

注: 机翻,首篇初校,其余未校。


We all know that knowledge workers work best by getting into “flow”, also known as being “in the zone”, where they are fully concentrated on their work and fully tuned out of their environment. They lose track of time and produce great stuff through absolute concentration. This is when they get all of their productive work done. Writers, programmers, scientists, and even basketball players will tell you about being in the zone.

The trouble is, getting into “the zone” is not easy. When you try to measure it, it looks like it takes an average of 15 minutes to start working at maximum productivity. Sometimes, if you’re tired or have already done a lot of creative work that day, you just can’t get into the zone and you spend the rest of your work day fiddling around, reading the web, playing Tetris.

The other trouble is that it’s so easy to get knocked out of the zone. Noise, phone calls, going out for lunch, having to drive 5 minutes to Starbucks for coffee, and interruptions by coworkers — ESPECIALLY interruptions by coworkers — all knock you out of the zone. If you take a 1 minute interruption by a coworker asking you a question, and this knocks out your concentration enough that it takes you half an hour to get productive again, your overall productivity is in serious trouble. If you’re in a noisy bullpen environment like the type that caffinated dotcoms love to create, with marketing guys screaming on the phone next to programmers, your productivity will plunge as knowledge workers get interrupted time after time and never get into the zone.

With programmers, it’s especially hard. Productivity depends on being able to juggle a lot of little details in short term memory all at once. Any kind of interruption can cause these details to come crashing down. When you resume work, you can’t remember any of the details (like local variable names you were using, or where you were up to in implementing that search algorithm) and you have to keep looking these things up, which slows you down a lot until you get back up to speed.

Here’s the simple algebra. Let’s say (as the evidence seems to suggest) that if we interrupt a programmer, even for a minute, we’re really blowing away 15 minutes of productivity. For this example, lets put two programmers, Jeff and Mutt, in open cubicles next to each other in a standard Dilbert veal-fattening farm. Mutt can’t remember the name of the Unicode version of the strcpy function. He could look it up, which takes 30 seconds, or he could ask Jeff, which takes 15 seconds. Since he’s sitting right next to Jeff, he asks Jeff. Jeff gets distracted and loses 15 minutes of productivity (to save Mutt 15 seconds).
这是简单的代数。假设(似乎事实证据也表明),如果打断一个程序员,即使只是一分钟,实际上就浪费了15分钟的生产力。以这个例子来说,我们假设有两位程序员,Jeff 和 Mutt,在标准的 Dilbert 小牛肉养殖场中,坐在相邻的开放式隔间里。Mutt 忘记了 strcpy 函数的 Unicode 版本的名称。他可以自己查找资料,需要30秒,或者问一下 Jeff,只需要15秒。由于他就坐在 Jeff 旁边,他选择询问 Jeff。结果 Jeff 分心失去了15分钟的生产力(为了帮助 Mutt 节省15秒)。

Now let’s move them into separate offices with walls and doors. Now when Mutt can’t remember the name of that function, he could look it up, which still takes 30 seconds, or he could ask Jeff, which now takes 45 seconds and involves standing up (not an easy task given the average physical fitness of programmers!). So he looks it up. So now Mutt loses 30 seconds of productivity, but we save 15 minutes for Jeff.
现在让我们把它们搬到有墙有门的单独办公室里。当 Mutt 不记得该函数的名称时,他可以查找它,这仍然需要 30 秒,或者他可以问 Jeff,现在需要 45 秒,并且需要站立(考虑到程序员的平均身体素质,这不是一件容易的事!于是他查了一下。所以现在 Mutt 损失了 30 秒的生产力,但我们为 Jeff 节省了 15 分钟。


  • Where do These People Get Their (Unoriginal) Ideas? – Joel on Software


The Neuroscience of Flow: Understanding Brain Activity in the Zone

Flow State, Scientific and Theoretical Insights

The ‘Flow State’, often referred to as ‘being in the zone’, is a psychological state of complete absorption in an activity, leading to heightened focus and enjoyment. While the subjective experience of Flow is well-documented, recent advances in neuroscience have begun to shed light on what happens in the brain during this state. This article explores the neuroscience of Flow, providing a deeper understanding of this powerful state.
“心流状态”,通常被称为 “处于该区域”,是一种完全全神贯注于活动的心理状态,导致高度的注意力和享受。虽然心流的主观体验是有据可查的,但神经科学的最新进展已经开始揭示这种状态下大脑中发生的事情。本文探讨了心流的神经科学,提供了对这种强大状态的更深入理解。

The Neuroscience of Flow 心流的神经科学

The Flow State is not just a psychological phenomenon; it has a biological basis too. When we enter the Flow State, our brain behaves differently. There are changes in the brain’s neurochemistry and neuroelectricity, and these changes lead to the extraordinary characteristics of Flow.

  • Neurochemistry: In the Flow State, the brain releases a cocktail of neurochemicals. These include dopamine (increases focus, motivation), endorphins (pain relief, pleasure), anandamide (elevation in mood, pain relief), serotonin (feelings of well-being), and norepinephrine (increases arousal, attention). These chemicals not only make us feel good but also enhance our performance and creativity.
  • Neuroelectricity: In terms of neuroelectricity, the brain in Flow moves from a beta wave state (normal waking consciousness) to being dominated by slower alpha waves and even slower theta waves. Alpha waves are associated with relaxed, effortless alertness and creativity, while theta waves are associated with reduced consciousness and are present during dreaming and deep meditation. This shift allows for heightened creativity and problem-solving abilities.
    神经电:在神经电方面,Flow 中的大脑从 β 波状态(正常清醒意识)转变为由较慢的 α 波甚至较慢的 θ 波主导。阿尔法波与放松、轻松的警觉性和创造力有关,而 θ 波与意识减退有关,存在于做梦和深度冥想期间。这种转变可以提高创造力和解决问题的能力。

Studies on Flow and Brain Activity 关于心流和大脑活动的研究

Several studies have examined the brain activity associated with Flow. A study by Ulrich et al. used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the brain activity of expert pianists during Flow. They found that during Flow, there was decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex, a brain region associated with self-monitoring and conscious control. This phenomenon, known as “transient hypofrontality,” is thought to contribute to the sense of effortlessness and loss of self-consciousness during Flow.
几项研究检查了与心流相关的大脑活动。Ulrich 等人的一项研究使用功能性磁共振成像 (fMRI) 来检查专业钢琴家在 Flow 期间的大脑活动。他们发现,在流动过程中,前额叶皮层的活动减少,前额叶皮层是一个与自我监控和意识控制相关的大脑区域。这种现象被称为 “短暂性额叶下垂”,被认为会导致心流期间的轻松感和自我意识丧失。

Another study by Keller et al. found that during Flow, there was increased coherence between several brain regions, suggesting enhanced communication and integration between these areas. This could contribute to the heightened focus and performance seen in Flow.
Keller 等人的另一项研究发现,在 Flow 期间,几个大脑区域之间的连贯性增加,这表明这些区域之间的沟通和整合增强。这可能有助于提高 Flow 的专注度和性能。

The neuroscience of Flow provides a fascinating insight into one of the most powerful states of mind we can experience. By understanding how it works, we can better harness its power to enhance our performance, creativity, and overall well-being. As Csikszentmihalyi noted, “The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.
心流的神经科学为我们所能体验到的最强大的心理状态之一提供了引人入胜的见解。通过了解它的工作原理,我们可以更好地利用它的力量来提高我们的表现、创造力和整体幸福感。正如 Csikszentmihalyi 所指出的,“当一个人的身体或思想在自愿努力完成困难和有价值的事情时,通常会出现最好的时刻。

Now that you’ve delved into the world of neuroscience and the Flow State, it’s time to take a proactive step towards accessing this powerful state more often. Immerse yourself in the program “4 Cycles of Flow State” which harnesses the power of these neurological findings. This program will guide you through the process of identifying and cultivating your optimal flow state, allowing you to unlock your full potential, enhance your performance, and increase your overall sense of well-being. Make the decision to tap into your brain’s full potential today.
现在你已经深入研究了神经科学和心流状态的世界,是时候采取积极主动的措施,更频繁地进入这个强大的状态了。让自己沉浸在 “4 个循环的流动状态” 程序中,该程序利用了这些神经学发现的力量。该计划将指导您完成识别和培养最佳心流状态的过程,让您释放全部潜力,提高您的表现,并增加您的整体幸福感。今天就决定挖掘你大脑的全部潜力。

References 引用

  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. Harper & Row.

  • Ulrich, M., Keller, J., Hoenig, K., Waller, C., & Grön, G. (2014). Neural correlates of experimentally induced flow experiences. NeuroImage, 86, 194-202.

  • Keller, J., Bless, H., Blomann, F., & Kleinböhl, D. (2011). Physiological aspects of flow experiences: Skills-demand-compatibility effects on heart rate variability and salivary cortisol. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 (4), 849-852.


  • The Neuroscience of Flow: Understanding Brain Activity in the Zone


All About the State of Flow: Definition, Health Effects, and How to Get Into the Zone

By Emily P.G. Erickson

Medically Reviewed

by Allison Young, MD courtesy of American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Published on November 16, 2023

Being in a flow state not only feels good, it also comes with perks that boost your well-being.Tomas Rodriguez/Getty Images; iStock

Have you ever done a tricky but doable task — say a puzzle — and felt intense engagement, absorption, and enjoyment? If so, you’ve experienced a flow state.
你是否曾经做过一项棘手但可行的任务 —— 比如说一个谜题 —— 并感受到强烈的参与、吸收和享受?如果是这样,则表示您经历了流状态。

If this sounds familiar, you’re in good company, according to psychologist Dwight Tse, PhD, who studies the psychology behind flow and is a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Dr. Tse estimates about 80 percent of people experience flow at some point — and recent research makes the case that it’s possible to find flow at any age.
心理学家德怀特・谢(Dwight Tse)博士研究心流背后的心理学,是苏格兰格拉斯哥斯特拉斯克莱德大学的讲师,如果这听起来很熟悉,那么你就和你的心流在一起了。谢博士估计,大约 80% 的人在某个时候会经历心流,最近的研究表明,任何年龄的人都有可能找到心流。

This is largely positive news since flow feels good, and experts believe it’s generally good for you, too.

But finding and maintaining flow isn’t all that easy in daily life, and you should know about possible downsides, says Tse. Here’s more on what flow is, how it seems to work, what it means for your health, and how you can master it for yourself.

What Is a State of Flow? 什么是心流状态?

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines flow as “a state of optimal experience arising from intense involvement in an activity that is enjoyable.”
美国心理学会 (APA) 将心流定义为 “因积极参与令人愉快的活动而产生的最佳体验状态”。

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, PhD, is known as the “father of flow.” Dr. Csikszentmihalyi developed his ideas about flow after noticing common themes in how the people in his studies described deeply enjoyable experiences, according to his 1990 best-selling book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.
心理学家 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 博士被称为 “心流之父”。 根据 1990 年的畅销书《心流:最佳体验心理学》,Csikszentmihalyi 博士在注意到研究中的人如何描述非常愉快的经历的共同主题后,发展了他对心流的看法。

In the book, Csikszentmihalyi goes on to describe nine components of flow. These overlapping features cover what it’s like to find flow and be in the zone.
在书中,Csikszentmihalyi 继续描述了流动的九个组成部分。这些重叠的特征涵盖了找到心流并处于该区域的感觉。

  • Challenge-skill balance: Tasks are tough enough that you’re not bored but not so difficult that you’re overwhelmed.
  • Action-awareness merging: Your attention is totally absorbed in what you’re doing.
  • Clear goals: You understand what you need to do.
  • Unambiguous feedback: You can tell how you’re doing as you go.
  • Concentration on the task at hand: You’re focused on what you’re doing — and nothing else.
    专注于手头的任务:你专注于你正在做的事情 —— 没有别的。
  • Sense of control: You feel like you’re in charge of what will happen.
  • Loss of self-consciousness: You don’t think about yourself.
  • Transformation of time: Time feels different. Sometimes hours can flash by in what feels like minutes.
  • Autotelic experience: What you’re doing is its own reward, not something you’re doing for outside accolades.
    Autotelic 体验:你所做的事情是它自己的奖励,而不是你为了外界的荣誉而做的事情。

Tse, who coauthored a number of studies with Csikszentmihalyi and was one of his last doctoral students, says people in flow don’t necessarily experience all of these components at the same time and to the same degree.
谢霆锋与 Csikszentmihalyi 合著了许多研究,是他最后的博士生之一,他说,心流中的人不一定能同时以相同的程度体验所有这些组成部分。

What Causes a Flow State? 是什么导致了流动状态?

While Csikszentmihalyi first described flow decades ago, the neuroscientific research on flow is still relatively new, says Dimitri van der Linden, PhD, who studies flow and is a professor of psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Even though scientists haven’t settled on what brain processes cause flow, he says they have ideas about what’s happening.
虽然 Csikszentmihalyi 在几十年前首次描述了心流,但关于心流的神经科学研究仍然相对较新,研究心流的 Dimitri van der Linden 博士说,他是荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学的心理学教授。尽管科学家们还没有确定是什么大脑过程导致了心流,但他说他们对正在发生的事情有想法。

Brain Activity During a State of Flow 心流状态下的大脑活动

One promising theory put forward in a paper published in December 2004 in Consciousness and Cognition suggests that flow works by temporarily reducing activity in some areas in the brain’s prefrontal cortex related to critical thinking and self-control so that more automatic processes can take over.
2004 年 12 月发表在《意识与认知》(Consciousness and Cognition)杂志上的一篇论文中提出了一个很有前途的理论,该理论表明,心流的作用是暂时减少大脑前额叶皮层中与批判性思维和自我控制相关的某些区域的活动,以便更多的自动化过程可以接管。

Some brain imaging research provides evidence supporting this theory, called the transient hypofrontality theory. In one small study, researchers scanned the brains of 27 people during experimentally induced flow states. During flow, people’s brains showed less activity in an area associated with thinking and worrying about ourselves. Suppressed activity there during flow makes sense since one of its characteristics is that you don’t feel self-conscious, explains Dr. van der Linden.
一些脑成像研究提供了支持这一理论的证据,称为瞬时额叶下位理论。在一项小型研究中,研究人员在实验诱导的流动状态下扫描了 27 人的大脑。在心流过程中,人们的大脑在与思考和担心自己相关的区域表现出较少的活动。在心流过程中被抑制的活动是有道理的,因为它的特征之一是你不会感到自我意识,van der Linden 博士解释说。

At the same time, some parts of the prefrontal cortex do appear to be more active during flow. The same study found that people in flow had more electrical activity in a part of the prefrontal cortex that helped meet task demands. Researchers think activity in this part of the brain could contribute to the sense of control people feel during flow.

The Chemical Signature of Flow 流动的化学特征

Flow is also likely driven by neurotransmitters. Van der Linden says that because flow is characterized by sustained focus on a task, it probably involves dopamine (which helps tasks feel rewarding) and norepinephrine (which helps provide energy for them).
流动也可能由神经递质驱动。Van der Linden 说,由于心流的特点是持续专注于一项任务,它可能涉及多巴胺(帮助任务感到有成就感)和去甲肾上腺素(有助于为任务提供能量)。

“Your brain has to decide, ‘Okay, I’m going to work on this task,’ but it also has to decide, ‘I’m going to continue working on this task,’” says van der Linden, whose paper published in October 2020 in European Journal of Neuroscience explores how the brain may behave during flow.
“你的大脑必须决定,’ 好吧,我要从事这项任务 ‘,但它也必须决定,’ 我要继续从事这项任务,'”van der Linden 说,他的论文于 2020 年 10 月发表在《欧洲神经科学杂志》上,探讨了大脑在流动过程中的行为。

All told, van der Linden says more research is needed to fully understand how flow works in the brain.
总而言之,van der Linden 说,需要更多的研究来充分了解心流在大脑中是如何工作的。

How Being in a State of Flow Affects Your Health 心流状态如何影响您的健康

Proponents have long believed that flow is an essential part of a good life, according to the foundational textbook A Primer in Positive Psychology, by Christopher Peterson. But pinning down exactly how flow impacts health has proven surprisingly tricky. Plus, despite its glowing reputation, experts say its precise impact on health is less clear-cut.
根据克里斯托弗・彼得森(Christopher Peterson)的基础教科书《积极心理学入门》(A Primer in Positive Psychology),支持者长期以来一直认为心流是美好生活的重要组成部分。但是,事实证明,准确确定流量如何影响健康是非常棘手的。此外,尽管它享有盛誉,但专家表示,它对健康的确切影响并不那么明确。

Flow May Support Well-Being 心流可以促进幸福感

Since most flow research uses self-reported data after the fact, experts can’t yet say for certain the effects flow has on mental and physical health, says Kate Sweeny, PhD, who has studied flow as a technique for coping with uncertainty and is a professor of psychology at the University of California in Riverside. But, by definition, flow feels good, and it appears to be positive for your health while it’s happening, she says.
由于大多数心流研究都使用事后自我报告的数据,专家们还不能确定心流对身心健康的影响,Kate Sweeny 博士说,她研究了心流作为一种应对不确定性的技术,并且是加州大学河滨分校的心理学教授。但是,根据定义,心流感觉很好,而且它似乎对你的健康有积极意义,她说。

Dr. Sweeny explains that when your mind is roiling, using flow to get your consciousness into an activity rather than being stuck in your head seems to help mental health in the moment. For example, one study found that teaching musicians how to trigger flow while playing lowered their performance anxiety. “I think it’s a good mood boost for when you’re in it, and maybe for a short time afterward,” Sweeny says.
斯威尼博士解释说,当你的思想动荡时,使用心流让你的意识进入一项活动,而不是被困在你的脑海中,似乎有助于当下的心理健康。例如,一项研究发现,教音乐家如何在演奏时触发心流可以降低他们的表演焦虑。“我认为当你身处其中时,这是一个很好的情绪提升,也许在之后的短时间内,” 斯威尼说。

Flow may be particularly suited to helping people cope during an acute crisis, Sweeny says. “The way that I think about flow is kind of an exquisite distraction,” she adds. Sweeny and her colleagues used online surveys to study how 5,115 people living in China coped with COVID-19 lockdowns early on in the pandemic. They found that flow not only helped lower the stress of quarantine but also reduced unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking and heavy drinking.
Sweeny 说,Flow 可能特别适合帮助人们在严重危机期间应对。“我对心流的思考方式是一种精致的分心,” 她补充道。Sweeny 和她的同事使用在线调查来研究居住在中国的 5,115 人在大流行初期如何应对 COVID-19 封锁。他们发现,流动不仅有助于减轻隔离压力,还可以减少不健康的行为,如吸烟和酗酒。

While Sweeny thinks that flow’s effects are mostly short-lived, she said it’s possible that flow could start a positive cascade that might have a longer-lasting impact on physical and mental health. For example, she says that if you’re having a hard time, a deep flow experience could disconnect you from stress, which could lead to better sleep, which could have more health benefits down the line.

Dark Flow May Harm Health 暗流可能危害健康

Could too much flow be bad for you? A growing area of research looks into the potential downsides of flow, particularly its relationship to behavioral addiction, says Tse. “We’re trying to distinguish the good side of flow versus the bad side of it,” he says.
流量过大会对你有害吗?谢说,越来越多的研究领域着眼于心流的潜在弊端,特别是它与行为成瘾的关系。“我们试图区分心流的好方面和坏方面,” 他说。

So far, some studies have looked at dark flow and gambling, while other lines of research examine flow and video game addiction. Tse points out that some research, including a past study on kayakers, has found that flow may also impair risk perception in adventure sports. Tse says discounting risk during flow could lead people to do things that harm their health. He says studies like these introduce a caveat to the generally positive effects of flow on well-being: The activity in which you find flow matters.

How to Find a Flow State 如何捕捉心流状态

While some research suggests that personality and other factors you can’t easily control facilitate flow, experts say there are things you can do if you’d like more flow in your life.

Reduce Distraction 减少分心

Since flow is a state of deep concentration, when you want to find flow, the first thing to do is eliminate distractions, says Torrie Higgins, PhD, head peak performance coach based in Austin, Texas, who works with the Flow Research Collective in Gardnerville, Nevada. She says it’s important to look out for digital distractions (like notifications on your phone) and physical ones (like heading for another cup of coffee). She explains that to get into flow, you often need to push past an initial phase of struggle. Distraction interrupts this process. “If you are allowing constant distractions and interruptions, you’re never going to get into flow,” says Dr. Higgins.
由于心流是一种深度专注的状态,当你想找到心流时,首先要做的就是消除干扰,德克萨斯州奥斯汀的首席巅峰表现教练 Torrie Higgins 博士说,他与内华达州加德纳维尔的 Flow Research Collective 合作。她说,重要的是要注意数字干扰(比如手机上的通知)和物理干扰(比如去喝另一杯咖啡)。她解释说,要进入心流状态,你通常需要克服挣扎的初始阶段。分心会打断这个过程。“如果你允许不断的分心和干扰,你永远不会进入心流状态,” 希金斯博士说。

Establish Clear Goals and Outcomes 建立明确的目标和成果

If you have to keep pausing to ask yourself what you should do next or whether you’re on the right track, you’ll have a hard time staying in flow, says Higgins. Instead, take time upfront to set yourself up with clear goals and outcomes, two of Csikszentmihalyi’s components of flow. “That allows you to really immerse yourself in the task and go into that pure execution mode,” she says.
希金斯说,如果你不得不不停地停下来问自己下一步应该做什么,或者你是否走在正确的轨道上,你将很难保持心流。相反,要花点时间为自己设定明确的目标和结果,这是 Csikszentmihalyi 流程的两个组成部分。“这让你真正沉浸在任务中,进入纯粹的执行模式,” 她说。

Seek the Challenge-Skill Sweet Spot 寻找挑战技能的最佳点

To find flow, look to the edge of your skill set, advises Higgins. If a task is too easy, you may get bored, while if a task is too hard, you’ll get anxious. Flow exists in between. “It’s about fine-tuning,” she says, adding that giving yourself more or less time to complete tasks can be a great way to adjust the difficulty level.
要找到心流,就要看看你的技能组合的边缘,希金斯建议道。如果一项任务太容易,你可能会感到无聊,而如果一项任务太难,你会感到焦虑。流动存在于两者之间。“这是关于微调的,” 她说,并补充说,给自己或多或少的时间来完成任务可能是调整难度级别的好方法。

Observe Yourself 观察自己

If you want more flow in your life, Sweeny says you can work with the flow that’s already there. Once you identify that the thing that happens to you when you garden or bake or organize your closet is flow, you can try to recreate the conditions and deliberately seek them out.

We have an inherent ability to find a state of flow, she affirms.


  • Flow State: Definition, Health Effects, and How to Get Into the Zone

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