


Problem1 Commitment protocol

1、Does the above protocol prevent cheating? If not, develop an attack.


2、Give a solution by slightly modifying the protocol.


A->B : h(x + n),h(n)
B->A : y
A->B : x, n

在上述简单地修改下,B不在能够通过猜测 验证得到x的内容,而在A给出x和n的值的时候,B可以验证A没有说谎,并且可以确定n没有更改。

Problem2 Authentication

1、 Find an attack on the protocol.

The protocol is vulnerable to man-in-middle attack.

Supposed that there is a C between A and B, then the attack can be like this.
A − > C : A , N A , C C − > B : A , N A , B B − > C : B , N B , { N A } k , A C − > A : C , N B , { N A } k , A A − > C : A , { N B } k , C C − > B : A , { N B } k , B A->C : A,N_A,C \\ C->B : A,N_A,B \\ B->C : B,N_B,\{N_A\}_k, A \\ C->A : C,N_B,\{N_A\}_k, A \\ A->C : A,\{N_B\}_k, C \\ C->B : A,\{N_B\}_k, B A>C:A,NA,CC>B:A,NA,BB>C:B,NB,{NA}k,AC>A:C,NB,{NA}k,AA>C:A,{NB}k,CC>B:A,{NB}k,B


2、 Give a solution.

A − > B : { A , N A , B } k , N A B − > A : { B , N B , { N A } k , A } k , N B A − > B : { A , { N B } k , B } k A->B : \{A, N_A, B\}_k,N_A\\ B->A : \{B,N_B,\{N_A\}_k,A\}_k,N_B\\ A->B : \{A,\{N_B\}_k,B\}_k A>B:{A,NA,B}k,NAB>A:{B,NB,{NA}k,A}k,NBA>B:{A,{NB}k,B}k


Problem4 Secure PIN entry



Problem5 Secret sharing.

1、Describe how you would do this with a (30,10) Shamir secret sharing scheme.

  1. Pick a random polynomial f of degree 9, such that f(0) = K
  2. Share s i = f ( i ) s_i = f(i) si=f(i) for i = 1 to 30
  3. The general has { s 1 , s 2 … … s 10 s_1,s_2……s_{10} s1,s2s10}, the first colonel has { s 11 , s 12 , … … s 15 s_{11},s_{12},……s_{15} s11,s12,s15}, the second colonel has { s 16 , s 17 … … s 20 s_{16},s_{17}……s_{20} s16,s17s20}, and the five clerks each have { s 21 , s 22 s_{21},s_{22} s21,s22}, { s 23 , s 24 s_{23},s_{24} s23,s24}, { s 25 , s 26 s_{25},s_{26} s25,s26}, { s 27 , s 28 s_{27},s_{28} s27,s28}, { s 29 , s 30 s_{29},s_{30} s29,s30}

Then according to Shamir secret sharing scheme, a general, two colonels, five clerks or one colonel and three clerks all have exceed 10 shares so that they can launch the missile.

2、Determine who the foreign agent is and what the message is.

由题可知在这个系统中p = 11, t = 2

f ( x ) = y = k x + b m o d 11 f(x) = y = kx + b\quad mod\quad 11 f(x)=y=kx+bmod11

由Shamir secret sharing scheme可知,A,B,C,D四个点中,除了foreign agent另外三个应该同时满足上式且唯一确定一组(k,b),而foreign agent将不满足这组k,b。下面开始验证


{ 4 = k + b m o d 11 7 = 3 k + b m o d 11 \begin{cases} 4 = k+b \quad mod \quad 11 \\ 7 = 3k + b \quad mod \quad 11 \end{cases} {4=k+bmod117=3k+bmod11
{ k = 7 b = 8 \begin{cases} k = 7\\ b = 8 \end{cases} {k=7b=8
所以 f ( x ) = y = 7 x + 8 m o d 11 f(x) = y = 7x + 8\quad mod\quad 11 f(x)=y=7x+8mod11



{ 4 = k + b m o d 11 1 = 5 k + b m o d 11 \begin{cases} 4 = k+b \quad mod \quad 11 \\ 1 = 5k + b \quad mod \quad 11 \end{cases} {4=k+bmod111=5k+bmod11
{ k = 2 b = 2 \begin{cases}k = 2\\b = 2\end{cases} {k=2b=2
所以 f ( x ) = y = 2 x + 2 m o d 11 f(x) = y = 2x + 2\quad mod\quad 11 f(x)=y=2x+2mod11

将B,D分别带入后发现B,D均不满足上式,所以此时可以确定,A,C中一定有一个是foreign agent,又因为由A,B确定的(k,b)可以使D满足而不能使C满足,所以C一定是foreign agent。所以可以同时确定 f ( x ) = y = 7 x + 8 m o d 11 f(x) = y = 7x + 8\quad mod\quad 11 f(x)=y=7x+8mod11, message = f(0) = 8.

Problem6 Zero knowledge proof

  1. Peggy chooses three random integers r1, r2, r3 with r 1 r 2 r 3 = x m o d n r_1r_2r_3 = x\quad mod\quad n r1r2r3=xmodn
  2. Peggy computes x i = r i 2 x_i = r^2_i xi=ri2, for i = 1, 2, 3 and sends x 1 , x 2 , x 3 x_1, x_2, x_3 x1,x2,x3 to Victor.
  3. Victor checks that x 1 x 2 x 3 = s m o d n x_1x_2x_3 = s\quad mod\quad n x1x2x3=smodn
  4. Victor chooses i , j ∈ \in {1,2,3} and sends i , j to Peggy
  5. Peggy sends r i , r j r_i,r_j ri,rj to Victor
  6. Victor checks x i = r i 2 m o d n , x j = r j 2 m o d n x_i = r_i^2 \quad mod \quad n, x_j = r_j^2\quad mod \quad n xi=ri2modn,xj=rj2modn

重复上述操作5次(选择新的 r 1 , r 2 , r 3 r_1,r_2,r_3 r1,r2,r3),即可保证有99%的概率认为Peggy没有说谎。

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