


1 理想特性

 2 unit commitment problem

2.1 基础理论

2.2 数学模型



Lecture1b: 如何由原始线性规划模型得到最优条件和对偶问题



  1. 市场出清问题的优化模型形式可以最大化市场的社会福利
  2. 均衡模型形式中,每个参与者都根据各自的目标追求最大化收益
  3. 优化模型版本等价于均衡模型版本,因为他们对应的KKT条件是相同的
  4. 因此社会福利的最大化时,每个人也获得实现了自身利益最大化的目标;市场出清机制是有效的。
  5. 出于某种原因,市场福利没有实现最大化,或者任何参与者以偏离市场出清的价格满足其效用,则说明市场的无效的。

Schweppe, F. C., Caramanis, M. C., Tabors, R. D., & Bohn, R. E. (2013). Spot pricing of electricity. Springer Science & Business Media.

1 理想特性


  1. 市场有效性(Market efficiency):市场福利实现最大化,或者没有参与者以偏离市场出清的价格满足其效用
  2. 激励兼容(Incentive compatibility):每个市场参与者是以他的真实偏好最大化其目标
  3. 成本覆盖(Cost recovery):每一个市场参与者的收益是非负的,也就是他们都能收回自己的成本;该特性也被称为 个体理性(individual rationality)。
  4. 收益的充分性(Revenue adequacy):市场交易不会在赤字的条件下进行

Xu, Y., & Low, S. H. (2015). An efficient and incentive compatible mechanism for wholesale electricity markets. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid8(1), 128-138.

Hobbs, B. F., Rothkopf, M. H., Hyde, L. C., & O'Neill, R. P. (2000). Evaluation of a truthful revelation auction in the context of energy markets with nonconcave benefits. Journal of Regulatory Economics18(1), 5-32.


 2 unit commitment problem

2.1 基础理论


  • Ramping limits of generators,

  • The minimum production level of generators,

  • Start‐up cost of generators,

  • Minimum up‐ and down‐time constraints of generators,


  1. Carrión, M., & Arroyo, J. M. (2006). A computationally efficient mixed-integer linear formulation for the thermal unit commitment problem. IEEE Transactions on power systems21(3), 1371-1378.
  2. Ostrowski, J., Anjos, M. F., & Vannelli, A. (2011). Tight mixed integer linear programming formulations for the unit commitment problem. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems27(1), 39-46.
  3. Anjos, M. F., & Conejo, A. J. (2017). Unit commitment in electric energy systems. Foundations and Trends® in Electric Energy Systems1(4), 220-310.
  4. Hua, B., Baldick, R., & Wang, J. (2017). Representing operational flexibility in generation expansion planning through convex relaxation of unit commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems33(2), 2272-2281.


  1. Johnson, E. L. (1973). Cyclic groups, cutting planes, shortest paths. In Mathematical programming (pp. 185-211). Academic Press.
  2. Wolsey, L. A. (1981). Integer programming duality: Price functions and sensitivity analysis. Mathematical Programming20(1), 173-195.
  3. Williams, A. C. (1989). Marginal values in mixed integer linear programming. Mathematical Programming44(1), 67-75.

2.2 数学模型




  1.  O'Neill, R. P., Sotkiewicz, P. M., Hobbs, B. F., Rothkopf, M. H., & Stewart Jr, W. R. (2005). Efficient market-clearing prices in markets with nonconvexities. European journal of operational research164(1), 269-285.
  2. Hogan, W. W., & Ring, B. J. (2003). On minimum-uplift pricing for electricity markets. Electricity Policy Group, 1-30.

本文标签: 特性机制理想市场