


Wireless internet connections are far more prevalent than they used to be, but there are still times when you may find that you are stuck using a wired connection and want to use it wirelessly — for instance, at a hotel with only wired internet but you want to get your tablet online.


Note: we’ve looked at how to turn your laptop into a wireless access point before, but the previous method involved some command line work, whereas what we’re doing today uses a simple GUI application called Virtual Router Plus.

注意:之前,我们已经研究了如何将笔记本电脑变成无线访问点 ,但是之前的方法涉及一些命令行工作,而我们今天正在使用的是一个简单的GUI应用程序,称为Virtual Router Plus。

什么时候可以使用? (When Can You Use This?)

If you want to share your internet connection, Virtual Router Plus requires that your computer be connected to a wired network and have a functional wi-fi adapter. If you want to re-share a wi-fi connection you’ll need to use another software, like Connectify Hotspot.

如果要共享Internet连接,Virtual Router Plus要求您的计算机连接到有线网络并具有可用的wi-fi适配器。 如果要重新共享Wi-Fi连接,则需要使用其他软件,例如Connectify Hotspot 。

There other other scenarios where you might want to create a quick ad-hoc network, though, like if you just want to transfer some files between the two computers, or even play a game wirelessly across the network.


创建您的热点 (Create Your Hotspot)

Download a copy of Virtual Router Plus, unzip the file and launch the executable. Windows 8’s SmartSCreen feature will kick in and block the program from running – just click ‘More info’ followed by the ‘Run anyway’ button to get to work.

下载Virtual Router Plus的副本,解压缩文件并启动可执行文件。 Windows 8的SmartSCreen功能将启动并阻止程序运行–只需单击“更多信息”,然后单击“仍然运行”按钮即可开始工作。

Enter the name you would like to use for the ad-hoc network that is being created and secure it with a password. Use the drop down menu to select which of the available connections should be shared and then click Start Virtual Router Plus.

输入您要用于正在创建的临时网络的名称,并使用密码对其进行保护。 使用下拉菜单选择应共享的可用连接,然后单击“启动Virtual Router Plus”。

建立联系 (Getting Connected)

The connection can then be used just like any other wifi connection. Other laptops, smartphones and tablets will detect the network and you just need to supply the relevant password.

然后可以像使用其他任何wifi连接一样使用该连接。 其他笔记本电脑,智能手机和平板电脑将检测到网络,您只需要提供相关密码即可。

You could also use a similar technique to share your home internet connection with visitors without giving out your regular wifi credentials.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/137684/create-your-own-wifi-hotspot-with-a-laptop-and-virtual-router/


本文标签: 热点路由器自己的笔记本电脑率高