


Every time you buy an iPhone (or an iPad, or a Mac, or even a new HomePod), Apple will ask you if you want to add AppleCare+ to your purchase. But is it worth it?

每当您购买iPhone(或iPad,Mac或什至是新的HomePod)时,Apple都会询问您是否要在购买的产品中添加AppleCare +。 但是这值得吗?

AppleCare +如何运作 (How AppleCare+ Works)

In general, we’re not big fans of extended warranties. You probably already have an extended warranty period through your credit card, and gadgets don’t fail often enough that it’s worth buying an extended warranty for each one—you’ll probably pay less in the long run by just repairing the few that break out of pocket.

一般而言, 我们不是长期保修的忠实拥护者 。 您可能已经通过信用卡获得了延长的保修期,并且小工具不会经常失败,因此值得为每台设备购买延长的保修期-从长远来看,您只需修复少数故障即可少付口袋里的

But AppleCare+ is different than an extended warranty. It’s more like insurance designed for clumsy people who drop their phone a lot. You pay a certain amount up front—$129 for an iPhone 8, $149 for an iPhone 8 Plus, and $199 for an iPhone X—and Apple will repair your device at heavily discounted rates if it breaks—even if the damage is accidental, like a shattered screen or water damage.

但是AppleCare +与扩展保修不同。 这更像是为笨拙的人而丢掉手机的保险设计的。 您需要预先支付一定的费用-129美元的iPhone 8、149美元的iPhone 8 Plus和199美元的iPhone X-如果发生故障,Apple会以大幅折扣价维修您的设备,即使损坏是偶然的,例如屏幕碎裂或水渍。

That doesn’t mean you get free repairs, though. Apple breaks down its prices on its repair and screen repair pages, but for the sake of example, let’s look at the iPhone. Here’s what various repairs will cost you, with and without AppleCare+:

不过,这并不意味着您可以获得免费维修。 苹果在维修和屏幕维修页面上降低了价格,但为了举例,让我们看一下iPhone。 无论有没有AppleCare +,这都是各种维修的费用:

  • A broken screen costs $29 to repair if you have AppleCare+. If you don’t, it can cost anywhere from $129 for an iPhone 6 to $279 for an iPhone X.

    如果您拥有AppleCare +, 破碎的屏幕维修费用为29美元。 如果不这样做,它的价格可能从iPhone 6的129美元到iPhone X的279美元不等 。

  • Other accidental damage, like a broken home button or water damage, will cost $99 if you have AppleCare+. If you don’t, it can cost anywhere from $269 for the iPhone SE all the way up to $549 for the iPhone X.

    如果您拥有AppleCare +, 其他意外损坏 ,例如损坏的主页按钮或水损坏,将花费$ 99。 如果不这样做,它的价格从iPhone SE的269美元一直到iPhone X的549美元不等 。

  • Non-accidental damage (that is, other random hardware failure through no fault of your own) is free to repair as long as you’re covered by the initial warranty or by AppleCare+. If you aren’t, it’s subject to the same repair fees as above.

    只要您具有初始保修或AppleCare +保修,就可以免费修理非偶然损坏 (即,由于您自己的故障而导致的其他随机硬件故障)。 如果不是, 则需支付与上述相同的维修费 。

You’ll notice that, if you have AppleCare+, repair prices are the same no matter what model you have. If you don’t have AppleCare+, however, repairs are more expensive for more expensive phones. That means if you have, say, an iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X, you pay more money for AppleCare+, but you save more too. And, of course, the more often you break your phone, the more money you’ll save with AppleCare+. (Though  AppleCare+ only offers discounts for up to two incidents of accidental damage—any more than that, and you’ll pay full price.)

您会注意到,如果您拥有AppleCare +,无论您使用哪种型号,维修价格都一样。 但是,如果您没有AppleCare +,则对于更昂贵的手机,维修费用会更高。 这意味着,例如,如果您拥有iPhone 8 Plus或iPhone X,您将为AppleCare +支付更多的钱,但您也可以节省更多。 而且,当然,您断开手机的次数越多,使用AppleCare +节省的钱就越多。 (尽管AppleCare +仅针对最多两起意外损坏提供折扣,而且还提供更多折扣,您需要全额支付。)

AppleCare +将花费您多少钱? 算一算 (How Much Will AppleCare+ Cost You? Do the Math)

Whether AppleCare+ is worth it depends on two things: what phone you have, and how often you tend to break your phone (or other device).

AppleCare +是否值得,取决于两件事:您拥有一部手机,以及您经常断开手机(或其他设备)的频率。

Let’s say you buy the latest iPhone every year, keep it for two years, and you’re a little clumsy—you tend break the screen once on every iPhone you own during its life. If you paid $129 for AppleCare+ on each phone, and $29 for the screen repair, you’d be paying around $160 in total every two years for phone repairs. Without AppleCare+, you’d pay somewhere between $150 (if you broke a regular-sized iPhone) and $170 (if you broke a Plus model) for breaking the screen once. In this case, the long-term  cost of AppleCare+ is about the same as paying out of pocket for one repair every two years, so it’s pretty much a wash.

假设您每年购买最新的iPhone,并保存两年,而且有点笨拙-在使用期间,您往往会在拥有的每部iPhone上都破坏一次屏幕。 如果您在每部手机上为AppleCare +支付了129美元,在屏幕维修上支付了29美元,那么每两年就需要为手机维修支付大约160美元。 如果没有AppleCare +,一次屏幕破裂的费用约为150美元(如果您破坏了常规尺寸的iPhone)至170美元(如果您破坏了Plus模式)。 在这种情况下,AppleCare +的长期成本与每两年进行一次维修的自付费用大致相同,因此几乎是一笔洗钱。

If you break your phone more often than that—like, once a year—or experience worse damage than a broken screen (like dunking it in water, or maple syrup, or whatever other horrible things you can imagine), you’ll probably save money in the long run by purchasing AppleCare+.

如果您每年中断一次电话的次数(例如每年一次),或者遭受的损坏要比屏幕破裂(例如将其浸入水中,枫糖浆或您可以想象的其他可怕事物)更严重,那么您可能会省下钱从长远来看,通过购买AppleCare +可以赚钱。

If, however, you tend to break your phone less often than every two years, AppleCare+ is almost definitely not worth it. If you take good care of your phone and only break it once in a blue moon, you’re basically paying for something that may not even happen, which is crazy. Paying out of pocket will cost you less in the long run than paying $129 for AppleCare+ on every phone you buy just in case something happens.

但是,如果您倾向于每两年不到一次地断开手机,AppleCare +绝对不值得。 如果您妥善保管手机,并且只在蓝色月亮中将其摔坏一次,那么您基本上是为可能根本不会发生的事情付费,这很疯狂。 从长远来看,自掏腰包支付的费用要比购买每部手机上的AppleCare +支付129美元(以防万一)

So do the math. Look at your last 10 years of smartphone ownership, and ask yourself how many times you’ve had to take your phone in for honest-to-goodness hardware repairs that you caused. If it’s fewer than 5 times, you probably aren’t a candidate for AppleCare+, unless maybe you plan on doing more base jumping this year.

数学也是如此。 查看您最近十年拥有智能手机的情况,并问问自己,您为获得从诚实到善良的硬件维修而必须将手机插入多少次。 如果少于5次,则可能不是AppleCare +的候选人,除非您计划今年计划进行更多的基础跳跃。

替代方案:找个好案例 (The Alternatives: Just Get a Good Case)

AppleCare+ isn’t the only insurance game in town, either. You have a few other options for protecting your purchase.

同样,AppleCare +也不是唯一的保险游戏。 您还有其他几种选择可以保护您的购买。

  • A Case: Seriously, if you’re the kind of person who accidentally breaks your phone every single year, you should probably suck it up and put a case on it. A decent case will cost you a tiny fraction of what you’ll pay for AppleCare+ and repairs. You can even get a couple cases, swap them out for different situations (like a waterproof case for going to the beach) and still come out ahead.

    一个案例 :认真的说,如果您是那种每年不小心弄坏手机的人,您可能应该把它吸起来并放在一个盒子上。 一个不错的案例将使您花掉为AppleCare +和维修支付的费用的一小部分。 您甚至可以得到几个箱子, 将它们换成不同的情况 (例如,去海滩的防水箱 ),然后仍然挺身而出。

  • SquareTrade: If you absolutely refuse to get a case for your phone, or somehow manage to break it anyway (might I suggest an Otterbox Defender?), you do have another insurance option: SquareTrade. It’s similar to AppleCare in price, but you can take your policy to another phone (if you switch phones often), get your phone repaired elsewhere (if you have a third-party shop you really like), and even have technicians come to you at home or work for certain repairs.

    SquareTrade :如果您绝对拒绝为手机准备保护套,或者无论如何设法破解它(可能我建议使用Otterbox Defender吗?),您还有另一种保险选择: SquareTrade 。 它的价格类似于AppleCare,但是您可以将保单转到另一部手机(如果您经常更换手机),将手机维修到其他地方(如果您真正喜欢的是第三方商店),甚至可以找技术人员来找您在家里或工作中进行某些维修。

  • Repair It Yourself: If you aren’t into the idea of insurance, or a case, but you still like the idea of paying less for repairs, you can always save a few bucks by attempting to repair the phone yourself. This definitely comes with some risk, since you likely have less experience than trained professionals, and you could mess it up worse. But with companies like iFixit offering affordable parts and guides for just about every device out there, it’s an option nonetheless.

    自己修理 :如果您不喜欢保险或保险案,但仍然喜欢为修理少付钱的想法,则总是可以尝试自己修理手机,以节省几美元。 这肯定会带来一些风险 ,因为您的经验可能少于受过培训的专业人员,并且您可能会更糟。 但是,对于像iFixit这样的公司来说,它几乎可以为每台设备提供价格合理的零件和指南,因此仍然是一种选择。

  • Insurance from Your Carrier: Don’t. Just don’t. The insurance plans offered by Verizon, AT&T, and other carriers are almost always a horrible deal compared to your other options.

    承运人保险 :别。 只是不要。 与您的其他选择相比,Verizon,AT&T和其他运营商提供的保险计划几乎总是一件可怕的事情。

We won’t judge you for breaking your phone—some people just lead active lives, and phones have gotten terribly delicate. But if you know you’re going to break it often, a good case is probably your most cost effective option.

我们不会判断您是否断开了手机,有些人只是过着积极的生活,而电话却变得非常精致。 但是,如果您知道自己将经常打破它,那么一个好案例可能就是您最具成本效益的选择。

Image Credit: Rokas Tenys/Shutterstock,  evka119/Shutterstock.

图片来源: Rokas Tenys /Shutterstock,evka119 /Shutterstock。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/341515/is-applecare-worth-it/


本文标签: 多少钱applecare