


数组类型、参数化类型和 类型变量,或通配符类型.

package java.lang.reflect;

 * {@code AnnotatedType} represents the potentially annotated use of a type in
 * the program currently running in this VM. The use may be of any type in the
 * Java programming language, including an array type, a parameterized type, a
 * type variable, or a wildcard type.
 * @since 1.8
public interface AnnotatedType extends AnnotatedElement {

     * Returns the underlying type that this annotated type represents.
     * @return the type this annotated type represents
    public Type getType();

Tree 接口

package sun.reflect.generics.tree;

/** Root of the abstract syntax tree hierarchy for generic signatures */
public interface Tree{}


package sun.reflect.generics.tree;

import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.TypeTreeVisitor;

/** Common supertype for all nodes that represent type expressions in
 * the generic signature AST.
public interface TypeTree extends Tree {
     * Accept method for the visitor pattern.
     * @param v - a <tt>TypeTreeVisitor</tt> that will process this
     * tree
    void accept(TypeTreeVisitor<?> v);

类型 Type

package java.lang.reflect;

 * Type is the common superinterface for all types in the Java
 * programming language. These include raw types, parameterized types,
 * array types, type variables and primitive types.
 * @since 1.5
public interface Type {
     * Returns a string describing this type, including information
     * about any type parameters.
     * @implSpec The default implementation calls {@code toString}.
     * @return a string describing this type
     * @since 1.8
    default String getTypeName() {
        return toString();

访问者模式 TypeTreeVisitor

Visit a TypeTree and produce a result of type T

package sun.reflect.generics.visitor;

import sun.reflect.generics.tree.*;

 * Visit a TypeTree and produce a result of type T.
public interface TypeTreeVisitor<T> {

     * Returns the result of the visit.
     * @return the result of the visit
    T getResult();

    // Visitor methods, per node type

    void visitFormalTypeParameter(FormalTypeParameter ftp);

    void visitClassTypeSignature(ClassTypeSignature ct);
    void visitArrayTypeSignature(ArrayTypeSignature a);
    void visitTypeVariableSignature(TypeVariableSignature tv);
    void visitWildcard(Wildcard w);

    void visitSimpleClassTypeSignature(SimpleClassTypeSignature sct);
    void visitBottomSignature(BottomSignature b);

    //  Primitives and Void
    void visitByteSignature(ByteSignature b);
    void visitBooleanSignature(BooleanSignature b);
    void visitShortSignature(ShortSignature s);
    void visitCharSignature(CharSignature c);
    void visitIntSignature(IntSignature i);
    void visitLongSignature(LongSignature l);
    void visitFloatSignature(FloatSignature f);
    void visitDoubleSignature(DoubleSignature d);

    void visitVoidDescriptor(VoidDescriptor v);

两个子类 Visitor , Reifier


package sun.reflect.generics.visitor;

import sun.reflect.generics.tree.*;

public interface Visitor<T> extends TypeTreeVisitor<T> {

    void visitClassSignature(ClassSignature cs);
    void visitMethodTypeSignature(MethodTypeSignature ms);


Visitor that converts AST to reified types.

package sun.reflect.generics.visitor;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import sun.reflect.generics.tree.*;
import sun.reflect.generics.factory.*;

 * Visitor that converts AST to reified types.
public class Reifier implements TypeTreeVisitor<Type> {
    private Type resultType;
    private GenericsFactory factory;

    private Reifier(GenericsFactory f){
        factory = f;

    private GenericsFactory getFactory(){ return factory;}

     * Factory method. The resulting visitor will convert an AST
     * representing generic signatures into corresponding reflective
     * objects, using the provided factory, <tt>f</tt>.
     * @param f - a factory that can be used to manufacture reflective
     * objects returned by this visitor
     * @return A visitor that can be used to reify ASTs representing
     * generic type information into reflective objects
    public static Reifier make(GenericsFactory f){
        return new Reifier(f);

    // Helper method. Visits an array of TypeArgument and produces
    // reified Type array.
    private Type[] reifyTypeArguments(TypeArgument[] tas) {
        Type[] ts = new Type[tas.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < tas.length; i++) {
            ts[i] = resultType;
        return ts;

     * Accessor for the result of the last visit by this visitor,
     * @return The type computed by this visitor based on its last
     * visit
    public Type getResult() { assert resultType != null;return resultType;}

    public void visitFormalTypeParameter(FormalTypeParameter ftp){
        resultType = getFactory().makeTypeVariable(ftp.getName(),

    public void visitClassTypeSignature(ClassTypeSignature ct){
        // This method examines the pathname stored in ct, which has the form
        // n1.n2...nk<targs>....
        // where n1 ... nk-1 might not exist OR
        // nk might not exist (but not both). It may be that k equals 1.
        // The idea is that nk is the simple class type name that has
        // any type parameters associated with it.
        //  We process this path in two phases.
        //  First, we scan until we reach nk (if it exists).
        //  If nk does not exist, this identifies a raw class n1 ... nk-1
        // which we can return.
        // if nk does exist, we begin the 2nd phase.
        // Here nk defines a parameterized type. Every further step nj (j > k)
        // down the path must also be represented as a parameterized type,
        // whose owner is the representation of the previous step in the path,
        // n{j-1}.

        // extract iterator on list of simple class type sigs
        List<SimpleClassTypeSignature> scts = ct.getPath();
        Iterator<SimpleClassTypeSignature> iter = scts.iterator();
        SimpleClassTypeSignature sc =;
        StringBuilder n = new StringBuilder(sc.getName());
        boolean dollar = sc.getDollar();

        // phase 1: iterate over simple class types until
        // we are either done or we hit one with non-empty type parameters
        while (iter.hasNext() && sc.getTypeArguments().length == 0) {
            sc =;
            dollar = sc.getDollar();

        // Now, either sc is the last element of the list, or
        // it has type arguments (or both)
        assert(!(iter.hasNext()) || (sc.getTypeArguments().length > 0));
        // Create the raw type
        Type c = getFactory().makeNamedType(n.toString());
        // if there are no type arguments
        if (sc.getTypeArguments().length == 0) {
            //we have surely reached the end of the path
            resultType = c; // the result is the raw type
        } else {
            assert(sc.getTypeArguments().length > 0);
            // otherwise, we have type arguments, so we create a parameterized
            // type, whose declaration is the raw type c, and whose owner is
            // the declaring class of c (if any). This latter fact is indicated
            // by passing null as the owner.
            // First, we reify the type arguments
            Type[] pts = reifyTypeArguments(sc.getTypeArguments());

            Type owner = getFactory().makeParameterizedType(c, pts, null);
            // phase 2: iterate over remaining simple class types
            dollar =false;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                sc =;
                dollar = sc.getDollar();
                n.append(dollar?"$":".").append(sc.getName()); // build up raw class name
                c = getFactory().makeNamedType(n.toString()); // obtain raw class
                pts = reifyTypeArguments(sc.getTypeArguments());// reify params
                // Create a parameterized type, based on type args, raw type
                // and previous owner
                owner = getFactory().makeParameterizedType(c, pts, owner);
            resultType = owner;

    public void visitArrayTypeSignature(ArrayTypeSignature a){
        // extract and reify component type
        Type ct = resultType;
        resultType = getFactory().makeArrayType(ct);

    public void visitTypeVariableSignature(TypeVariableSignature tv){
        resultType = getFactory().findTypeVariable(tv.getIdentifier());

    public void visitWildcard(Wildcard w){
        resultType = getFactory().makeWildcard(w.getUpperBounds(),

    public void visitSimpleClassTypeSignature(SimpleClassTypeSignature sct){
        resultType = getFactory().makeNamedType(sct.getName());

    public void visitBottomSignature(BottomSignature b){


    public void visitByteSignature(ByteSignature b){
        resultType = getFactory().makeByte();

    public void visitBooleanSignature(BooleanSignature b){
        resultType = getFactory().makeBool();

    public void visitShortSignature(ShortSignature s){
        resultType = getFactory().makeShort();

    public void visitCharSignature(CharSignature c){
        resultType = getFactory().makeChar();

    public void visitIntSignature(IntSignature i){
        resultType = getFactory().makeInt();

    public void visitLongSignature(LongSignature l){
        resultType = getFactory().makeLong();

    public void visitFloatSignature(FloatSignature f){
        resultType = getFactory().makeFloat();

    public void visitDoubleSignature(DoubleSignature d){
        resultType = getFactory().makeDouble();

    public void visitVoidDescriptor(VoidDescriptor v){
        resultType = getFactory().makeVoid();


类型参数 TypeVariable

package java.lang.reflect;

 * A common interface for all entities that declare type variables.
 * @since 1.5
public interface GenericDeclaration extends AnnotatedElement {
     * Returns an array of {@code TypeVariable} objects that
     * represent the type variables declared by the generic
     * declaration represented by this {@code GenericDeclaration}
     * object, in declaration order.  Returns an array of length 0 if
     * the underlying generic declaration declares no type variables.
     * @return an array of {@code TypeVariable} objects that represent
     *     the type variables declared by this generic declaration
     * @throws GenericSignatureFormatError if the generic
     *     signature of this generic declaration does not conform to
     *     the format specified in
     *     <cite>The Java&trade; Virtual Machine Specification</cite>
    public TypeVariable<?>[] getTypeParameters();

package java.lang.reflect;

 * TypeVariable is the common superinterface for type variables of kinds.
 * A type variable is created the first time it is needed by a reflective
 * method, as specified in this package.  If a type variable t is referenced
 * by a type (i.e, class, interface or annotation type) T, and T is declared
 * by the nth enclosing class of T (see JLS 8.1.2), then the creation of t
 * requires the resolution (see JVMS 5) of the ith enclosing class of T,
 * for i = 0 to n, inclusive. Creating a type variable must not cause the
 * creation of its bounds. Repeated creation of a type variable has no effect.
 * <p>Multiple objects may be instantiated at run-time to
 * represent a given type variable. Even though a type variable is
 * created only once, this does not imply any requirement to cache
 * instances representing the type variable. However, all instances
 * representing a type variable must be equal() to each other.
 * As a consequence, users of type variables must not rely on the identity
 * of instances of classes implementing this interface.
 * @param <D> the type of generic declaration that declared the
 * underlying type variable.
 * @since 1.5
public interface TypeVariable<D extends GenericDeclaration> extends Type, AnnotatedElement {
     * Returns an array of {@code Type} objects representing the
     * upper bound(s) of this type variable.  Note that if no upper bound is
     * explicitly declared, the upper bound is {@code Object}.
     * <p>For each upper bound B: <ul> <li>if B is a parameterized
     * type or a type variable, it is created, (see {@link
     * java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType ParameterizedType} for the
     * details of the creation process for parameterized types).
     * <li>Otherwise, B is resolved.  </ul>
     * @throws TypeNotPresentException  if any of the
     *     bounds refers to a non-existent type declaration
     * @throws MalformedParameterizedTypeException if any of the
     *     bounds refer to a parameterized type that cannot be instantiated
     *     for any reason
     * @return an array of {@code Type}s representing the upper
     *     bound(s) of this type variable
    Type[] getBounds();

     * Returns the {@code GenericDeclaration} object representing the
     * generic declaration declared this type variable.
     * @return the generic declaration declared for this type variable.
     * @since 1.5
    D getGenericDeclaration();

     * Returns the name of this type variable, as it occurs in the source code.
     * @return the name of this type variable, as it appears in the source code
    String getName();

     * Returns an array of AnnotatedType objects that represent the use of
     * types to denote the upper bounds of the type parameter represented by
     * this TypeVariable. The order of the objects in the array corresponds to
     * the order of the bounds in the declaration of the type parameter.
     * Returns an array of length 0 if the type parameter declares no bounds.
     * @return an array of objects representing the upper bounds of the type variable
     * @since 1.8
     AnnotatedType[] getAnnotatedBounds();

本文标签: 底层原理JavaJDK