


DNS is one of the most important protocols for internet and network usage. If DNS wouldn’t exist you will have to type to your browser in order to access this web site. But some times even have an internet connection we may have some access errors related to DNS. In this tutorial, we will look at different causes and solutions about Dns Server not responding .

DNS是用于Internet和网络使用的最重要协议之一。 如果不存在DNS,则必须在浏览器中输入https://才能访问此网站。 但是有时甚至可以连接互联网,我们可能会遇到一些与DNS相关的访问错误。 在本教程中,我们将探讨有关Dns Server not responding不同原因和解决方案。

We have already provided some solution for DNS related Dns Lookup Problem . You can read it from the following link.

我们已经为DNS相关的Dns Lookup Problem提供了一些解决方案。 您可以从以下链接中阅读。

How To Fix Dns Lookup Failed


检查您的DNS服务器设置(Check You DNS Server Settings)

In order to see whether the problem is caused by our DNS server settings, we should check our current DNS server configuration. We can print the DNS server configuration in Windows operating systems with the following command from MS-DOS or Powershell.

为了查看问题是否是由我们的DNS服务器设置引起的,我们应该检查我们当前的DNS服务器配置。 我们可以使用MS-DOS或Powershell中的以下命令在Windows操作系统中打印DNS服务器配置。

> ipconfig /all
Check You DNS Server Settings

重新启动网络服务(Restart Network Services)

The error may be caused by a network communication problem. As some experienced readers will know that the Windows operating system uses services in order to complete its tasks. Network tasks are handled by network services. Some times these services can be hung which may cause DNS server not responding  error. We can restart network services with the following command. Run following commands as Administrator or with Administrator privileges.

该错误可能是由网络通信问题引起的。 正如一些经验丰富的读者所知道的那样,Windows操作系统使用服务来完成其任务。 网络任务由网络服务处理。 有时,这些服务可能会挂起,这可能会导致DNS server not responding错误。 我们可以使用以下命令重新启动网络服务。 以管理员身份或以管理员权限运行以下命令。

> netsh winsock reset catalog 

> netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

Or we can restart network services from the Network icon from Taskbark like below. Click Troubleshoot problems

或者我们可以从Taskbark的“网络”图标重启网络服务,如下所示。 单击Troubleshoot problems

Restart Network Services

变更DNS伺服器(Change DNS Server)

If we do not explicitly provide a DNS server for our modem or computer we will generally get work or ISP DNS server settings. We can change our DNS server to a more reliable one. We have already provided a post that lists popular and quality DNS servers over the world. We can change our current DNS server to one of these DNS servers.

如果我们未明确为调制解调器或计算机提供DNS服务器,则通常会获得工作或ISP DNS服务器设置。 我们可以将DNS服务器更改为更可靠的服务器。 我们已经提供了一个帖子,列出了世界上流行的高质量DNS服务器。 我们可以将当前的DNS服务器更改为这些DNS服务器之一。

LEARN MORE  How To Manage Windows Firewall From Command Line With Netsh Command? 了解更多信息如何使用Netsh命令从命令行管理Windows防火墙?

翻译自: https://www.poftut/solve-dns-server-not-responding/


本文标签: 服务器如何解决dns