta*(v1(:,i)-v3(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega3(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega3(:,i));
    % Update states
    domega1(:,i+1) = domega1(:,i) + dT * u1(:,i+1);
    omega1(:,i+1)  = omega1(:,i)  + dT * domega1(:,i+1);
    v1(:,i+1)      = v1(:,i)      + dT * omega1(:,i+1);
    p1(:,i+1)      = p1(:,i)      + dT * v1(:,i+1);
    domega2(:,i+1) = domega2(:,i) + dT * u2(:,i+1);
    omega2(:,i+1)  = omega2(:,i)  + dT * domega2(:,i+1);
    v2(:,i+1)      = v2(:,i)      + dT * omega2(:,i+1);
    p2(:,i+1)      = p2(:,i)      + dT * v2(:,i+1);
    domega3(:,i+1) = domega3(:,i) + dT * u3(:,i+1);
    omega3(:,i+1)  = omega3(:,i)  + dT * domega3(:,i+1);
    v3(:,i+1)      = v3(:,i)      + dT * omega3(:,i+1);
    p3(:,i+1)      = p3(:,i)      + dT * v3(:,i+1);
    % record time
    t(:,i+1) = t(:,i) + dT;

%% Plot results
% X-axis states
plot(t,u1(1,:), t,u2(1,:), t,u3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X control inputs");
plot(t,p1(1,:), t,p2(1,:), t,p3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X position states");
plot(t,v1(1,:), t,v2(1,:), t,v3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(1,:), t,omega2(1,:), t,omega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \theta states");
plot(t,domega1(1,:), t,domega2(1,:), t,domega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\theta} states");

% Y-axis states
plot(t,u1(2,:), t,u2(2,:), t,u3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y control inputs");
plot(t,p1(2,:), t,p2(2,:), t,p3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y position states");
plot(t,v1(2,:), t,v2(2,:), t,v3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(2,:), t,omega2(2,:), t,omega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \phi states");
plot(t,domega1(2,:), t,domega2(2,:), t,domega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\phi} states");

A.2 main1ConsensusStatic

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-10

% Notes:
% 1. The state is randomly.
% 2. Final states is consensus.

% UAV system states
% UAVi = [x y z dx dy dz theta phi 0 dtheta dphi 0]';
UAV1(:,1) = [10 15 20 1.0 1.0 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; 
UAV2(:,1) = [15 10 15 1.0 -2.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
UAV3(:,1) = [20 15 10 -2.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
% UAV1(:,1) = rand(12,1);
% UAV2(:,1) = rand(12,1);
% UAV3(:,1) = rand(12,1);

p1      = [UAV1(1,1)  UAV1(2,1)  UAV1(3,1)]';
v1      = [UAV1(4,1)  UAV1(5,1)  UAV1(6,1)]';
omega1  = [UAV1(7,1)  UAV1(8,1)  UAV1(9,1)]';
domega1 = [UAV1(10,1) UAV1(11,1) UAV1(12,1)]';
p2      = [UAV2(1,1)  UAV2(2,1)  UAV2(3,1)]';
v2      = [UAV2(4,1)  UAV2(5,1)  UAV2(6,1)]';
omega2  = [UAV2(7,1)  UAV2(8,1)  UAV2(9,1)]';
domega2 = [UAV2(10,1) UAV2(11,1) UAV2(12,1)]';
p3      = [UAV3(1,1)  UAV3(2,1)  UAV3(3,1)]';
v3      = [UAV3(4,1)  UAV3(5,1)  UAV3(6,1)]';
omega3  = [UAV3(7,1)  UAV3(8,1)  UAV3(9,1)]';
domega3 = [UAV3(10,1) UAV3(11,1) UAV3(12,1)]';

% Control inputs
u1(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u2(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u3(:,1) = [0  0  0]';

% Positive gain
alpha = 0.1;
beta = 0.6;
gamma1 =  3;
gamma2 =  2;

% alpha = 1;
% beta = 3.0777;
% gamma1 = 4.2361;
% gamma2 =  3.0777;

% Time state
t(1,1) = 0;
tBegin = 0;
tFinal = 300;
dT = 0.1;
times = (tFinal-tBegin)/dT;

% Iterations
for i=1:times
    % Calculate control input
    u1(:,i+1) = alpha*(p2(:,i)-p1(:,i)) + beta*(-v1(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega1(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega1(:,i));
    u2(:,i+1) = alpha*(p3(:,i)-p2(:,i)) + beta*(-v2(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega2(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega2(:,i));
    u3(:,i+1) = alpha*(p1(:,i)-p3(:,i)) + beta*(-v3(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega3(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega3(:,i));
    % Update states
    domega1(:,i+1) = domega1(:,i) + dT * u1(:,i+1);
    omega1(:,i+1)  = omega1(:,i)  + dT * domega1(:,i+1);
    v1(:,i+1)      = v1(:,i)      + dT * omega1(:,i+1);
    p1(:,i+1)      = p1(:,i)      + dT * v1(:,i+1);
    domega2(:,i+1) = domega2(:,i) + dT * u2(:,i+1);
    omega2(:,i+1)  = omega2(:,i)  + dT * domega2(:,i+1);
    v2(:,i+1)      = v2(:,i)      + dT * omega2(:,i+1);
    p2(:,i+1)      = p2(:,i)      + dT * v2(:,i+1);
    domega3(:,i+1) = domega3(:,i) + dT * u3(:,i+1);
    omega3(:,i+1)  = omega3(:,i)  + dT * domega3(:,i+1);
    v3(:,i+1)      = v3(:,i)      + dT * omega3(:,i+1);
    p3(:,i+1)      = p3(:,i)      + dT * v3(:,i+1);
    % record time
    t(:,i+1) = t(:,i) + dT;

%% Plot results
% X-axis states
plot(t,u1(1,:), t,u2(1,:), t,u3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X control inputs");
plot(t,p1(1,:), t,p2(1,:), t,p3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X position states");
plot(t,v1(1,:), t,v2(1,:), t,v3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(1,:), t,omega2(1,:), t,omega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \theta states");
plot(t,domega1(1,:), t,domega2(1,:), t,domega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\theta} states");

% Y-axis states
plot(t,u1(2,:), t,u2(2,:), t,u3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y control inputs");
plot(t,p1(2,:), t,p2(2,:), t,p3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y position states");
plot(t,v1(2,:), t,v2(2,:), t,v3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(2,:), t,omega2(2,:), t,omega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \phi states");
plot(t,domega1(2,:), t,domega2(2,:), t,domega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\phi} states");

A.3 main2FormationDynamic

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-10

% Notes:
% 1. In order to facilitate the observation of formation information, the initial state is set in advance.
% 2. Final states is formation.

% UAV system states
% UAVi = [x y z dx dy dz theta phi 0 dtheta dphi 0]';
UAV1(:,1) = [10 15 20  1.0  1.0 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; 
UAV2(:,1) = [15 10 15  1.0 -2.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
UAV3(:,1) = [20 15 10 -2.0  1.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';

p1      = [UAV1(1,1)  UAV1(2,1)  UAV1(3,1)]';
v1      = [UAV1(4,1)  UAV1(5,1)  UAV1(6,1)]';
omega1  = [UAV1(7,1)  UAV1(8,1)  UAV1(9,1)]';
domega1 = [UAV1(10,1) UAV1(11,1) UAV1(12,1)]';
p2      = [UAV2(1,1)  UAV2(2,1)  UAV2(3,1)]';
v2      = [UAV2(4,1)  UAV2(5,1)  UAV2(6,1)]';
omega2  = [UAV2(7,1)  UAV2(8,1)  UAV2(9,1)]';
domega2 = [UAV2(10,1) UAV2(11,1) UAV2(12,1)]';
p3      = [UAV3(1,1)  UAV3(2,1)  UAV3(3,1)]';
v3      = [UAV3(4,1)  UAV3(5,1)  UAV3(6,1)]';
omega3  = [UAV3(7,1)  UAV3(8,1)  UAV3(9,1)]';
domega3 = [UAV3(10,1) UAV3(11,1) UAV3(12,1)]';

% Control inputs
u1(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u2(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u3(:,1) = [0  0  0]';

% Formation states
p1h      = [10 0  0]';
v1h      = [0  0  0]';
omega1h  = [0  0  0]';
domega1h = [0  0  0]';

p2h      = [15 0  0]';
v2h      = [0  0  0]';
omega2h  = [0  0  0]';
domega2h = [0  0  0]';

p3h      = [05 0  0]';
v3h      = [0  0  0]';
omega3h  = [0  0  0]';
domega3h = [0  0  0]';

% Positive gain
alpha = 0.1;
beta = 0.6;
gamma1 =  3;
gamma2 =  2;

% Time state
t(1,1) = 0;
tBegin = 0;
tFinal = 300;
dT = 0.5;
times = (tFinal-tBegin)/dT;

% Iterations
for i=1:times
    % Calculate control input
    u1(:,i+1) = alpha*((p2(:,i)-p2h)-(p1(:,i)-p1h)) + beta*(-v1(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega1(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega1(:,i));
    u2(:,i+1) = alpha*((p3(:,i)-p3h)-(p2(:,i)-p2h)) + beta*(-v2(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega2(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega2(:,i));
    u3(:,i+1) = alpha*((p1(:,i)-p1h)-(p3(:,i)-p3h)) + beta*(-v3(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega3(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega3(:,i));
    % Update states
    domega1(:,i+1) = domega1(:,i) + dT * u1(:,i+1);
    omega1(:,i+1)  = omega1(:,i)  + dT * domega1(:,i+1);
    v1(:,i+1)      = v1(:,i)      + dT * omega1(:,i+1);
    p1(:,i+1)      = p1(:,i)      + dT * v1(:,i+1);
    domega2(:,i+1) = domega2(:,i) + dT * u2(:,i+1);
    omega2(:,i+1)  = omega2(:,i)  + dT * domega2(:,i+1);
    v2(:,i+1)      = v2(:,i)      + dT * omega2(:,i+1);
    p2(:,i+1)      = p2(:,i)      + dT * v2(:,i+1);
    domega3(:,i+1) = domega3(:,i) + dT * u3(:,i+1);
    omega3(:,i+1)  = omega3(:,i)  + dT * domega3(:,i+1);
    v3(:,i+1)      = v3(:,i)      + dT * omega3(:,i+1);
    p3(:,i+1)      = p3(:,i)      + dT * v3(:,i+1);
    % record time
    t(:,i+1) = t(:,i) + dT;

%% Plot results
% X-axis states
plot(t,u1(1,:), t,u2(1,:), t,u3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X control inputs");
plot(t,p1(1,:), t,p2(1,:), t,p3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X position states");
plot(t,v1(1,:), t,v2(1,:), t,v3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(1,:), t,omega2(1,:), t,omega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \theta states");
plot(t,domega1(1,:), t,domega2(1,:), t,domega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\theta} states");

% Y-axis states
plot(t,u1(2,:), t,u2(2,:), t,u3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y control inputs");
plot(t,p1(2,:), t,p2(2,:), t,p3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y position states");
plot(t,v1(2,:), t,v2(2,:), t,v3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(2,:), t,omega2(2,:), t,omega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \phi states");
plot(t,domega1(2,:), t,domega2(2,:), t,domega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\phi} states");

plot3(p1(1,:),p1(2,:),t); hold on
plot3(p2(1,:),p2(2,:),t); hold on
plot3(p3(1,:),p3(2,:),t); hold on
grid on

A.4 main2FormationStatic

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-10

% Notes:
% 1. In order to facilitate the observation of formation information, the initial state is set in advance.
% 2. Final states is formation.

% UAV system states
% UAVi = [x y z dx dy dz theta phi 0 dtheta dphi 0]';
UAV1(:,1) = [20 15 20  1.0  1.0 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; 
UAV2(:,1) = [20 10 15  1.0 -2.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
UAV3(:,1) = [20 20 10 -2.0  1.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';

p1      = [UAV1(1,1)  UAV1(2,1)  UAV1(3,1)]';
v1      = [UAV1(4,1)  UAV1(5,1)  UAV1(6,1)]';
omega1  = [UAV1(7,1)  UAV1(8,1)  UAV1(9,1)]';
domega1 = [UAV1(10,1) UAV1(11,1) UAV1(12,1)]';
p2      = [UAV2(1,1)  UAV2(2,1)  UAV2(3,1)]';
v2      = [UAV2(4,1)  UAV2(5,1)  UAV2(6,1)]';
omega2  = [UAV2(7,1)  UAV2(8,1)  UAV2(9,1)]';
domega2 = [UAV2(10,1) UAV2(11,1) UAV2(12,1)]';
p3      = [UAV3(1,1)  UAV3(2,1)  UAV3(3,1)]';
v3      = [UAV3(4,1)  UAV3(5,1)  UAV3(6,1)]';
omega3  = [UAV3(7,1)  UAV3(8,1)  UAV3(9,1)]';
domega3 = [UAV3(10,1) UAV3(11,1) UAV3(12,1)]';

% Control inputs
u1(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u2(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u3(:,1) = [0  0  0]';

% Formation states
p1h      = [10 10  0]';

p2h      = [00 05  0]';

p3h      = [00 15  0]';

% Positive gain
alpha = 0.2;
beta = 1.5;
gamma1 =  5;
gamma2 =  2;

% alpha = 1;
% beta = 3.0777;
% gamma1 = 4.2361;
% gamma2 =  3.0777;

% Time state
t(1,1) = 0;
tBegin = 0;
tFinal = 100;
dT = 0.5;
times = (tFinal-tBegin)/dT;

% Iterations
for i=1:times
    % Calculate control input
    u1(:,i+1) = alpha*((p2(:,i)-p2h)-(p1(:,i)-p1h)) + beta*(-v1(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega1(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega1(:,i));
    u2(:,i+1) = alpha*((p3(:,i)-p3h)-(p2(:,i)-p2h)) + beta*(-v2(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega2(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega2(:,i));
    u3(:,i+1) = alpha*((p1(:,i)-p1h)-(p3(:,i)-p3h)) + beta*(-v3(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega3(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega3(:,i));
    % Update states
    domega1(:,i+1) = domega1(:,i) + dT * u1(:,i+1);
    omega1(:,i+1)  = omega1(:,i)  + dT * domega1(:,i+1);
    v1(:,i+1)      = v1(:,i)      + dT * omega1(:,i+1);
    p1(:,i+1)      = p1(:,i)      + dT * v1(:,i+1);
    domega2(:,i+1) = domega2(:,i) + dT * u2(:,i+1);
    omega2(:,i+1)  = omega2(:,i)  + dT * domega2(:,i+1);
    v2(:,i+1)      = v2(:,i)      + dT * omega2(:,i+1);
    p2(:,i+1)      = p2(:,i)      + dT * v2(:,i+1);
    domega3(:,i+1) = domega3(:,i) + dT * u3(:,i+1);
    omega3(:,i+1)  = omega3(:,i)  + dT * domega3(:,i+1);
    v3(:,i+1)      = v3(:,i)      + dT * omega3(:,i+1);
    p3(:,i+1)      = p3(:,i)      + dT * v3(:,i+1);
    % record time
    t(:,i+1) = t(:,i) + dT;

%% Plot results
% X-axis states
% subplot(4,2,1)
% plot(t,u1(1,:), t,u2(1,:), t,u3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
% legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
% title("Time - X control inputs");
plot(t,p1(1,:), t,p2(1,:), t,p3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X position states");
plot(t,v1(1,:), t,v2(1,:), t,v3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(1,:), t,omega2(1,:), t,omega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \theta states");
plot(t,domega1(1,:), t,domega2(1,:), t,domega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - dot \theta states");

% Y-axis states
% subplot(5,2,2)
% plot(t,u1(2,:), t,u2(2,:), t,u3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
% legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
% title("Time - Y control inputs");
plot(t,p1(2,:), t,p2(2,:), t,p3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y position states");
plot(t,v1(2,:), t,v2(2,:), t,v3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(2,:), t,omega2(2,:), t,omega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \phi states");
plot(t,domega1(2,:), t,domega2(2,:), t,domega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - $\dot \phi$ \phi states");

plot3(p1(1,:),p1(2,:),t); hold on
plot3(p2(1,:),p2(2,:),t); hold on
plot3(p3(1,:),p3(2,:),t); hold on
grid on

A.5 main2FormationStatic2

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-13

% Notes:
% 1. In order to facilitate the observation of formation information, the initial state is set in advance.
% 2. Final states is formation.

% UAV system states
% UAVi = [x y z dx dy dz theta phi 0 dtheta dphi 0]';
UAV1(:,1) = [20 15 20  1.0  1.0 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; 
UAV2(:,1) = [20 10 15  1.0 -2.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
UAV3(:,1) = [20 20 10 -2.0  1.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';

p1      = [UAV1(1,1)  UAV1(2,1)  UAV1(3,1)]';
v1      = [UAV1(4,1)  UAV1(5,1)  UAV1(6,1)]';
omega1  = [UAV1(7,1)  UAV1(8,1)  UAV1(9,1)]';
domega1 = [UAV1(10,1) UAV1(11,1) UAV1(12,1)]';
p2      = [UAV2(1,1)  UAV2(2,1)  UAV2(3,1)]';
v2      = [UAV2(4,1)  UAV2(5,1)  UAV2(6,1)]';
omega2  = [UAV2(7,1)  UAV2(8,1)  UAV2(9,1)]';
domega2 = [UAV2(10,1) UAV2(11,1) UAV2(12,1)]';
p3      = [UAV3(1,1)  UAV3(2,1)  UAV3(3,1)]';
v3      = [UAV3(4,1)  UAV3(5,1)  UAV3(6,1)]';
omega3  = [UAV3(7,1)  UAV3(8,1)  UAV3(9,1)]';
domega3 = [UAV3(10,1) UAV3(11,1) UAV3(12,1)]';

% Control inputs
u1(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u2(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u3(:,1) = [0  0  0]';

% Formation states
p1h      = [10 10  0]';

p2h      = [00 05  0]';

p3h      = [00 15  0]';

% Positive gain
alpha = 0.2;
beta = 1.5;
gamma1 =  5;
gamma2 =  2;

alpha = 0.5;
beta = 3.0777;
gamma1 = 4.2361;
gamma2 =  3.0777;
% alpha = 0.6325;
% beta = 2.0990;
% gamma1 = 3.1667;
% gamma2 =  2.5949;

% Time state
t(1,1) = 0;
tBegin = 0;
tFinal = 70;
dT = 0.05;
times = (tFinal-tBegin)/dT;

% Iterations
for i=1:times
    % Calculate position error
    delta1 = p1(:,i) - p1h;
    delta2 = p2(:,i) - p2h;
    delta3 = p3(:,i) - p3h;
    % Calculate control input
    u1(:,i+1) = alpha*(delta2-delta1) + beta*(-v1(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega1(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega1(:,i));
    u2(:,i+1) = alpha*(delta3-delta2) + beta*(-v2(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega2(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega2(:,i));
    u3(:,i+1) = alpha*(delta1-delta3) + beta*(-v3(:,i)) + gamma1*(-omega3(:,i)) + gamma2*(-domega3(:,i));
    % Update states
    domega1(:,i+1) = domega1(:,i) + dT * u1(:,i+1);
    omega1(:,i+1)  = omega1(:,i)  + dT * domega1(:,i+1);
    v1(:,i+1)      = v1(:,i)      + dT * omega1(:,i+1);
    p1(:,i+1)      = p1(:,i)      + dT * v1(:,i+1);
    domega2(:,i+1) = domega2(:,i) + dT * u2(:,i+1);
    omega2(:,i+1)  = omega2(:,i)  + dT * domega2(:,i+1);
    v2(:,i+1)      = v2(:,i)      + dT * omega2(:,i+1);
    p2(:,i+1)      = p2(:,i)      + dT * v2(:,i+1);
    domega3(:,i+1) = domega3(:,i) + dT * u3(:,i+1);
    omega3(:,i+1)  = omega3(:,i)  + dT * domega3(:,i+1);
    v3(:,i+1)      = v3(:,i)      + dT * omega3(:,i+1);
    p3(:,i+1)      = p3(:,i)      + dT * v3(:,i+1);
    % record time
    t(:,i+1) = t(:,i) + dT;

%% Plot results
% X-axis states
% subplot(4,2,1)
% plot(t,u1(1,:), t,u2(1,:), t,u3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
% legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
% title("Time - X control inputs");
plot(t,p1(1,:), t,p2(1,:), t,p3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X position states");
plot(t,v1(1,:), t,v2(1,:), t,v3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(1,:), t,omega2(1,:), t,omega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \theta states");
plot(t,domega1(1,:), t,domega2(1,:), t,domega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - dot \theta states");

% Y-axis states
% subplot(5,2,2)
% plot(t,u1(2,:), t,u2(2,:), t,u3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
% legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
% title("Time - Y control inputs");
plot(t,p1(2,:), t,p2(2,:), t,p3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y position states");
plot(t,v1(2,:), t,v2(2,:), t,v3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y velocity states");
plot(t,omega1(2,:), t,omega2(2,:), t,omega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \phi states");
plot(t,domega1(2,:), t,domega2(2,:), t,domega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - $\dot \phi$ \phi states");

plot3(p1(1,:),p1(2,:),t, '--r', 'linewidth',1.5); hold on
plot3(p2(1,:),p2(2,:),t, '--g', 'linewidth',1.5); hold on
plot3(p3(1,:),p3(2,:),t, '--b', 'linewidth',1.5); hold on
xlabel("$x$ (m)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("$y$ (m)",'Interpreter','latex'); zlabel("t (s)",'Interpreter','latex');
% title("Formation state at different time instants (formation control)",'Interpreter','latex');
title("Formation state at different time instants (distributed optimal formation control)",'Interpreter','latex');

grid on

tt1 = 10/0.05;
scatter3(p1(1,tt1),p1(2,tt1),tt1*dT,100,'r'); hold on
scatter3(p2(1,tt1),p2(2,tt1),tt1*dT,100,'g'); hold on
scatter3(p3(1,tt1),p3(2,tt1),tt1*dT,100,'b'); hold on
text(p1(1,tt1)+1,p1(2,tt1)-1,tt1*dT,'t = 1s','Interpreter','latex')

tt2 = 30/0.05;
scatter3(p1(1,tt2),p1(2,tt2),tt2*dT,100,'r'); hold on
scatter3(p2(1,tt2),p2(2,tt2),tt2*dT,100,'g'); hold on
scatter3(p3(1,tt2),p3(2,tt2),tt2*dT,100,'b'); hold on
text(p1(1,tt2)+1,p1(2,tt2)-1,tt2*dT,'t = 3s','Interpreter','latex')

tt3 = 50/0.05;
scatter3(p1(1,tt3),p1(2,tt3),tt3*dT,100,'r'); hold on
scatter3(p2(1,tt3),p2(2,tt3),tt3*dT,100,'g'); hold on
scatter3(p3(1,tt3),p3(2,tt3),tt3*dT,100,'b'); hold on
text(p1(1,tt3)+1,p1(2,tt3)-1,tt3*dT,'t = 5s','Interpreter','latex')
grid on

legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');

A.6 main3OptimalRiccati

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-10

% Notes:
% 1. In

% System matrices
A = kron([0  1  0  0
          0  0  1  0
          0  0  0  1
          0  0  0  0], eye(3));
B = kron([0  0  0  1]',eye(3));

% Weight matrices
Q = 2*eye(12);
R = 5*eye(3);

% Solve Riccati equation
[P, L, G] = care(A, B, Q, R);

K = -inv(R)*B'*P;

>> disp(K)
   -0.6325         0         0   -2.0990         0         0   -3.1667         0         0   -2.5949         0         0
         0   -0.6325   -0.0000         0   -2.0990   -0.0000         0   -3.1667   -0.0000         0   -2.5949   -0.0000
         0   -0.0000   -0.6325         0   -0.0000   -2.0990         0   -0.0000   -3.1667         0   -0.0000   -2.5949

A.7 main4OptimalFormation

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-10

% UAV system states
% UAVi = [x y z dx dy dz theta phi 0 dtheta dphi 0]';
UAV1(:,1) = [10 15 20  1.0  1.0 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; 
UAV2(:,1) = [15 10 15  1.0 -2.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
UAV3(:,1) = [20 15 10 -2.0  1.0  1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';

% Control inputs
u1(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u2(:,1) = [0  0  0]';
u3(:,1) = [0  0  0]';

% Formation states
p1h      = [10 10  0]';
p2h      = [05 0  0]';
p3h      = [15 0  0]';

% Positive gain
alpha = 0.1;
beta = 0.6;
gamma1 =  3;
gamma2 =  2;

% Time state
t(1,1) = 0;
tBegin = 0;
tFinal = 300;
dT = 0.5;
times = (tFinal-tBegin)/dT;

% System matrices
A = kron([0  1  0  0
          0  0  1  0
          0  0  0  1
          0  0  0  0], eye(3));
B = kron([0  0  0  1]',eye(3));

X(:,1) = [UAV1' UAV2' UAV3']';
U(:,1) = [u1' u2' u3']';

L = [2 -1 -1
    -1  2 -1
    -1 -1  2];

K = [alpha beta gamma1 gamma2];

% Iterations
for i=1:times
%     U(:,i+1) = kron(kron(-L,K),eye(3))*X(:,i);
    U(:,i+1) = (kron(kron(-L,[alpha 0 0 0]),eye(3)) +... 
                kron(kron(-eye(3),[0 beta 0 0]),eye(3)) +... 
                kron(kron(-eye(3),[0 0 gamma1 0]),eye(3)) +... 
                kron(kron(-eye(3),[0 0 0 gamma2]),eye(3)) ) * X(:,i);
    dX = kron(eye(3),A) * X(:,i) + kron(eye(3),B) * U(:,i+1);
    X(:,i+1) = X(:,i) + dT * dX;
    % record time
    t(:,i+1) = t(:,i) + dT;

%% Plot results
% X-axis states
plot(t,U(1,:), t,U(4,:), t,U(7,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X control inputs");
plot(t,X(1,:), t,X(13,:), t,X(25,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X position states");
plot(t,X(4,:), t,X(16,:), t,X(28,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - X velocity states");
plot(t,X(7,:), t,X(19,:), t,X(31,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \theta states");
plot(t,X(10,:), t,X(22,:), t,X(34,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\theta} states");

% Y-axis states
plot(t,U(2,:), t,U(5,:), t,U(8,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y control inputs");
plot(t,X(2,:), t,X(14,:), t,X(26,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y position states");
plot(t,X(5,:), t,X(17,:), t,X(29,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - Y velocity states");
plot(t,X(8,:), t,X(20,:), t,X(32,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \phi states");
plot(t,X(11,:), t,X(23,:), t,X(35,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3"); grid on
title("Time - \dot{\phi} states");

A.8 plotResults

% Paper: A Distributed Optimal Formation Control for Multi-Agent System Based on UAVs
% Author: Z-JC
% Data: 2021-12-11

set(gca,'position',[0.05 0.79 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,p1(1,:), t,p2(1,:), t,p3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("X position error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t (s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $x$ (m)",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.55 0.79 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,p1(2,:), t,p2(2,:), t,p3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("Y position error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t (s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $y$ (m)",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.05 0.54 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,v1(1,:), t,v2(1,:), t,v3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("X velocity error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t (s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $\dot x$ (m/s)",'Interpreter','latex');
% ylabel('$\dot t_2 $','Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.55 0.54 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,v1(2,:), t,v2(2,:), t,v3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("Y velocity error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t (s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $\dot y$ (m/s)",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.05 0.29 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,omega1(1,:), t,omega2(1,:), t,omega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("Pitch angles error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t(s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $\theta ~ (^{\circ})$",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.55 0.29 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,omega1(2,:), t,omega2(2,:), t,omega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("Roll angles error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t(s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $\phi ~ (^{\circ})$",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.05 0.04 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,domega1(1,:), t,domega2(1,:), t,domega3(1,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("Pitch rates error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t(s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $\dot \theta ~ (^{\circ}/s)$",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

set(gca,'position',[0.55 0.04 0.43 0.19]);
plot(t,domega1(2,:), t,domega2(2,:), t,domega3(2,:), 'linewidth',1.5)
title("Roll rates error",'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel("t(s)",'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel("Error $\dot \phi ~ (^{\circ}/s)$",'Interpreter','latex');
legend("UAV1", "UAV2", "UAV3",'Interpreter','latex');
grid on; box on;

本文标签: 无人机分布式最优系统paper