


I love reading history and being inspired by the biographies of extraordinary people. One of the most unusual people I've ever read about, is inspiring not only because he was so extraordinary. But also, because he was so ordinary. Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a born troublemaker. In rural Spain of the 1860s, there weren't many options for oddball juvenile delinquents. So that's how at 11 years old, Cajal found himself in jail. Cajal was stubborn and rebellious. Who knew that Santiago Ramón y Cajal would one day not only earn the Nobel Prize, but eventually become known as the Father of Modern Neuroscience? Cajal was already in his early 20s when he began climbing from bad boy delinquency into the traditional study of medicine. There's evidence that myelin sheaths. The fatty insulation that helps signals move more quickly along a neuron, don't finish developing in some people until they're in their twenties. This may explain why teenagers often have trouble controlling their impulsive behavior. The wiring between the intention and the control areas of the brain isn't completely formed. When you use neural circuits however, it seems you help build the myelin sheath over them. Not to mention making many other microscopic changes.

Practice appears to strengthen and reinforce connections between different brain regions, creating highways between the brain's control centers and the centers that store knowledge. In Cajal's case, it seems his natural maturation processes coupled with his own efforts to develop his thinking, helped him to take control of his overall behavior. It seems people can enhance the development of their neuronal circuits by practicing thoughts that use those neurons.

We're still in the infancy of understanding neural development. One thing is becoming clear, we can make significant changes in our brain by changing how we think. Cajal met and worked with many brilliant scientists through his lifetime. People who were often far smarter than he. In Cajal's autobiography however, he pointed out that although brilliant people can do exceptional work, just like anyone else they can also be careless and biased. Cajal felt the key to his own success was his perseverance. What he called the virtue of the less brilliant, coupled with his flexible ability to change his mind and admit errors. Anyone, Cajal noted, even people with average intelligence, can change their own brains so that even the least gifted can produce an abundant harvest. People like Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution has made him one of the most influential figures in human history, are often thought of as these, sort of, natural geniuses. You may be surprised to learn that much like Cajal, Darwin was a poor student in school. He washed out of medical school and ended up, to his father's horror, heading out on a round the world voyage as the ship's naturalist. Out on his own, Darwin was able to look with fresh eyes at the data he was collecting. Approaching material with a goal of learning it on your own, can give you a unique path to mastery. Often no matter how good your teacher and textbook are, it's only when you sneak off and look at other books or videos that you begin to see what you learn through a single teacher, or book, is a partial version of the full three dimensional reality of the subject, which has links to still other fascinating topics that are of your choosing. Taking responsibility for your own learning is one of the most important things you can do. Santiago Ramón y Cajal had a deep understanding, not only of how to conduct science but also of how people just interact with one another. He warned fellow learners that there will always be those who criticize or attempt to undermine any effort or achievement you make. This happens to everybody. Not just Nobel Prize winners. If you do well in your studies, the people around you can feel threatened. The greater your achievement, the more other people will sometimes attack and demean your efforts. On the other hand, if you flunk a test, you also may encounter critics who throw more barbs, saying you don't have what it takes. We're often told that empathy is universally beneficial. But it's not. It's important to learn to switch on an occasional cool dispassion that helps you to not only focus on what you're trying to learn, but also to tune people out if you discover that their interests lie in undercutting you such undercutting is all too common, as people are often just as competitive as they are cooperative. When you're a young person, mastering such dispassion can be difficult. We're naturally excited about what we're working on, and we like to believe that everyone can be reasoned with and then, almost everyone is naturally good hearted towards us. Like Santiago Ramón y Cajal, you can take pride in aiming for success. Because of the very things that make other people say you can't do it. Take pride in who you are. Especially, in the qualities that make you different. And use them as a secret talisman for success. Use your natural contrariness to defy the always present prejudices from others about what you can accomplish. I'm Barbara Oakley. Thanks for learning about learning.







[BLANK_AUDIO] This is a CT scan. If you look carefully, the shadowed region right here reveals the damage caused by right hemisphere ischemic stroke. Such a stroke can cause an unusual condition known as broad-perspective perceptual disorder of the right hemisphere. People with this disorder can still function, but only partially. They can retain their intelligence, even a formidable way for solving complex math problems, if that was a skill they'd had before. But an interesting anomaly, however, is if they make a mistake in their calculations, concluding something nonsensical, such as that a hot dog stand had a, a profit and loss statement with a loss of nearly a billion dollars. It doesn't bother them. There's no big picture, click, that says, wait a minute, that answer does not make sense.

Although we need to be careful about faulty and superficial left brain, right brain assumptions. We also don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water, and ignore worthwhile research that gives intriguing hints about differences between the two hemispheres of the brain.

There's a great deal of evidence from research that the right hemisphere helps us step back and put our work into big picture perspective. People with damage to the right hemisphere are often unable to gain ah-ha, insights. The right hemisphere, as it turns out, is vitally important in getting into the right track and doing reality checks.

People with strokes can remind us of the dangers of not using our full cognitive abilities, which involve many areas of our brain. Even subtle avoidance of some of our capabilities can have a surprisingly negative impact on our work. In some sense, when you whiz through a homework or test question and don't go back to check your work, you're acting a little like a person who's refusing to use parts of your brain. You're not stopping to take a mental breath. And then revisit what you've done with the bigger picture in mind to see whether it makes sense. As leading neuroscientist Vilayanur S Ramachandran has noted, the right hemisphere serves as a sort of devil's advocate to question the status quo and look for global inconsistencies. While the left hemisphere instead tries to cling tenaciously to the way things were. This echos the pioneering work of psychologist Michael Gazzaniga who posited that the left hemisphere interprets the world for us and will go to great lengths to keep those interpretations unchanging. When you work in the focus mode, it's easy to make minor mistakes in your assumptions or calculations. If you go off track early on, it doesn't matter if the rest of your work is correct. Your answer is still wrong. Sometimes, it's even laughably wrong. The equivalent of calculating a circumference of the earth that's only two and a half feet around. But these non-sensical results just don't matter to you because the more left centered focus mode has associated with it a desire to cling to what you've done.

That's the problem with the focus, sometimes a bit left hemisphere leaning mode of analysis. It provides for an analytical and upbeat approach, but abundant research evidence suggests there's a potential for rigidity, dogmatism, and egocentricity. When you're absolutely certain that what you've done on a homework or test is fine, thank you very much, be aware that this feeling may be based on overly confident perspectives arising in part from the left hemisphere. When you step back and recheck, you're allowing for more interaction between the hemispheres, taking advantage of the special perspectives and abilities of each. Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman perhaps said it best when he pointed out, the first principle is that you must not fool yourself. And you are the easiest person to fool.

One of the best ways to catch your blind spots and errors is to brainstorm and work with others who are also smartly focused on the topic. It's sometimes just not enough to use more of your own neural horsepower. Both modes and hemispheres to analyze your work. After all, everyone has blind spots. You're naively upbeat focused mode can still skip right over errors, especially if you're the one who committed the original errors. Worse yet, sometimes you can blindly believe you've got everything nailed down intellectually, but you haven't. This is the kind of thing that can leave you in shock when you discover you've flunked the test you thought you aced. By making it a point to do some of your studying with friends, you can more easily catch where your thinking has gone astray. Friends and teammates can serve as sort of ever questioning larger scale diffuse mode outside your brain that can catch what you missed, or what you just can't see. And of course, explaining to friends helps build your own understanding.

The importance of working with others doesn't just relate to learning. It's also important in career building. A single small tip from a teammate to take a course from the outstanding Professor Passionate, or to check out a new job opening, can make an extraordinary difference in how your life unfolds. A word of warning, however. Study groups can be powerfully effective for learning, but if study sessions turn into socializing occasions, all bets are off. Keep small talk to a minimum, get your group on track. And finish your work. If you find that your group meetings start five to 15 minutes late, members haven't read the material, and the conversation consistently veers off topic, you're best off to find another group. I'm Barbra Oakley, thanks for learning how to learn.




中风的人可以提醒我们不要使用我们全部的认知能力的危险,这涉及到我们大脑的许多区域。即使是对我们某些能力的微妙回避也可能对我们的工作产生惊人的负面影响。在某种程度上,当你快速完成作业或测试问题而不回头检查你的工作时,你的行为有点像拒绝使用你大脑的某些部分。你没有停下来喘口气。然后重新审视你所做的事情,用更大的画面来思考它是否有道理。正如领先的神经科学家Vilayanur S Ramachandran所指出的那样,右半球扮演着魔鬼代言人的角色,质疑现状并寻找全球性的不一致之处。而左半球则相反,试图紧紧抓住事物原本的样子。这与心理学家Michael Gazzaniga的开创性工作相呼应,他认为左半球为我们解读世界,并会竭尽全力保持这些解读不变。当你以专注模式工作时,很容易在你的假设或计算中犯小错误。如果你一开始就偏离了轨道,那么剩下的工作是否正确就无关紧要了。你的答案仍然是错误的。有时,它甚至可笑地错误。就像计算地球周长只有两英尺半一样。但这些无意义的结果对你来说并不重要,因为更多的以左中心为主的专注模式与你坚持自己所做的欲望有关。




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