


[root@localhost ~]# mount /dev/mapper/mpathd /data04/
mount: mount /dev/mapper/mpathd on /data04 failed: Structure needs cleaning

[root@localhost ~]# xfs_ncheck /dev/mapper/mpathd
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agf block 0x1/0x200
xfs_ncheck: cannot init perag data (-117). Continuing anyway.
* ERROR: mismatched uuid in log
*            SB : 281f884a-e5c5-41b2-98bf-3838498d822b
*            log: 5197aaf5-4655-4e9e-9f3b-f98b035f1540
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agi block 0x2/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agfl block 0x3/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0x8/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0x10/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_inobt block 0x18/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agf block 0xa00001/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agi block 0xa00002/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agfl block 0xa00003/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0xa00008/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0xa00010/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_inobt block 0xa00018/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agf block 0x1400001/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agi block 0x1400002/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agfl block 0x1400003/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0x1400008/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0x1400010/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_inobt block 0x1400018/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agf block 0x1e00001/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agi block 0x1e00002/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agfl block 0x1e00003/0x200
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0x1e00008/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_allocbt block 0x1e00010/0x1000
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_inobt block 0x1e00018/0x1000


xfs_ncheck /dev/mapper/vg-lv;echo $?






[root@aaroncentos79 ~]# xfs_db -x /dev/mapper/VG00-data
Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agf block 0x1/0x200
xfs_db: cannot init perag data (-117). Continuing anyway.
xfs_db> sb
xfs_db> p
magicnum = 0x58465342
blocksize = 4096
dblocks = 5242880
rblocks = 0
rextents = 0
uuid = 281f884a-e5c5-41b2-98bf-3838498d822b
logstart = 4194308
rootino = 64
rbmino = 65
rsumino = 66
rextsize = 1
agblocks = 1310720
agcount = 4
rbmblocks = 0
logblocks = 2560
versionnum = 0xb4a5
sectsize = 512
inodesize = 512
inopblock = 8
fname = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
blocklog = 12
sectlog = 9
inodelog = 9
inopblog = 3
agblklog = 21
rextslog = 0
inprogress = 0
imax_pct = 25
icount = 64
ifree = 61
fdblocks = 5240296
frextents = 0
uquotino = 0
gquotino = 0
qflags = 0
flags = 0
shared_vn = 0
inoalignmt = 4
unit = 0
width = 0
dirblklog = 0
logsectlog = 0
logsectsize = 0
logsunit = 1
features2 = 0x18a
bad_features2 = 0x18a
features_compat = 0
features_ro_compat = 0
features_incompat = 0x1
features_log_incompat = 0
crc = 0x17b087c3 (correct)
spino_align = 0
pquotino = 0
lsn = 0
meta_uuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
xfs_db> write uuid 5197aaf5-4655-4e9e-9f3b-f98b035f1540
uuid = 5197aaf5-4655-4e9e-9f3b-f98b035f1540

xfs_db> agf

xfs_db> p

xfs_db> q


#不要使用xfs_repair /dev/mapper/VG00-data  除非没有其他办法了。

[root@aaroncentos79 ~]# mount /dev/mapper/VG00-data /mnt

This document (7018603) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12



In case an XFS filesystem cannot be mounted, for example getting an error like
 # mount /dev/sdb /mnt/
mount: mount /dev/sdb on /mnt failed: Structure needs cleaning

and assuming that sdb contains a XFS Filesystem.


Before attempting a repair it might be viable to check whether or not issues will be resolved or whether some data might be lost due to the repair.

To get the metadata, assuming /dev/sdb contains a XFS Filesystem, as root run the following command:

 # /usr/sbin/xfs_metadump -aowg /dev/sdb /tmp/dump_xfs_meta

would be invoked. This results in a file /tmp/dump_xfs_meta containing the metadata and no Data Obfuscation.

This file cannot be used yet, but would have to be changed into a restore file with

 # /usr/sbin/xfs_mdrestore /tmp/dump_xfs_meta /tmp/workable_xfs_dump

this new file, /tmp/workable_xfs_dump can be used safely for experiments and test and even be mounted and should exhibit the original error during a mount attempt.
 # mount /tmp/workable_xfs_dump /mnt/
mount: mount /dev/loop0 on /mnt failed: Structure needs cleaning

but after a
 # xfs_repair /tmp/workable_xfs_dump

in this example it can be mounted. And subsequent checked whether files and directories are still in place.

Additional Information

To simulate or force an error in the xfs metadata dump it is possible to invoke
xfs_db -fx /tmp/workable_xfs_dump

then in the shell do
xfs_db> sb
xfs_db> p

and for example change the uuid with
xfs_db> write uuid 12345678
uuid = 20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000bc614e
xfs_db> q

which would then result in an error during mount
 # mount /tmp/workable_xfs_dump /mnt/
mount: mount /dev/loop0 on /mnt failed: Structure needs cleaning


This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.


本文标签: 磁盘报错StructurecleaningUUID